Anaemia TCD Flashcards
What is the four step approach in treating anaemia of any kind?
- Establish the type of anaemia
- Find the immediate cause of the anaemia
- Treat the anaemia
- Investigate and treat the underlying disease process that has caused the anaemia
What are microcytic anaemias normally associated with?
Hypochromia - The red blood cells have less haemoglobin in them than normal
What are the two classification groups of haemolytic anaemias?
Congenital and acquired
What actually in anaemia?
A drop below the normal range in haemoglobin for the patient taking into account age, sex and gender and race
What are some symptoms of anaemia?
Tiredness, weakness, headaches, feeling cold, shortness of breath, chest pain, yellow or pale skin
What is the name for prescribed iron?
ferrous sulphate
What is the name of anaemia due to blood loss?
Normocytic normochromic anaemia
Loss of 1000ml of blood equates to a loss of how much iron?
What sort of anaemia does a lack of B12 give you?
Macrocytic normochromic anaemia. B12 is taken up in the ilium.
Most normocytic anaemias, what is the haemoglobin concentration?
What is haemoglobin measured as?
A concentration, so if a patient has lost a lot of blood, the haemoglobin level will come back normal. So always consider acute blood loss
Signs of acute anaemia
Low BP
Pale and clammy
Reduced BP
What are the three types of normocytic normochromic anaemia?
Acute blood loss
Anaemia of chronic disease or secondary anaemia
Anaemia of renal failure - deficiency of erythropoietin
What causes microcytic anaemias?
Anything that slows down haemoglobin production in the cell (Not actually factually accurate) e.g iron deficiency, thalassaemia, severe protein deficiency, sideroblastic anaemia (congenital)
What causes macrocytic anaemia?
Anything that delays DNA snythesis, chemotherapy, B12 deficiency, folate.
Commonest cause of iron deficiency in two year olds
Milk in diet- contains no iron and interferes with iron absorption
Causes of iron deficiency anaemia
Not enough iron in diet
Malabsorption - coeliac, milk, tea
Blood loss - GI malignancy
Rapid growth, menarch
If older male patient or post menopausal woman that have iron deficiency anaemia what do you need to rule out, always?
Colonic and Gastric cancers must be considered the likely cause until excluded
When can’t ferritin be used?
In patients with chronic rheumatoid artheritis
signs of iron deficiency anaemia
headache on activity craving for non food items to eat - wall paper sore or smooth tongues Brittle nails and hair loss Spoons shaped nails or koilonychia
Pernicious anaemia diagnosis
B12 deficiency and gastric parietal cell auto antibodies
B12 and folate deficiency signs
Insidious onset Mild jaundice Glossitis Angular cheilitis Neuropathy - dementia, ataxia and paraplegia
What is the commonest red cell disorder in northern Europeans?
Hereditary Spherocytosis - Autosomal dominant
Some facts about sickle cell disease
Can be a co-dominant. Infarction of the spleen leading to the patient being prone to infection. - Keep hydrated and warm. Take penicillin and pneumovax. Acute chest syndrome and stoke is more common. Regular transfusions decrease the risk of strokes.