Ageing and Stages Flashcards
What are macro nutrients?
- fat, proteins and carbohydrates

What are micro nutrients?
- vitamins
- minerals
- trace elements

What is the eat well plate?
- NHS guide to what should be eaten each day
- includes what makes up a healthy balance diet

What are the 5 components that make up the eat well plate?
1 - fruit and vegetables
2 - dairy
3 - carbohydrates
4 - Protein
5 - Fat
What are some basic foods contain fruit and vegetables, where micro nutrients and fibre can be consumed?
- all fruit and vegetables are included except potatoes

What portion of the eat well plate should be covered by fruit and vegetables?
- 1/3 of the plate
Carbohydrates are a part of the eat well plate, what proportion of the eat well plate should carbohydrates make up?
- 1/3

Carbohydrates should make up a 1/3 of the eat well plate. Carbohydrates is the umbrealla term, what are the 3 main subtypes of carbohydrates?
- polysaccharides
- disaccharides
- monosaccharides

If we consume too many carbohydrates what does our body store them as, and what hormone is involved?
- adipose tissue
- insulin
How much of the eat well plate should protein make up?
- aprox 1/6th or 15%

Is the body able to store protein that is not being used?
- no
What is the main function of protein?
- growth and repair
What does the amount of protein depend on in each individual?
- age
- gender
- activity level
What is milk and dairy a subset of?
- protein
What is the highest source of carolies, but the smallest section on the eat well plate?
- fat

What type of fat is recommended as part of the eat well plate?
- unsaturated
- mono and polyunsaturated

Why are mono and polyunsaturated fats call poly and mono?
- relates to number of double bonds in cis formation
- mono = 1
- poly = multiple
What does saturdated mean in fat, and is it likely to be lquid or solid at room temperature?
- full complement of carbons as in its saturated
- align in a linear formation and are solid

What do mono and polyunsaturates fats contain at least one of?
- double bond

What does cis and trans formation mean in fats?
- cis means H+ and C are on same side of double bond
- trans means H+ are on opposite hands

What is the main lipoprotein in the endogenous cholesterol pathyway that unsaturated fats help reduce?
As we age, generall beyond 30 years old, do we need more of fewer calories?
- less, but only slighly
What is one of the main roles of micronutrients in the body at the cellular pathway level?
- co-enzyme in metabolic pathways
What are the 4 most important fat soluble vitamins?
- Vitamins A, D, E and K
What are the 4 most important water soluble vitamins?
- C
- B1
- B12
- folate
What are the 4 selected minerals that we need to know about?
- calcium
- iron
- sodium
- potassium
Is the body able to store fat and water soluble vitamins?
- fat soluble = yes
- water soluble = no
What are the 2 main functions in the body that Vitamin A contributes towards?
- immune system
- dim light vision
What are some common foods that Vitamin A can be found in?
- liver products
- fish
- dairy
- leafy vegetables

What is the most important function of vitamin D in the body?
- bone mineralisation
- calcium absorption and excretion
What are some foods that vitamin D is high in?
- oily fish
- fortified cereals
- eggs
- liver

What time of the year are vitamin D supplements a good idea in those who struggle to get sufficient levels in their diets?
- autumn
- winter
What is the main functional role of vitamin E in the body?
- involved in DNA synthesis
- immune function
What are some foods where vitamin E levels are high?
- nuts and seeds
- plant oils

What is the main function of vitamin K in the body?
- blood clotting
What foods in the body have high levels of vitamin K?
- green leafy vegetables
- eggs

What are a few of the main funtions of vitamin C in the body?
- anti-oxidation
- metabolism
- absorption of minerals
What are a few foods that have a high level of vitamin C?
- citrus fruits
- broccoli
- sprouts

What are a few of the main funtions of vitamin B in the body?
- breakdown energy and release for nerves
- RBCs production
- DNA synthesis
What are the 3 different types of B vitamins?
- B1
- B12
- folate
What are a few foods with high vitamin B in the body?
- peas/pulses
- meats
- vegetables

Calcium is a mineral that we consume in the diet, what are a few key functions of caclium in the body?
- bone stucture
- cell membrane voltage
- blood clotting
- muscle contractions
What are a few foods with a high calcium content?
- dairy
- green leafy vegetables
- fish if bones are eaten

Sodium is classed as mineral, what are some of the functions of sodium in the body?
- maintain membrane potential and contraction
- maintain osmosis and pH in body
What are some foods with a high sodium content?
- processed foods
- cereals
- cheese

What is too much sodium in the blood bad for?
- hypertension
- heart attacks
Iron is classed as mineral, what are some of the functions of iron in the body?
- carry O2 on RBCs
- store O2 in myoglobulin
Iron is classed as mineral, what are some foods high in iron in the body?
- green leafy vegetables
- red meat
- beans

Potassium is classed as mineral, what are some of the functions of postassium in the body?
- membrane potentials and contractions
- maintain osmolarity in the body
Potassium is classed as mineral, what are some foods with a high potassium level in the body?
- bananas
- vegetables
- nuts

What are a few dietayr considerations durnig pregnancy?
- healthy weight
- alcohol levels
- calcium intake
- food hygiene
Can vegan diets be suitable during pregnancy?
- yes
- BUT increased risk of B12 deficiency
- low intake of DHA (omega 3)
Why is diet important in relation to breast feeding?
- breast milk will have traces of mums diets
Breastfeeding provides the most nutrients for the baby, what percentage of women stop breastfeeding earlier than they want to?
- 80%
In the first year of life what can health inequalities cause?
- poorer health
How long is breast feeding recommened for?
- until baby is 6 months old
What is weaning in babies?
- begin to stop breast feeding
- provide baby with some solid foods
Should babies younger than 1 be given cows milk?
- no
- iron content is too high
What fat soluble vitamin should infants take?
- vitamin D
What is neophobia?
- fear of new foods
What is the contamination fear?
- if certain foods are touching, the child might not eat either as they dont like one of them
What is the digust fear?
- children once enjoyed a specific food
- then stop liking it all together
What is the most common oral disease affecting children?
- tooth decay
At what age does the eat well plate apply to children?
- >2 years old
Children should be given vitamins to help with their developement between the ages of 6 months and 5 years old. What vitamins should they be given?
- A, C and D
- should be given every day
Why do energy requirements shoot up in children?
- during growth spurts
Are vegetarian diets suitable for all ages?
- yes
What is the definition of a vegetarian diet?
- diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits
What is the definition of a vegan diet?
- the exclusion of all animal products and flesh
- milk, honey and eggs are examples
What is basal metabolic rate?
- minimum energy required to maintain cellular function
In later life men and womens kcals reduces slighlty, should their intake of vitamins and minerals reduce?
- no
What 2 things can help reduce menopausal symptoms?
- reduced weight
- increased physical activity
Is eating for health just healthy eating?
- no
- contributes to a patients health