What are the 3 parts of the penis?
Root, body, glans
What is the most proximal section of the penis?
What structure is the root of the penis within?
Superficial pouch of pelvic floor
What 5 muscles and tissues does the root of the penis comprise of?
2 x crura + 1 x bulb = erectile tissues
ischiocaverosus + bulbospongiosus = mm
What is the ‘free’ part of the penis called
Body of penis
What bone is the body of the penis suspended from?
Pubic symphysis
What is the most distal section of the penis?
Shape of glans penis
What tissue is the glans penis the distal expansion of?
Corpus spongiosum
What tissue does the crus in the penis become?
Corpus cavernosum
What tissue does the bulb in the penis become?
Corpus spongiosum
What structure travels through the bulb of the penis?
What are the 4 muscles of the penis?
2 x bulbospongiosum
2 x ischiocavenrosus
What part of the penis is the bulbospongiosum associated with
Role of bulbospongiosum muscle (2)
Contracts to empty urethra
Increases pressure within bulb to maintain erection
What structure do the ischiocavernosus muscles surround?
Role of ischiocavernosus muscle
Forces blood from crura to corpus cavernosa
(to maintain erection)
Name of 3 fascia of penis
External Colles fascia
Deep Bucks fascia
Tunica Albuginea
What is the Colles fascia of the penis an extension of?
Scarpas fasica abdomen
Which fascia of the penis holds the erectile tissues together?
Bucks fascia
What structure does the tunica albunigea encapsulated?
What does the suspensory ligament of the penis connect?
Erectile bodies to pubic symphysis
Fundiform ligament penis structure
From the linea alba - forms a sling around the penis and connects to the pubic symphysis
arterial supply penis (3)
Dorsal aa penis
Deep aa penis
Bulboarethral aa
What are the penile arteries branches of?
Internal pudendal aa
What is the internal pudendal aa a branch of?
Internal iliac aa
Venous supply penis - cavernous bodies
Deep dorsal veins
Where do the deep dorsal veins of the penis drain into?
Prostatic venous plexus
Venous supply penis - skin/cutaneous tissue
Superficial dorsal veins
Innervation of the penis - nerve roots
Sympathetic innervation of the penis
Dorsal nn of the penis (branch pudendal nn)
MALE Parasympathetic innervation of the penis
Periprostatic nn plexus
Role of testes (2)
Sperm production
Hormone synthesis
Role of epididymis
Storage sperm
Which testicle lies lower?
What cells line the semineferous tubules?
Sertoli cells
Role Sertoli cells
Spermatozoa maturation
Role of interstitial tissue testes
Support semineferous tubules + produce testosterone
Route of spermatozoa from semineferous tubules to epididymis
semineferous tuubules –> rete testes –> efferent tubules –> epididymis
What covers the testes?
Tunica vaginalis
What fibrous structure protect the testicular parenchyma?
Tunica albuginea
3 parts of the epididymis
Nerve innervation testes
Testicular plexus (from renal/aortic plexi)
3 arterial supplies to testes
Testicular aa
Cremasteric aa
Aa to vas deferens
Origin testicular aa
Abdominal aorta
Origin cremasteric aa
Inferior epigastric aa
Origin aa to vas deferens
Inf vesical aa
VV drainage testes
Testicular vv from pampiniform pelxus
VV drainage testes
Testicular vv from pampiniform plexus
Drainage left testicular vv vs right testicular vv
Left –> L renal vv –> IVC
Right –> IVC
Lymphatic drainage testes
Lumbar + para-aortic nodes
Lymphatic drainage scrotum
Superficial inguinal nodes
Embryological origin scrotum
genital swellings
Which muscle in the scrotum causes it to wrinkle?
Dartos muscle
Why is it important for the dartos muscle to wrinkle the scrotum?
Decreases surface area –> reduces heat loss
arterial supply to scrotum
Anterior and posterior scrotal aa
Origin anterior scrotal atery
External pudenal artery
Origin posterior scrotal artery
Internal pudendal artery
Nerve supply anterolateral scrotum
Anterior scrotal nerve
what is the anterior scrotal nerve a branch of?
Nerve supply posterior scrotum
Posterior scrotal nerve
what is the posterior scrotal nerve a branch of?
Perineal branch of pudendal nerve
Lymphatic drainage scrotum
Superficial inguinal nodes
3 fascial coverings spermatic cord
External spermatic fascia
Cremasteric fascia
Internal spermatic fascia
What is the external spermatic fascia derived from?
deep subcutaneous fascia
What is the cremasteric fascia dervied from?
Internal oblique mm
What is the internal spermatic fascia derived from?
transverse fascalis fascia
afferent/sensory limb cremasteric reflex
Ilioinguinal nn
efferent/motor limb cremasteric reflex
genital branch GF nn
Contents spermatic cord (9)
3 aa - testicular, cremasteric, aa to vas deferens
pampiniform plexus
2 nn
genital branch GF
3 other
vas deferens
processus vaginalis
lymph vessels
journey of spermatozoa to the prostatic urethra
testes –>semineferous tubules –> rete testes –> efferent tubules –>epididymis –> vas deferens –> ampulla –> ejaculatory duct –> prostatic urethra