Alpacas Flashcards
The basics
- Temp: 37.5-38.9C
- RR: 1-30brpm
- HR: 60-90bpm
Points for distant observation/exam
- Stand and walk with straight or slight dorsal curve to spine
- excessive hunching: lameness or skeletal or abdominal pain
- Respiratory pattern: even and without effort
- Abdomen: full but not distended
gaunt/tucked up: anorexia - Body contour: smooth, no lumps or bumps
- Perineum: clean, no discharge
MM examination
(where? colour? crt? peripheral perfusion?)
- Oral (Only when sedated), Vuvla, Ocular
- Pale pink and moist
CRT <2seconds - Peripheral perfusion: distal extremity temperature – ears, feet and legs
What can mm changes indicate?
- toxaemia
- cyanosis
- jaundice
- anaemia
MM changes indicating septicaemia
- petechial haemorrhage +/- injected scleral blood vessels
What vaccination should alpacas receive?
- clostridial
Clostridial vaccine course
- primary vaccine: 2 injections 3-6w apart
- annually
- boosters before surgery if annual injection >6m and pregnant animals 4-6w before unpacking
- give to cries that have good passive transfer at 2-3m/o
Examples of clostridial vaccines
- lambivac
- heptovac
- bravoxin
- covexin
GIT of alpacas
- pseudo-ruminants
- 3 compartments
– C1, C2 (reticulum) & C3 (abomasum) - spiral colon
– flat, single spiral
– obstructions possible at the junction where the centripetal loop becomes centrifugal
Dentition of alpacas
- growth stops after castration
- incisors grow continuously and have an open pulp cavity
Why is tooth removal difficult?
- deep, curved roots
GIT condition examples
- mandibular abscess
- osteomyelitis/lumpy jaw
- hepatic lipidosis
- megaoesophagus
- gastric atony
- d+
- gastric ulceration
Mandibular abscess - which teeth are affected?
- pre molars / 1st and 2nd molars
Mandibular abscess - CS
- lateral swelling +/- draining tract
Mandibular abscess - tx
- tooth extraction required
– lateral incision over the teeth
– split tooth
– divergent roots, repel tooth into oral cavity
– done under GA
Osteomyelitis/lumpy jaw - CS
- drooling
- weight loss
- ill thrift
Osteomyelitis/lumpy jaw - diagnosis
- radiographs/CT/MRI
Hepatic lipidosis - which animals?
- all ages
- esp pregnant and lactating females, and anorexic animals
Hepatic lipidosis - diagnosis
- increased serum triglycerides and lipids
- US changes in liver echogenicity
Hepatic lipidosis - tx
- supportive tx e.g. fluids
Megaoesophagus - CS
- Weight loss
- Regurgitation
- Hypersalivation
- Frothing
Megaoesophagus - diagnosid
- barium contrast study
Megaoesophagus - tx/management
- diet changes
– easy swallowing and feeding from an elevated surface
Gastric atony - CS
- anorexia
- loss in BCS
- depression
Gastric atony - tx
- fluids
- if anorexic for 3-5d, death of bacteria and protozoa in C1&2 -> requires transfaunation
Causes of d+ in adults
- feed changes
- eosinophilic enteritis
- eimeria
- mycobacterium paratuberculosis
- parasites
Is mycobacterium paratuberculosis in alpacas fatal?
- yes
Causes of d+ in cria
- milk scour
- diet change
- rotavirus
- coronavirus
- cryptosporidium
- e.coli
- eimeria (around weaning -> stress induced)
- giardia
- yersinia pseudotuberculosis
- salmonella
Why can diet change in cria be a problem?
- can lead to a blockage of the spiral colon and colic
D+ tx
- fluids
- electrolyte replacement
- antibiotics
Where in alpacas does gastric ulceration occur?
- C3 & proximal duodenum
CS of gastric ulceration
- anorexia
- colic
- bruxism
- depression
Gastric ulceration tx
- IV pantoprazole or omeprazole to increase C3 pH
- +/- blood transfusion
Tx of vitamin D deficiency - when and what with?
- oral paste
- injectable
- young animals:
–3 doses: November, January, March - all ages
– November - pregnant females
– 2 doses: January & November
How to improve bonding after unpacking
- minimal handling
What should the weight gain of a cria be at 1 month old?
- double birth weight
Navel dipping routine post-unpacking
- navel dipping daily with chlorhexidine until dry
Cria TPR + weight
- weight 7-11kg
- HR 60-100bpm
- RR 30brpm
- temp 37.8
How much colostrum should cries ingest within 12-24h?
- 10-15% BWT (ideally within 12h)