Agricultural Hazards Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
One of the most hazardous industries in the world
Agriculture - many deaths and injuries
Leading cause of agriculture related death and 3 other common ones
- Transportation incidents (tractors)
- run over or machinery
- falls
- animals
If a farm doesn’t have 11 or more workers or migrant workers, then…
….There are no required OSHA requirements
Rollover protection structures (ROPS)
Required on new tractors or as mods for older ones but only 60% in the US are properly equipped
Power take off device (PTO)
Device that takes power from running source and transmits it to an attached or separate machine such as a tractor or mower
Tularemia definition
Obtained from rabbits most often, either by direct contact (localized) or aerosol (respiratory symptoms) causes joint pain, fever, potentially respiratory depression
Milkers nodules (ORF virus infection) definition
Poxvirus that comes from direct contact with sheep and can cause erythematous maculopapular weeping nodules
Antrhax definition
Rare but potentially fatal infection transmitted from cattle, sheep, goats, either via direct contact or ingestion or inhaled, spores can remain intact for months before reactivating
Brucellosis definition
Infection from cattle, sheep, pigs, thru inhalation, skin wounds, unpasteurized dairy, etc causes fever, joint pain, night sweats
E coli 0157 definition
Enterohemorrhagic shiga toxin producing e coli that passed thru undercooked beef and causes bloody diarrhea and hemolytic uremic syndrome and renal failure
Salmonellosis definiiton
Ingested from undercooked chicken or eggs, foodborne illness that causes diarrhea, fever, stomach pain
Campylobacter definition
Infection caused by raw or undercooked meat or unpasteruized milk, causes acute gastroenteritis, nausea, diarrhea
Cat scratch disease definition
Caused by bartonella henslae, often from cats biting or scratching, causes fever, skin papules, and regional lymphadenopathy
Rabies definition
Animal bite that transmits virus from cats, dogs, raccoons, skunks and bats causing fever, headache, encephalitis, excess salivation, seizure, and death, treated with injection of rabies vaccine series ASAP
Ringworm definition
Fungal skin disease of dogs, cats, raccoons, cattle, sees well defined active raised and scaling border lesions with central clearing
Toxoplasmosis definition
Parasitic disease with concern in pregnant women and immunocompromised transmitted from cat litter, sheep, undercooked meat, etc, causes fever, lymphadenopathy
Cryptosporidium definition
Parasitic disease in wild and domestic animals transmitted form feces causing fever, explosive diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss but is usually self limiting
Respiratory issues in farmers
Higher risk due to toxic inhalation of chemicals despite lower incidence of smoking in the population
Farmers lung (hypersensitivity pneumonitis)
Allergic inflammation of the lung caused by repeated exposure of moldy hay, straw, and grain, sees prolonged progressive course leading to pulm fibrosis, treated only with avoidance or glucocorticoids but no cure
Organic dust toxic syndrome
Acute respiratory syndrome from inhalation of large amounts of organic dust causing acute onset of fever, chills, shortness of breath but is almost always self limiting in a few days
Silo fillers disease
Inhalation of nitrous dioxide gas produced by freshly filled silos and not using proper ppe, symptoms include mild cough and hemoptysis to pulmonary edema and long term respiratory complications
Organophosphate exposure symtpoms (8)
- increased salivation
- perspiration
- miosis
- nausea
- diarrhea
- low bp
- emesis
- incontinence
Agent orange exposure
Herbicide used to destroy unwanted vegetation causing range of symptoms from rash and nausea to convulsions and death
4 levels of warning labels
- caution (slight hazard by at least one entry route)
- warning (moderate hazard by at least one entry route)
- danger (high hazard by at least on entry route)
- danger with skull cross bones (highly toxic by any entry route)