Anatomy and Physiology Flashcards
synthesize and store digestive enzymes
-connects all body systems and provides structural support -makes up skin, ligaments and tendons
Connective Tissue
Function: protects underlying tissue Disorders: acne, burns, dermatitis
Integumentary System
- receives information from the body, interprets the information and directs all motor activity for the body; coordinates all the activities of the body
- made up of two parts:
- Central Nervous System (CNS): contains the brain and spinal cord
- protected by cerebrospinal fluid and bones
- Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): includes the ganglia and the nerves
- nerves transmit impulses from one another to accomplish voluntary/involuntary processes; surrounded by myelin sheaths that insulate the nerves and facilitate transmission of impulses
- Central Nervous System (CNS): contains the brain and spinal cord
- brain function remains stable until the age of 80 and then processing of information/short-term memory may slow
Nervous System
- forms a 24-foot tube
- includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and sigmoid colon
- mouth: where digestion begins; enzymes are secreted here in response to food intake
- esophagus: food passes through here into the stomach
- stomach: pouch-shaped organ that collects and holds food for a period of time and further digestion occurs
- small intestine (nutrient absorption): begins at distal end of stomach, contains many villi that increase the absorption of nutrients; terminates in the rectum
- large intestine (removes water from waste products/forms the stool): originates at distal end of small intestine and terminates at rectum; 4 feet long and has 3 segments (ascending, transverse, descending); responsible for peristalsis that moves waste through intestine
- system declines more slowly than other body systems; changes usually result of lifestyle/medication use
Digestive System
directs all cellular activities and contains the DNA-specific chromosomes for the individual
-cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body -least prevalent of these are basophils comprising less than 1% of these -neutrophils account for roughly 60% of these
Leukocyte (WBC)
transports oxygen throughout the body
Erythrocyte (RBC)
coordinated structure of various tissue types that performs a specific function for the body
-groups of cells that perform specific functions -4 types: epithelial, muscle, connective, nervous
creates lipids which are necessary for cellular structure
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Blood enters right atrium from superior/inferiro vena cava
- flows through right AV valve into right ventricle
- right ventricle contracts forcing pulmonary valve to open
- flows through pulmonary valve into pulmonary trunk
- distributed by right and left pulmonary arteries to the lungs
- CO2 unloads and O2 is loaded (OXYGENATION)
- blood returns from lungs via pulmonary veins to left atrium
- flows through left AV valve into left ventricle
- left ventricle contracts and forces aortic valve open
- flows through aortic valve into ascending aorta
- blood in aorta is distributed to every organ in the body
- O2 unloads and CO2 is loaded (DEOXYGENATION)
- deoxygenated blood returns to heart via vena cave (goes back to step 1 in cycle)
Blood Flow
create the proteins that are necessary for all bodily functions
heart, lungs and thymus
Thoracic Body Cavity
Function: provides support, protects organs Disorders: arthritis, osteoporosis
Skeletal System
cells, tissues, organs, organ systems
Structural Units of Human Body
- consists of the airway, lungs and respiratory muscles
- airway: pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
- lungs: contain air-filled sacs called alveoli
- covered by a visceral layer of double-layered pleural membrane
- respiratory muscles: intercostal muscles located between the ribs and the diaphragm (largest muscle in body) separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity
Respiratory System
- includes kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra
- kidneys: nephron is the functional unit of the kidneys (1 million in each kidney); regulate fluid/electrolyte balance; contributes to control of blood pressure
- ureters: hollow tubes that allow urine formed in kidneys to pass to the bladder
- bladder: hollow mucous lined pouch with ureters entering the upper portion and urethra exiting from bottom; stores urine and regulates process of urination
- urethra: tubular structure lines with mucous membrane that connects bladder with outside of body
Urinary System
- organs include eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin that contain special receptor cells that transmit info to nervous system
- elderly experience decline in acuity of all senses and eyesight and hearing are most commonly affected by chronic diseases
Sensory System
function and processes of living organisms
includes the organs of the thoracic cavity, abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity
Ventral Body Cavity (Anterior)
Function: secretes hormones, reproduction Disorders: infertility, STI’s
Reproductive System
provides a barrier between the cellular contents and the environment and regulates the substances that cross the membrane in either direction
Cell Membrane
responsible for cellular division and reproduction
urinary bladder, sigmoid colon, male and female reproductive organs
Pelvic Body Cavity
contains brain and spinal cord
Dorsal Body Cavity (Posterior)
Function: maintains tissue fluid balance Disorders: immune disorders
Lymphatic System
the intracellular fluid where all cellular reactions occur
responsible for energy production
Function: transports hormones Disorders: hypo or hyperthyroidism
Endocrine System
function is to stop bleeding by clumping and clotting at vessel injury
Thrombocytes (Platelets)
composed of two or more organs that contribute complementary functions to support the vital functions of the body
Organ System
- consists of the bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and connective tissues that function together
- provice support and motion of the body
- layers of the bone include:
- outer compact layer: covered by periosteum membrane
- provides additional strength and protection for the bone
- spongy bone
- contains nerves and blood vessels
- central bone marrow
- outer compact layer: covered by periosteum membrane
- tendons: connect muscle and bone
Musculoskeletal System
stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, small intestine, kidneys, large intestine, adrenal gland
Abdominal Body Cavity
- contains the heart, blood vessels and blood
- heart: muscle that has four “chambers” or sections
- blood vessels:
- arteries: have a smooth muscle layer, are controlled by the nervous system and transport oxygenated blood from the heart to the body
- veins: thinner than artieries and have valves to facilitate the return of blood to the heart (deoxygenated blood)
- capillaries: only one-cell thick; site of exchange of oxygen and waste products
- blood: red in color because it contains RBCs that carry oxygen containing hemoglobin (red pigment)
Cardiovascular System
covers the exterior surface of the body, lines the interior surfaces and forms some glands
Epithelial Tissue
-capable of movement as a result of electrical stimulation -specialized types: skeletal (voluntary) and smooth (involuntary)
Muscle Tissue
the study of the structure of living things
responds to an electrical stimulus and can generate nerve impulses that result in voluntary and involuntary bodily functions
Nervous Tissue
-basis for all life -function of a specific type will dictate its structure but all types have specific subunits/organelles in common