anatomy (bones and stuff) Flashcards
types of tissue
-epithelial tissue- protective, sensory or glandular
-connective tissue- adipose (fat/ energy storage), dense connective tissue(ligaments and tendons) cartilage bone and BLOOD
-mucsle tissue- smooth(involuntary not super strong but can go for a long time) -skeletal-voluntary lots of nuclei
cardiac- heart– mix of both
what is a bone composed of
spongey bone at the ends
marrow cavity in middle between compact bone
the outter layer is know as the periosteum
there are growth plates in the end of the spongy bone as well as cartilage
serosa-longitudinal muscle- circular muscle-sub mucosa with lymph nodes in it -muscular mucosa- then actual mucosa and thats what vili come off of there are glands too and goblet cells
inside compact bone
periosteum layer surrounds it then there are haversian canals and around those there are calcium layer which have osteocytes