Alexander III and the Succession Problem Flashcards
What span of years did the succession problem occur?
What are 3 arguments relating to SCOTLAND’S ECONOMY that suggest Alexander’s rule was golden?
- Overseas exports increased
- Burghs expanded with more developed economies
- More coinage was used
What are 3 arguments relating to SCOTLAND’S ECONOMY that suggest Alexander’s rule wasn’t golden?
- Economy was narrowly based on wool
- Burghs were still small in size
- No sudden increase in coinage
What are 3 arguments relating to ALEXANDER’S AUTHORITY that suggest his rule was golden?
- No major uprisings from nobles during his reign
- Use of Gaelic culture to create a Scottish identity
- 36 years of reign which gave Scotland stability
What are 2 arguments relating to ALEXANDER’S AUTHORITY that suggest his rule wasn’t golden?
- Nobles still had lots of power
- All of his heirs died
What were 2 things Alexander did to protect Scotland after his son’s death?
- Re-married to Yolanda of Dreux
- He got his nobles to swear support to his grand-daughter, the Maid of Norway
Why were the actions taken after Alexander’s son’s death not enough to protect Scotland?
The nobles were half-hearted in swearing fealty as they thought Alexander would have more heirs
What does it mean to pay “homage”?
Where a vassal publicly submits to their overlord, signified by physical contact (e.g. a sword on the shoulders)
What significant event in the Anglo-Scottish relationship occurred in 1278?
- In the past, English kings had claimed they were the overlords of Scotland
- In 1278, Alexander refused to pay homage to Edward for Scotland
When was Balliol coronated?
- 30th November 1292
- St Andrew’s Day
Where was Balliol coronated?
- Scone Palace
- Stone of Destiny
What was the warning Edward gave Balliol?
If Balliol didn’t govern justly, Edward would intervene
How did Bruce react to Balliol being chosen as king?
- He transferred his claim + earldom to his heir, Robert the Bruce
- Refused to submit to Balliol
How did Bruce discredit himself from getting the crown?
- He was really aggressive when Alexander + Margaret died
- He took castles + land
What did future Scottish kings claim about Balliol?
- Edward only chose Balliol because he was weaker + easier to manipulate
(this isn’t true as Balliol was the last claimant to pay homage to Edward)
What was Bruce’s argument for being king?
- Proximity; closest to the bloodline (he was one generation older than Balliol)
- Typically a Gaelic tradition
What was Balliol’s argument for being king?
- Primogenitary; senior bloodline (Balliol descended from the eldest child)
- More common in England + modern Scotland
What are 3 arguments relating to FOREIGN RELATIONS that suggest Alexander’s rule was golden?
- Scotland gained control over Western Isles + Isle of Man in the Treaty of Perth, 1266
- Good relation with England through intermarriage
- Close personal relationship between Alexander + Edward
What are 2 arguments relating to FOREIGN RELATIONS that suggest Alexander’s rule wasn’t golden?
- Upset the Western Isles
- Norway kept control over Orkney + Shetland
When did Edward pause the decision of who was to be king and why?
- Between August 1291 to June 1292
- To allow Florence, Count of Holland, to gather evidence to support his claim
Who did Edward appoint as a new guardian?
Brian FitzAlan
How long did Edward give the guardians to consider his demand for overlordship?
3 weeks
How did the guardians respond?
They claimed only a king could make the decision to pay homage and they had no king
What was the Award of Norham?
- Edward demanded all claimants pay homage to him
When did the Award of Norham end by?
12th June 1291
How many claimants submitted to Edward?
- 9 claimants
- Bruce submitted first
- Balliol submitted last
How did Edward’s auditors vote?
The majority voted for Balliol
Who was officially chosen to be King of Scots and when?
- Edward chose Balliol
- 17th November 1292
“Edward was one of the auditors”
True or False?
- False
- He claimed to be a spokesman
How many of Bruce’s auditors went against him?
29 went against Bruce
How did Balliol’s auditors vote?
All of them voted for Balliol
How long did it take to decide upon the next King of Scots?
15 months
How long was Scotland without a king?
6 years
How many auditors did Bruce, Balliol, and Edward appoint each?
- 40 by Bruce
- 40 by Balliol
- 24 by Edward
What were 5 conditions of the Birgham treaty?
- Parliament could only be held in Scotland + Scottish parliament had to separate from England
- Scotland had to be “free in itself”
- A new seal was to be created
- Nobles in Scotland paid homage to the King of Scots, not the King of England
- All Scottish traditions were to be maintained
What did Edward I do in 1290 that was concerning to Scottish nobles?
- Captured the Isle of Man
- Demanded taxes from Scottish churches
When did the official marriage treaty, the Treaty of Birgham, happen?
Name 3 conditions of the marriage treaty.
- Elections of the Scottish church were to remain separate from England
- All taxes collected in Scotland were to be used in Scotland
- Anyone who committed a crime in Scotland would be tried in Scotland
What was the name of the official marriage treaty between Edward II and Margaret, Maid of Norway?
Treaty of Birgham
What did Bruce do after Margaret’s death?
- Marched to Perth with a “large following”
- He was talked down from acting violently by the guardians
Which other earls supported Bruce’s actions after Margaret’s death?
- Earl of Athol
- Earl of Mar
What did Balliol promise Bishop Bek after Margaret’s death?
Bek was promised lands belonging to the crown by Balliol as a bribe
Why was the promise Balliol made to Bishop Bek after Margaret’s death problematic?
This showed he was ambition + believed he would inherit the crown
What was Bruce’s letter to Edward (sent after Margaret’s death) called?
The Appeal of the Seven Earls
When + where did the guardians meet after Margaret’s death?
- 15th October 1290
- Edinburgh
When did Margaret, Maid of Norway, die?
Around 26th September 1290
Who was first to write to Edward after Margaret’s death?
Bishop Fraiser
When was the first letter to Edward after Margaret’s death sent?
7th October 1290
Which English envoys were supposed to meet Margaret + where did they stop?
- Bek + Warenne
- Perth to talk to Scottish nobles
- It was in Perth they were informed of Margaret’s death
Who was the second guardian to die and when?
- Earl of Buchan
- 1289
What was the cause of Margaret’s death?
She died during the voyage from Norway to Scotland, during which she fell ill
What were the 3 castles Bruce took?
- Dumfries
- Wigtown
- Buittle
How did the guardians subdue Bruce’s uprising? Who else helped?
- They mobilised their armies
- James the Stewart (one of Bruce’s supporters)
Why did Yolanda’s phantom pregnancy cause problems?
- Added to confusion over who was to succeed Alexander
- Increased uncertainty in other heirs, such as Margaret
When did Bruce take the 3 castles? What sparked the uprising?
- Autumn 1286
- Lack of clear leadership in Scotland after Alexander’s death
Which Barons were elected to be guardians?
- James Comyn
- James the Stewart
Why were those specific guardians chosen?
To appease the two major factions in Scotland; the Bruces and and Comyns. It was supposed to be balanced.
What did the Scottish nobles do after Alexander’s death + when did they do this?
- Gathering at Scone Palace
- 2nd + 29th April 1286
What was decided upon at the meeting after Alexander’s death?
- Swore to recognise Margaret, Maid of Norway, as heir
- Discussed who Margaret would marry
When were the guardians elected?
28th April 1286
Why were the guardians less effective?
- After 2 died, they were unable to replace them due to high tensions in Scotland
- One was corrupt
Which earls were elected to be guardians?
- Duncan, Earl of Fife
- Alexander Comyn of Buchanan
Which bishops were elected to be guardians?
- William Fraiser (St Andrews)
- Robert Wishart (Glasgow)
Why was the oath of fealty to Margaret sworn at Scone vague? Give two reasons.
- Still uncertain on Margaret (female, Norwegian decent)
- Yolande was thought to be pregnant with an heir
How did the nobles decide to run the country? What types of people were elected?
- 6 guardians
- 2 bishops, 2barons, 2 earls
When did Alexander III die?
19th March 1286
Who was his only heir?
Margaret, Maid of Norway
Why was Alexander’s only heir problematic?
She was female and daughter to a Norwegian king. Scotland had recently warred with Norway and so relations were tense.
Why did Edward encourage so many claimants to come forward?
- To create as much confusion as possible
- To creates problems and instability for the chosen Scottish King
What did Edward demand before he picked a king?
He asked the king he chose to pay homage to him
How did Edward react to the letters sent to him after Margaret’s death? Name 3 things he did.
- Invited all claimants to Norham (fort on the English border)
- Mobilised Northern army to Scottish border
- Moved navy to block Scottish ports
How many claimants were there in total?
13 (14 including Edward)
How many claimants had a real claim?
3 real claimants
What were 3 reasons Scotland wasn’t doing too badly after Alexander’s death?
- Civil war hadn’t happened yet
- Guardians were appointed
- Community of the realm
What were 3 terms of the Treaty of Sailsbury?
- Margaret would remain “single”
- She would be saved for Edward’s son
- Edward was able to remove + appoint guardians
What happened on the Isle of Man to raise tensions?
Uprisings started on the Isle of Man
How did Duncan of Fife take advantage of his power as guardian?
- Took bribes
- Gained money through his position
What was the consequence of Duncan of Fife’s corrupt behaviour?
- One of his relatives murdered him
- 1289
What did Bruce have to do after being subdued from his uprising after Alexander’s death?
He had to pay homage to the Maid of Norway