Airway 100B Flashcards
upper airway
warm, filter and humidify air
muscular tube extends from nose to esophagus and trachea
composed of nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx
three bony shelves protrude from lateral walls
hard and soft palate line superior aspect
32 adult teeth
hyoid bone
small horseshoe shaped bone which jaw, epiglottis and thyroid cartilage attach to
- located on posterior nasopharynx wall
- lymphatic tissue that filter bacteria
- tonsils located posterior pharynx help trap bacteria
posterior oral cavity hanging above tongue
superior border of the glottic opening
leaf-shaped flap
prevents food and liquid from entering the larynx
anatomical pocket between base of tongue and epiglottis
marks end of upper airway and start of lower
thyroid cartilage
- located in the larynx
- two plates formed in V shape
- form the “adams apple”
- directly anterior to the glottic opening
circoid cartilage/ cricoid ring
- inferior to the thyroid cartilage
- lowest point of the larynx
- first ring of the trachea
- only upper airway structure that forms a complete ring
cricothyroid membrane
membrane between the thyroid cartilage and the circoid ring
- is the space for emergency airways
- inferior and laterally bordered by highly vascular thyroid gland
glottis or glottic opening
- space between vocal cords
- narrowest portion of adult airway
arytenoid cartilage
- pyramid like cartilage
- forms posterior attachment of vocal cords
pyriform fossae
two pockets of tissue that border he larynx
lower airway
- exchange o2 and co2
- externally extends form 4th cervical vertebra to xiphoid process
- internally glottis to capillary membrance
anatomy of lower airway
- trachea
- craina
- bronchus (left and right) dived into smaller bronchi and bronchioles
- alveolar sacs
- windpipe
- 10-12 cm long consists of C shaped cartilage
total lung capacity
approx 6L in adult male (3L per lung)
tidal volume
- total air that is inhaled or exhaled in a single cycle
- adult 5-7 ml per kg
- infant 6-8 ml per kg
alveolar volume
- volume that reaches alveolar
- tidal volume minus dead space
- app 500 (tidal volume)-150 (dead space)
- appx 150ml
minute volume
tidal volume x resp rate
fraction of inspired oxygen, the %of O2 inhaled
physical act of moving air in and out of the lungs
oxygen devices
- nasal cannula 1-6 LPM 24-44%
- simple face mask 8-10 LMP 40-60%
- partial NRB 6-10 LMP 35-60%
- NRB 10-15 LMP 80-100%
- BVM 12-20 LMP 95-100%
oxygen supplied
D tank 400 L
E tank 660 L
M tank 3000 L
H tank 7080 L