age of exploration Flashcards
an instrument used for astronomical measurements and for navigation
a person who draws or produces maps
a device that shows the cardinal directions used for navigation and geographic orientation
technological advances
- the carvel
- sturdier than earlier vessels
- triangular sails
- could sail more easily against wind
- maps
- compass
- astrolade
- weapons
columbus’s voyage
- italian sea captian, sailed for spain
- wanted to find a route to asia
- items would be cheaper
- reached island of the caribean, but thought it was the east indes
- increase tensions between spain and portugal
- european colonization
treaty of tordesillas
- pope alexzander vi (borgia pope) suggested an imaginary dividing line
- line of demarcation
- lands to the west would be spain’s
- lands to the east would be portugal’s
- spain benefitted, because they had access to newly discovered land
indian ocean trade
- portugal proves they can travel to india
- took control of the spice trade from muslim merchants
- spain set up trading posts in asia, because they wanted what the portuguese had established
- both england and dutch formed an east india company to establish and direct trade throughout asia
- the dutch eventually drove out the english because their east india company was richer and more powerful
- dutch dominated because of their navy
prince henry the navigator
- established the school of navigation
- captains, scientists, ship builders, instrument makers, and cartographers taught sailors
- designed ships
- send explorers to africa
alvise de cadamosto
- sailed south along the coast of west africa, as far as the gambie river (senegal)
bartolomeu dias
- cape of storms, proved there was a route to india by tracking and reaching the southern tip of south africa
- renamed to cape of good hope
vasco da gama
- makes it to india
- led a convey of four ships from libson, portugal
- traveled to mozambique, malindi, and calicut
- india does not want the spread of christianity
amerigo vespucci
- also sailed for spain
- explored the new world along the coast of south america
- first to realize it was not india, but a new world
- german cartographer puts his name on the map
pedro alvares cabral
- claimed brazil
admiral alfonso de albuquerque
- became the governor/viceroy of india
- controlled trade in the east indes
hierarchy of spanish settlements and people in the new world
- peninsulares (spaniards born in spain)
- creoles (spaniards born in new world)
- mestizos (native and spanish mix, african and spanish mix)
- slaves
christopher columbus
- enterprise of the indies
- landed on a island of san salvador thinking it was india
- sailed to caribbean in hopes of reaching india
- total of four voyages
vasco nunez de balboa
- crossed the isthmus of panana and became the first european to see the great south sea (pacific ocean)
- first spanish settlement on mainland
juan ponce de leon
- sailed north from the island puerto rico and discovered florida seeking fountain of youth
- established claims for spain in florida
ferdinand magellan
- gets credit to be the first to circumnavigate the world
- died in philippines
- his crew continued the journey
- named the pacific ocean
sebastian del cano
- finishes magellan’s voyage
hernado cortes
- invaded mexico and conquered aztecs
panfilo de narvaez
- escorted las cacas
- landed on florida, continued to the gulf coast of asia
- conquered the incas
- built lima (the city of kings)
hernado de soto
- sailed from puerto rico to florida and explored westward to the mississippi river
francisco coronado
- led army over land from mexico into present day southwestern states
- may have discovered grand canyon
- explored from mexico, the pacific ocean, and up to san francisco
new france
- northwest passage to pacific for trade
- first permanent settlement in quebec
- convert natives to christianity
- england’s first permanent settlement in north america
- settlement is named in honor of their king
- in search for gold
- tobacco became a cash crop`
- pilgrims founded the second english colony
- sought religious freedom because they were persecuted for their beliefs in england
new netherlands
- new york
- established fur trade
giovanni da verrazzano
- sailed the atlantic coast from north carolina to new york harbor seeking passage to pacific
jacques cartier
- established claims in eastern canada
- sailed the saint lawrence river to present day montreal
samuel de champlain
- founded the first permanent colony in the new world at quebec
- lake is named after him
jacques marquette and louis joliet
- joliet (trader, explorer)
- marquette (preist)
- explored the great lakes and upper mississippi river
robert de la salle
- claimed the mississippi river valley and called it louisiana in honor of king louis xiv (fourteenth)
john cabot
- established claims in new england, newfoundland, and nova scotia for england
- search for northwest passage
martin frobisher
- pirate
- sailed through iceberg off the coast of greenland, labrador, and baffin island
- bay is named after him in canada
francis drake
- pirate, spanish armada, stole gold from spain’s ships
- sailed through the strait of magellan to the coast of western united states
- circumnavigated the world