Anatomy - Lower Urinary Tract Flashcards
the ureters pass from the ______peritoneum, through the ______ pelvis and into the ____ pelvis
the ureters pass from the RETROperitoneum, through the FALSE pelvis and into the TRUE pelvis
what pelvis lies between the iliac crests and pelvic inlet?
false pelvis - in abdominal cavity
what pelvis lies between the pelvic inlet and pelvic floor?
true pelvis (pelvic cavity)
what is found in the pelvic cavity/true pelvis?
name the pelvic floor muscle
levator ani
the urethra passes through the pelvic _____ into the _________
the urethra passes through the pelvic FLOOR into the PERINEUM
the ureter passes ________ to the common iliac vessels to enter the pelvis
the ureter passes ANTERIOR to the common iliac vessels to enter the pelvis
at what level does the ureters turn medially to enter the bladder?
ischial spine to enter posterior bladder
route of the ureter is ___peritoneal
route of the ureter is SUBperitoneal
the ureters enter the posterior bladder wall in an ____________ direction to prevent reflux of urine into ureter
the ureters enter the posterior bladder wall in an INFEROMEDIAL direction to prevent reflux of urine into ureter
in the anatomical position, what is the most inferior part of the male peritoneal cavity?
the retrovesicle pouch
in the female, name the space between the bladder and the uterus
vesico-uterine pouch
in the anatomical position, what is the most inferior part of the female peritoneal cavity?
rectouterine pouch (of Douglas)
in females, the ureter runs ___________ to the uterine tubes and the uterine artery
in females, the ureter runs INFERIORLY to the uterine tubes and the uterine artery
in males, the ureter runs ___________ to the vas deferens
in males, the ureter runs INFERIORLY to the vas deferens
hysterectomy is surgical removal of what? what does it require ligation of?
uterus - ligation of the uterine artery
the arteries entering the pelvis are mainly branches from the ________ iliac artery (veins drain to the ________ iliac vein)
the arteries entering the pelvis are mainly branches from the INTERNAL iliac artery (veins drain to the INTERNAL iliac vein)
name the triangle between the 2 ureteric orifices and the internal urethral orifice
the prostate lies superior to the bladder
true or false?
false - prostate is inferior to the bladder
the trigome is ______
the trigome is SMOOTH
name the muscle that forms the main bulk of the bladder wall
detrusor muscle
the detrusor muscle fibres encircle what?
ureteric orifices
what contracts during ejaculation to prevent retrograde ejaculation of semen back into the bladder?
internal urethral sphincter muscle
what is the most anterior organ in the pelvis lying posterior to the pubic bone (when empty)?
the bladder
in the female, what lies superior to the bladder?
body of uterus
what separates the bladder and the body of the uterus in the female?
uterovesical pouch
in the male, what lies inferior to the bladder and what lies posterior to the bladder?
prostate gland inferiorly and rectum posteriorly
the peritoneum lines what surface of the bladder?
superior surface
name the 2 ways of catheterisation
urethral and suprapubic
what lies above and below the elevator ani muscle?
above = pelvis
below = perineum
is the external urethral sphincter voluntary?
yes - skeletal muscle circled around urethra
is there an internal urethral sphincter in females?
no! male only to prevent semen into bladder
is the internal urethral sphincter in males voluntary?
name the urethra in the prostate
the prostatic urethra
where in the penis does the urethra follow?
corpus spongiosum