Distance between two successive peaks and expressed in terms of nanometer (nm)
Infrared region
> 700 nm
Visible spectrum
400-700 nm
Ultraviolet region
<400 nm
Wavelength is ________________ to Frequency and Energy
Measurement of light intensity in a narrower wavelength
Spectrophotometric measurement
Measurement of light intensity
Photometric measurement
Involves measurement of light transmitted by a solution to determine the concentration of the light-absorbing substances in the solution
Simplest type of absorption spectrometer
Designed to make on measurement at a time at one specified wavelength
Single beam spectrophotometer
Instrument that splits the monochromatic light into two components:
1 beam passes through the sample, 1 beam passes through a reference solution or blank
Double beam spectrophotometer
Function of additional beam
Corrects for variation in light source intensity
Provides polychromatic light and must generate sufficient radiant energy or power to measure the analyte of interest
Light or Radiant Source
Emits radiation that changes in intensity;
Widely used in the labroatory
Type of Light source
Continuum source
Commonly used light source in the visibule and near infrared region
Example of Continuum source
Tungsten light bulb
Routinely used to provide UV radiation
Example of Continuum source
Deuterium lamp
Produces a continous source of radiation, which covers both the UV & Visible range
Example of Continuum source
Xenon discharge lamp
Emits limited radiation and wavelength
Type of Light Source
Line Source
Also used as light sources for spectrophotometry
Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
Tungsten Light Bulb
Mercury Arc
Visible Region
Deuterium lamp
Mercury lamp
Xenon lamp
Hydrogen lamp
Ultraviolet Region
Merst glower
Globar (Silicone carbide)
Infrared Region
Minimizes unwanted or stray light and prevents the entrance of scattered light into the monochromator system
Entrance Slit
Any wavelengths outside the band transmitted by the monochromator
Does not originate from the polychromatic light source
Causes Absorbance error
Stray light
Most common cause of loss of linearity at high-analyte concentration
Any wavelengths outside the band transmitted by the monochromator
Does not originate from the polychromatic light source
Causes Absorbance error
Stray light
Most common cause of loss of linearity at high-analyte concentration
Any wavelengths outside the band transmitted by the monochromator
Does not originate from the polychromatic light source
Causes Absorbance error
Stray light
Most common cause of loss of linearity at high-analyte concentration
Isolates specific or individual wavelength of light
Most commonly used Monochromator
Made by cutting grooves or slits into an aluminized surface of a flat piece of crown glass
Diffraction gratings
Controls the width of light beam
Allows only a narrow fraction of the spectrum to reach the sample cuvette
Exit Slit
Holds the solution whose concentration is to be measured
Aka Absorption Cell/ Analytical Cell/ Sample Cell
Holds the solution whose concentration is to be measured
Aka Absorption Cell/ Analytical Cell/ Sample Cell
Most commonly used cuvette
Can be used in 350-2000 nm
Alumina silica glass
Used for measurement of solution requiring visible and ultraviolet spectra
Kinds of Cuvets
Quartz/ Plastic
Used for measurement of solution requiring visible and ultraviolet spectra
Kinds of Cuvets
Quartz/ Plastic
Detects and converts transmitted light into photoelectric energy Detects the amount of light that passes through the sample in cuvet
Simplest detector; Least expensive; Temperature sensitive
Used for detecting and measuring radiation in the visible region
Kinds of Detector
Barrier layer cell/ Photocell/ Photovoltaic cell
Contains Cathode and Anode enclosed in a glass case
Kinds of Detector
Most commonly used detector
Measures visible & UV regions
Kinds of Detector
Should never be exposed to room light because it will burn out
Photomultiplier Tube
Not as sensitive as PMT but with excellent linearity
Most useful as a simultaneous multichannel detector
Kinds of Detector
Displays output of the detection system
Meter or Read-out device
Mathematically establishes the relationship between concentration and absorbance
Beer’s Law
Concentration is ____ to Absorbed light
Concentration is ____ to Transmitted light
Amount of light absorbed
Proportional to the INVERSE log of transmittance
Formula of Absorbance
A = abc
A = 2-log%T
350 - 430 nm
A: Violet
O: Yellow Blue
A for Absorbed, O for Observed
431 - 475 nm
A: Blue
O: Yellow
476 - 495 nm
A: Green-blue
O: Orange
496 - 505 nm
506 - 555 nm
556 - 575 nm
576 - 600 nm
601 - 650 nm
651 - 700 nm
Blank contains serum but without the reagent to complete the assay
Blanking technique
Corrects absorbance caused by the color of the reagent
Reagent blank
Measures absorbance of the sample and reagent in the absence of the endproduct
Sample Blank
Measures the light emitted by a single atom burned in a flame
Excitation of elevtrons from LOWER to HIGHER energy state
Flame Emission Photometry
Measurement of excited ions: Na & K
Measures the light absorbed by atoms dissociated by heat
More sensitive than FEP
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS)
Measurement of unexcited trace metals: Ca & Mg
Unknown sample is made to react with a known solution in presence of an indicator
Volumetric or Titrimetric
Schales and Schales method
Example of Volumetric
Chloride test
EDTA Titration method
Example of Volumetric
Calcium test
Measuring large particles and bacterial suspensions
Determines amount of light BLOCKED by a particulate matter
Depends on specimen concentration and particle size
Measuring amount of antigen-antibody complexes
Determines amount of SCATTERED light by a particulate matter
Depens on wavelength and particle size
Measuring amount of antigen-antibody complexes
Determines amount of SCATTERED light by a particulate matter
Depens on wavelength and particle size
Migration of charged particles in an electric field
Separates protein on the basis of their electric charge densities
Protein are negatively vharged (anions) and move towards the anode
Has a net charge that can be either positive or negative depending on pH conditions
Migration of small charged ions
Migration of charged MACROmolecules
Zone Electrophoresis
Factors affecting rate of Migration
- Net electric charge
- Size and Shape
- Electric field strength
- Nature of supporting medium
- Temperature
Separates by molecular size
type of supporting media
Cellulose Acetate
Separates by electrical charge
Does not bind protein
type of supporting media
Agarose gel
Separates on basis of charge and molecular size
Separates porteins into 20 fracrions
Used to study Isoenzymes
type of supporting media
Polyacrylamide gel
Stains for Visualization of Fractions
- Amido black
- Ponceau S
- Oil Red O
- Sudan black
- Fat Red 7B
- Coomassie Blue
- Gold/ Silver stain
Measures the absorbance of stain - concentration of the dye and protein fraction
Electrophoretic mobility is ____ to Net charge
Directly proportional
Electrophoretic mobility is ——- to molecular size and viscosity of supporting medium
Inversely Proportional
Separates molecules by migration through a pH gradient
Ideal for separating proteins of identical sizes but with different net charges
Isoelectric Focusing
pH = pI
Advantages of Isoelectric focusing
- Ability to resolve mixture of proteins
- Detect isoenzymes of ACP, CK and ALP
- Identify genetic variants of proteins such as alpha-1-antitrypsin
- Detect CSF oligoclonal banding
Sample molecules are separated by electro-osmotic flow
(+) charged emerge early at the capillary outlet
(-) charged move towards the capillary outlet but at slower rate
Capillary Electrophoresis
Southern blot
Northern blot
Western blot
Involves the separation of soluble components by specific differences in physical-chemical characteristics of the different constituents
Used for fractionation of sugar and amino acid
Paper Chromatography
Sorbent or Stationary phase in Paper chromatography
Whatman paper
Semiquantitative drug screening test
Sample components are identified by comparison with standards on the same plate
Thin Layer Chromatography
Sorbent in TLC
Thin plastic plates impregnated with a layer of silica gel or alumina
Rf value formula
Rf = distance leading edge of component moves/ total distance
Separation of steroid, barbiturates, blood, alcohol and lipids
Useful in compounds that are naturally volatile or can be easily converted into a volatile form
Gas Chromatography
Based on the fragmentation and ionization of molecules using a suitable source of energy
Detects structural information and determination of molecular weight
Mass Spectroscopy
Gold Standard for drug testing
Also used for xenobiotics, anabolic steroids and pesticides
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS)
Every drug has its own fingerprint pattern
Can detect 20 inborn errors of metabolism from a single blood spot
Tandem Mass Spectroscopy (MS/MS)
Most widely used liquid chromatography
Fractionation of drugs, hormones, lipids, carbohydrates and proteins
Uses pressure for fast separations, controlled temp, in-line detectors
High Performace Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Detecting nonvolatile substances in body fluids
Confirm positive results from screening of illicited drugs
Used in TDM, Toxicology & studies of drug metabolites
Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectroscopy (LC/MS)
Gel filtration
Separation of enzymes, antibodies and proteins
Dextran & Agarose
Hydrophilic gel
Gel permeation
Separation of triglyceride & fatty acids
Hydrophobic gel
Exchange of sample ions and mobile phase ions with the charged group of the stationary phase
Ion Exchange Chromatography
Separation of AA, CHON & NA
Separation of compounds based on their partition between a liquid mobile phase and a liquid stationaty phase
Separation of TDM and their metabolite
Partition Chromatography
Uses the so-called lock-and-key binding
Separation of lipoproteins, CHO, and glycated hemoglobins & Antibodies
Affinity Chromatography
Based on differences between the adsorption and desroption of solutes at the surface of a solid particel
Adsorption Chromatography
Measures the amount of light intensity present over a zero background
Determines the amount of light emitted by a molecule after excitation by electromagnetic radiation
1000x more sensitive than Spectrometry
Molecular Luminescence Spectrophotometry
Major disadvantage of Fluorometry
pH and temperature changes, chemical contaminants and UVL changes
Differs from fluorescence and phosphorescence in that the emission of light is created from a chemical or electrochemical reaction and not from absorption of electromagnetic energy
More sensitive than fluorescence
Measurement of osmolality of an aqueous solution
Based on measuring changes in colligative properties
Osmolality is ___ to Osmotic pressure and boiling point
DIRECTLY Proportional
Osmolality is ____ to Freezing point and Vapor Pressure
INVERSELY Proportional
More commonly used: Freezing point
Most commonly used method for measuring the changes in colligative properties of a solution
Addition of solute molecules LOWERS the temperature at which a solution freezes
Freezing-point depression osmometry
Measurement of electrical potential due to the activity of free ions
Measurement of differences in voltage at a constant current
Follows the Nernst Equation
Use pH and pCO2
Reference Electrodes in potentiometry
Calomel &Silver-Silver Chloride
Electrochemical transducer capable of responding to one given ion
Very sensitive and selective for the ion it measures
Ion Selective Electrode
Measurement of amount of electricity at a fixed potential
Follows the Faraday’s law
Use: Chloride test
Measurement of the current flow produced by an oxidation-reaction
Use: pO2, Glucose, Chloride, Peroxidase
Measurement of current after which a potential is applied to an electrochemical cell