Alkaloids 1 - Part 1 Flashcards
Families rich in Alkaloids
Rubiaceae (Coffee family, Bedstraw family)
Apocynaceae (Dogbane Family)
Solanaceae (Nightshade family)
Papavearceae (Poppy Family)
Family free in alkaloids
Rosaceae (Rose Family)
Labiatae (Mint Family)
Product of root metabolism, but the formation of small amounts, as well as subsequent reactions such as the demethylation of nicotine, can occur in the leaves of plant
The Swiss chemist that proposed that nicotine was
biosynthesized from nicotinic acid and proline.
India is a major producer of ________, but its production is mostly consumed domestically.
Areca, areca nut, or betel nut is the dried, ripe seed of ______________
catechu Linne (Fam. Palmae)
Areca is mixed with lime, the leaves of Piper betle Linne’ to create ______________
Why is Nganga used?
Stimulant masticatory
The most abundant and physiologically most active alkaloid and is in liquid form
Arecoline (arecaidine methyl ester)
Examples under Areca alkaloids
Grecaidine (N-methyl guvacine)
Guvacine (tetrahydronicotinic acid)
Guvacoline (guvacine methyl ester).
The total alkaloid content can reach ______
Its emetic properties were first observed in 1785, and the drug was introduced into medicine in 1807
Lobelia or Indian tobacco
Most important alkaloid in Lobelia
Use of Lobeline
Smoking deterrent
It produces similar, but weaker, pharmacologic effects to those of nicotine on the peripheral circulation