Aging Flashcards
Disengagement theory proposes that successful aging requires the gradual withdrawal from social activity
The theory suggests that older people want to be released from roles that require hard work and responsibility
Transition to retirement is a welcome one
conflict theory
Highlights the roots of institutional ageism
Pressure either to exclude or to embrace elderly is a direct consequence of labour market conditions
symbolic interactionism
Active theory holds that people should remain engaged and active for as long as possible
It rests on the assumption that remaining active and engaged has important positive benefits and leads to happier lives
People construct perceptions about themselves through the activities they do and the roles they play
feminist theory
Explores how women respond to an aging body in a society fixated on appearance and youth
As women age they lose power
Aging is embedded in a framework of truth and knowledge
There are ‘truths’ about healthcare
Questions how transitions are defined and/or changing