Anatomical Terminology Flashcards
What is anatomical position? Position of limbs?
Supine (on your back) with arms supinate do and toes pointing forward.
Sagittal sections divide the body into?
Left and right
Frontal = coronal
Divides body into front and back
Transverse sections
Horizontal section
Superior and inferior
Rostral and caudal
Anterior and posterior
Ventral and Dorsal
In the middle vs off to the side
Medial vs. lateral
Extrinsic muscle
Has its insertion or maybe origin outside the region of interest
Intrinsic - both attachments occur in region of interest
Deviation away from midline (l for lateral)
Deviation of distal bone towards the midline
Which plane does F/E occur in?
The Sagittal plane
Abduction vs adduction
ABduct away from midline
ADduct towards midline
Internal vs external rotation
Internal- ventral surface towards median
External - ventral surface away from median
Isometric contraction
Muscle contracts but no shortening of the muscle occurs
Concentric contraction
Contraction is occurring with shortening of the muscle
Eccentric contraction
Tension generated while muscle is lengthened.
Axial skeleton
Skull, spinal column, rib cage
Appendicular skeleton
Shoulder girdle and long bones of the arm/ Pelvic girdle and long bones of the leg
Fibrous Joints
least mobile of the 3 classifications
Includes: suture (skull bones), syndesmosis (radius/ulna or tibia/fibula) and gomphosis (tooth socket)
Cartilaginous = Fibrocartilaginous Joints
Synchondrosis = growth plate
Symphysis - cartilage remaining in the adult skeleton (i.e intervertebral discs and the pubic symphysis)
Synovial Joints
Most mobile of the 3 classifications
Synovial Joints typically include which structure?
A fibrous joint capsule with internal synovial membrane that produces synovial fluid for lubrication of the articulating surfaces covered in hyaline cartilage
Example of a Plane Joint
Found in intercarpal joints of hand
Uniaxial synovial joints include which types (2)?
Hinge - elbow, knee
Pivot - radius, ulna and humerus
Biaxial synovial joints include which types (2)?
Condyloid - carpometacarpal joints of hand
Saddle - carpometacarpal of thumb
Triaxial joints example?
Ball and Socket - think femur in pelvis or humerus in scapula
Hilton’s Law states….?
nerves that supply a joint also supply the muscles moving the joint AND skin overlying the joint