Anatomy Flashcards
What is contained within the pelvic cavity?
- ovaries
- uterine tubes
- uterus
- superior part of the vagina
What separates the pelvic cavity and perineum?
- the pelvic floor
What is contained within the perineum?
- inferior part of the vagina
- perineal muscles
- bartholin’s glands
- clitoris
- labia
What is the female primary organ of reproduction?
- ovaries
What is the peritoneum?
- floor of the peritoneal cavity
- roof of the pelvic cavity
2 pouches formed by the peritoneum in females?
- recto-uterine
- vesico-uterine
What are the 2 main ligaments associated with the uterus
- broad ligament
- round ligament
Where is the round ligament found?
- proximal part is contained within the broad ligament
- passes through the pelvis
- through inguinal canal
- to the superficial fascial of the labia
Where is the broad ligament found? and what is its role
- double layer of peritoneum over the uterine tube
- maintains uterus in the midline
3 layers of the uterus?
- perimetrium
- myometrium
- endometrium
How can the position of a normal uterus be explained anatomically?
- anteverted (relative to vagina)
- anteflexed (relative to cervix)
What holds the uterus in place?
- strong ligaments
- endopelvic fascia
- muscles of the pelvic floor
During a cervical screening cell samples from where are obtained?
- squamo-columnar
- transition zone
Where does fertilisation normally occur?
- the ampulla of the uterine tubes
What is a hysterosalpinogram?
- radiopaque dye to assess patency of the uterine tubes
Where do the ovaries embryologically develop?
- posterior abdominal wall
What aids the descent of the ovaries during embryological development?
- round ligament
What is the function of the ovaries?
- secrete oesterogen (response to FSH)
- Secrete progesterone (response to LH)
FSH role?
- oestrogen secretion from ovaries
- growth of ovarian follicles
LH role?
- progesterone secretion from corpus callosum in ovaries
- ovulation
The fornix of the vagina can be divided into what?
- anterior
- posterior
- 2xlateral
- pouches in vagina before cervix
Where is the perineum located?
- between skin and pelvic diaphragm
The perineum can be described as a diamond shape, what are the 2 divisions?
- urogenital triangle
- anal triangle
What is the perineal body?
- composed of collagenous and elastic tissue
- important for pelvic floor strength
Where are Bartholin’s glands located and their role?
- located in the perineum
- secrete lubricating fluid
What is the main muscle that makes the pelvic floor?
- levator ani
- composed of 3 smaller
Nerve supply to the levator ani?
- skeletal (voluntary)
- S3,4,5 (Sacral)
- S2,3,4 (Puedendal)
What is the name of the space deep to the breast tissue?
- retromammary space
4 quadrants of the female breast?
- upper outer
- upper inner
- Lower inner
- lower outer
Where does 75% of female breast lymph drain?
- axillary nodes -> subclavian node
Where might the inner quadrants of the female breast also have lymph drainage to?
- parasternal lymph nodes
Where might the lower inner quadrant of female breast also have lymph drainage to?
- abdominal lymph nodes
What level system is used in axillary clearance?
- in relation to pec minor
- level 1 = inferior and lateral to pec minor
- level 2 = deep to pec minor
- level 3 = superior and medial to pec minor
What is the blood supply to the female breast?
- internal thoracic (internal mammary) - branch of subclavian
- thoracic artery (branch of axillary)
- intercostal artery
What is the venous drainage of the female breast?
- follows arterial
- axillary vein
- internal thoracic vein
What are the 3 smaller muscles that make up the levator ani?
- puborectalis
- pubococcygeal
- ilococygeal
What is the pelvic floor?
- separates the pelvic cavity from perineum
3 major layers of the pelvic floor?
- pelvic diaphragm
- muscles of perineal pouches
- perineal membrane
What is the innermost layer of the pelvic floor
- pelvic diaphragm
what makes up the pelvic diaphragm?
- levator ani (puborectalis, pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus)
- coccygeus
How is urinary continence maintained?
- external urethral sphincter
- compressor urethrae
- levator ani
How is faecal continence maintained?
- puborectalis
What lies immediately superior to the pelvic diaphragm?
- deep perineal pouch
What muscles are contained within the deep perineal pouch?
- external urethral sphincter
- compressor urethrae
- deep transverse perineal muscle (males)
- smooth muscle band (females)
What is the perineal membrane
- between deep and superficial perineal pouch
- tough fascia
Where is the erectile tissue contained in the pelvic floor
- superficial perineal pouch
What is contained in the female superficial perineal pouch?
- clitoris and crura
- bulbs of vestibule
- bulbospongiosus
- ischiocavernosus
- greater vestibular gland (bartholins)
- superficial transverse perineal muscle
What is contained in the males superficial perineal pouch?
- bulb of penis
- crura
- bulbospongiosus
- ischiocavernosus
What is the perineal body
- point of muscle convergence
- supports the pelvic floor
Name the layers of the pelvic floor deep to superficial?
- pelvic diaphragm
- deep perineal pouch
- perineal membrane
- superficial perineal pouch
- muscles of superficial perineal pouch
- herniation of the urethra
- herniation of the bladder
- herniation of the rectouterine pouch
- herniation of rectum
The round ligament of the uterus is homologous to what in males?
- the vas deference
Name the main pelvic bones in the pelvic cavity?
- ilium
- pubis
- ischium
What passes through the obturator membrane?
- obturator neurovascular bundle
Majority of the arterial supply to the pelvic cavity is from branches of what artery?
- internal iliac artery
Gonadal artery is a branch of what?
- abdominal aorta
The superior rectal artery is a branch of what?
- inferior mesenteric
The internal iliac artery supplies most of the pelvic cavity. It can be further divided into what?
- anterior division
- posterior division
The anterior division of the internal iliac artery mainly supplies what, compared to the posterior division
- anterior mainly supplies the visceral organs (ovary, bladder, uterus, rectum)
The posterior division of the internal iliac artery branches to what?
- gluteal arteries
The arterial supply to the perineum is mainly through what?
- internal pudendal artery
Describe the 2 important anastomosis of the female arterial pelvis supply?
- uterine and ovarian
- uterine and vaginal
Where does the majority of pelvic blood venous drain?
- internal iliac vein
- Some via superior rectal -> hepatic portal
- some via lateral sacral -> internal vertebral venous plexus
The obturator nerve passes through the pelvic cavity but what___
- doesn’t supply the pelvis
Majority of the nerve supply to the pelvis is from what nerve?
- sacral plexus (L4-S4)
Name the important divisions of the sacral plexus in regard to the pelvic cavity?
- sciatic (L4-S3)
- Pudendal (S2-4)
- Nerves to levator ani
- pelvic splanchnic (parasympathetic)
Parasympathetic nerve supply to the pelvis?
- pelvic splanchnic
Superior pelvic viscera has lymphatic drainage where?
- external iliac nodes -> common iliac -> aortic -> thoracic -> venous
Inferior pelvic viscera and the deep perineum has lymphatic drainage where?
- internal iliac nodes
Superficial perineum has lymphatic drainage where?
- superficial inguinal nodes
The ovaries and testes have lymphatic drainage where, and why is this?
- drain to the lumbar nodes
- due to their embryological development
Functions of the bony pelvis?
- supports the upper body
- transference of weight
- attachment of muscles
- passage for childbirth
What is the bony pelvis composed of?
- 2 hip bones
- sacrum
- coccyx
What makes up the hip bones?
- ilium
- ischium
- pubis
What is the pelvic cavity?
- space continuous with abdominal cavity above
- lies between pelvic inlet and pelvic floor
Where is the inguinal ligament?
- between the ASIS and pubic tubercle
Where are the ischial spines palpable?
- on vaginal palpation
- at 4 and 8 o/clock
Name the 2 important ligaments of the bony pelvis and their role?
- sacrotuberous
- sacrospinous
- protection against weight transfer
- creates the greater and lesser sciatic foramen
Difference in male and female pelvis?
- AP and transverse diameter of female pelvis are larger than males
- the subpubic angle is wider in female
What is present on the foetus skull to help during childbirth?
- fontanelles
- vertex is the area formed via the fontanelles
What is the station number?
- distance between the ischial spine and the foetus head
- a negative number indicates no descent yet
Explain the turning of the foetus head during childbirth?
- pelvic inlet = foetal head transverse
- pelvic cavity = head rotated and flexed
- pelvic outlet = foetal head in occipitoanterior postion and in extension
Motor supply to pelvic organs?
- sympathetic or parasympathetic
Sensory supply to pelvic organs?
- visceral afferents
Motor supply to perineum?
- somatic motor
Sensory supply to perineum?
- somatic sensory
Motor supply to the pelvic floor?
- somatic motor
Sensory supply to the vagina?
- visceral afferents (pelvic)
- somatic sensory (perineum)
Inferior hypogastric plexus is composed of what?
- sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres
Explain sensory supply to the superior aspects of the pelvic organs, touching peritoneum?
- visceral afferent
- run alongside sympathetic fibres
- t11-l2
- pain percieved suprapubic
Explain sensory supply to the inferior pelvic organs, not touching peritoneum?
- visceral afferents
- run along side parasympathetic
- s2, 3, 4
Which nerve supplies the perineum?
- pudendal
How is the level of L3/4 estimated?
- line drawn at the inter-crystal plane
Where is an epidural injected into to?
- epidural space
Name the layers a needle for a spinal anaesthetic passes?
- supraspinous ligament
- intraspinous ligament
- ligamentum flavum
- epidural space
- dura mater
- arachnoid mater
- subarachnoid space
Effect of a spinal anaesthetic?
- injected into CSF
- blockage of sympathetic fibres
- loss of sympathetic tone in lower limbs
- complication: hypotension
General sympathetic outflow levels?
- L1-T2
- For pelvis T11-L2
Explain the route of the pudendal nerve?
- exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen
- passes posterior to sacrospinous ligament
- re-enters pelvis via lesser sciatic foramen
- travels within pudendal canal
What is a episiotomy?
- planned incision to prevent tear at anal sphincter
- posterolateral
- sometimes (mediolateral)
How is the location for the pudendal nerve block found?
- vaginal palpation of ischial spines
- medial to this bony landmark
What are the layers of the abdominal wall from superficial to deep?
- skin
- superficial fascia
- anterior rectus sheath
- rectus abdominis
- posterior rectus sheath
- external oblique
- internal oblique
- transversus abdominis
What direction do external oblique fibres run?
- run anterior inferior
- hands in pocket
What forms the muscle aponeurosis on the anterior abdominal wall?
- the external oblique
- internal oblique
- transversus abdominis
Where do nerves and vessels lie in the abdominal wall?
- lie between internal oblique and transversus abdomens
What divides the rectus abdominis?
- tendinous intersections
Name of the midline fibrous line from the xiphoid process to pubic symphysis?
- linea alba
What lies immediately deep to the superficial fascia on the abdominal wall?
- rectus sheath
- anterior (superior and inferiorly) and posterior (only found superiorly)
Where does the change in sheath formation occur and what is that change?
- occurs 1/3rd from the umbilicus and pubic crest
- superiorly there is an anterior and posterior rectus sheath
- inferiorly there is only an anterior rectus sheath
Nerve supply to the abdominal wall?
- subcostal
- iliohypogastric
- ilioinguinal
Blood supply to the anterior abdominal wall»
- superior epigastric arteries
- inferior epigastric arteries
Blood supply to the lateral abdominal wall?
- intercostal and subcostal arteries
Surface anatomy of pregnancy - what value changes with gestation?
- fundus-symphyseal height
Layers incised in a LSCS?
- Skin and fascia
- anterior rectus sheath
- rectus abdominis pulled apart
- fascia and peritoneum
- retract bladder
- uterine wall
- amniotic sac
What is the blood supply to the uterus?
- uterine arteries
- branch of anterior division of internal iliac
Explain incisions in a laparoscopy?
- sub-umbilical
- if a lateral port is required care to avoid inferior epigastric artery must be taken
Explain the route of the inferior epigastric artery?
- branch of external iliac artery
- emerges medial to deep inguinal ring
- passes superomedial direction
- forms superior border of inguinal triangle