Altitude Flashcards
Short races
lower air density at altitude offers less resistance to high-speed movement
lower PO2 no effect on performance as anaerobic
sprint performances = not affected or improved
improve jumping
Long races
performance demands more dependent on oxygen delivery to muscle
lower PO2
High altitude amounts
same percentage O2, CO2 and N2
lower partial pressure O2, CO2 and N2
air 21% O2 but thinner at altitude
Atmospheric pressure
decreases at higher altitude
low PO2
reduction in arterial oxygen pressure (PaO2)
= disruption homeostasis triggers neuroendocrine responses that regulate important adjustments in key physiological systems
normal PO2
sea level
high PO2
low level oxygen in blood
Side effects of altitude
insomnia, nausea, vomiting
dyspnoea, anoerexia, GI disturbance
lethargy, general weakness
Short-term adjustments to altitude
immediate = more O2
ventilation changes = hyperventilation, raises alveolar O2, lowers alveolar CO2, alkalosis
increase for same workloads
cardiovascular changes = increase resting HR and CO
due to lower oxygen content and increased SNA
reduced humidity, dehydration, sunstroke/blindness (UV light)
Changes VO2max
decline with increasing altidude
no adverse for events <2mins
Effects of high altitude on HR response to max exercise
lower max HR - activation PNS
parasympathetic blockade (glycopyrrolate) restore max HR response to exercise
lactate paradox
Benefit acclimatisation
increase minute ventilation after 4 days
increase HR
decrease SV
decrease CO - fall due to Fick’s law
more O2 in blood improves O2 extraction capacity = less reliance on central delivery (less cardiac strain)
Blood changes
polycythemia (increase RBC mass) due to increased EPO
increase O2 carrying capacity of blood 200-310mL/litre
decreased plasma volume
increase Bohr shift
Vascular/ceullar changes
increased capillarisation
increased myoglobin in muscles
increased aerobic enzyme (citrate synthase)
increased lactate comsumption and oxidation by active muscle
a-vO2 difference falls but widens following acclimatisation
Benefits high altitude training
blood changes (red cell mass)
cellular changes
circulatory changes
improved mitochondria function
increased buffering capacity
Detriments high altitude training
blood changes (viscosity)
cardiovascular changes
loss of training intensity
reduced muscle mass
increased ventilatory response
Solutions high altitude training
live high
train low
tents (hypoxicator) - performance enhancer
Live high, train low
live high altitude = increase red blood cell mass via EPO = increase VO2max
train at low altitude = maintain high interval training velocity
depends on individual - low vs high responder, ind diff, training state before, hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity
pre-test to determine likelihood of effect
benefit from a camp effect?
Relationship VO2max and altitude
however with acclimation potential to increase - increase EPO, RBC mass, improved mitochondria function, increased buffering capacity