Adult Nutrition: Conditions & intervention Ch 7 Flashcards
Key terms: insulin resistance
Cells fail to respond to the normal actions of the hormone insulin
The body produces insulin, but the cells in the body become resistant to insulin & cannot use it as effectively
-> high blood sugar.
Key terms: atherosclerosis
hardening of arterial walls due to fat accumulation (plaque)
Key terms: dyslipidemia
is an abnormal amount of lipids (e.g. cholesterol and/or fat) in the blood.
↑ LDL cholesterol
↓ HDL cholesterol
↑ triglycerides
Key terms: metabolic syndrome
cluster of risk factors ↑ risk of diseases (T2D, heart attack, CVD, etc.)
Key terms: hemoglobin A1C
glucose control in the past 3 months (avg)
Key terms: carcinogenesis
The process by which normal cells are transformed into cancer cells
How do you assess weight status in adults? (5)
-Loss of appetite control may be due to disturbances in hormonal controls of hunger & satiety
-Psychological, socioeconomic, lifestyle, & cultural factors play a role in obesity
-Environmental factors can contribute
Body mass index (BMI) – correlated with total body fat
BMI measures don’t accurately represent healthy weights of people who are:
1. Athletes with ↑ muscle mass
2. Wit ↓ muscle mass
3. Dense, large bones
What other factors should be accounted for? (4)
- Determining the Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Measuring body composition
- Assessing the pattern of fat distribution
- Metabolic health – lipids, inflammatory markers, blood sugar, blood pressure
Discuss weight management intervention: Understanding motivation to engage in weight-loss program (Pt 1) (5)
- Understanding motivation to engage in weight-loss program:
- Reasons & motivation for wt reduction
- Previous wt-loss attempts
- Attitude about and capacity to perform PA
- Time avail for wt loss intervention
- Financial considerations
Discuss weight management intervention: Successful weight loss plans (Pt 2) (4)
- Successful weight loss plans:
- Eating plan that ↓ caloric intake
- Nutritional needs at a safe level
- Incorporates PA
- Compatible w/ individual’s lifestyle
Discuss weight management intervention: Goals of weight management (Pt 3) (3)
(Relatively small amounts of weight loss can reduce or prevent health risks associated with obesity)
- Goals of wt management
- Prevent further wt gain
- Reduce body weight
- Maintain a ↓ body wt for the long term
Discuss weight management intervention: Medical Nutrition Therapy (Pt 4) (5)
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Nutrition prescription for wt loss
- Eating plan deficient in calories
- Meets guidelines for healthy eating
- Balanced vitamin/mineral supplements (may be recommended)
- Meal replacements helpful for individuals having trouble with portion control
Discuss weight management intervention: Programs are most successful that utilize cognitive behavioral therapy (Pt 5) (3)
5. Programs are most successful that utilize cognitive behavioral therapy (Programs are 12 to 16 weeks long to:) -Build knowledge -Modify beliefs and attitudes -Integrate new behaviors
Discuss weight management intervention: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Weight Management (Pt 6) (2)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Weight Management
Programs help clients to:
-Recognize and replace automatic & irrational thoughts & beliefs (Cognitive restructuring)
- ↑ awareness & control of cues associated w/ eating (Stimulus control)
Cardiovascular disease: discuss risk factors (6)
- Dyslipidemia : ↑ LDL cholesterol, ↓ HDL cholesterol, ↑ triglycerides
- High blood pressure
- Lifestyle factors (Diet, PA, Smoking)
- Central obesity
- Diabetes
- Infection & inflammation
Cardiovascular disease: medical nutrition therapy (4)
Therapeutic Life Changes (TLC)
- Recommended for high risk individuals
- Diet & Lifestyle change is the cornerstone of therapy
- Developed by the 3rd NCEP Expert panel
- Need to consider addition of statins if LDL↑
Cardiovascular disease: cardio-protective diet
Total fat intake from 25-35% of cals
- sat fat or = 200 cals/day spent for PA
- ~30 mins of PA/d
Diabetes: discuss type 1 vs. type 2
Type 1: -Minimal or no production of insulin by pancreas -Daily insulin injections required Type 2: -Body’s inability to use insulin -Most common type
Diabetes: complications
Diabetes: risk factors
Risk factors for diabetes & pre diabetes
- Parent or sibling w/ diabetes
- History of gestaBonal diabetes
- Elevated A1c, IFG, IGT
- Racial or ethnic background
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Hypertension
- Low HDL, High Trig, CVD
Diabetes: medical nutrition therapy: Diet flexibility and individualization (Pt 1/3) (5)
Diet flexibility and individualization
- Diet plan
- Calorie level
- Calorie & CHO distribution
- Variety of foods
- Consistent eating pattern
Diabetes: clinical goals 2+1
-Normalize blood glucose & glucose metabolism
-Prevent or slow the progression of diabetes complications
Treatment focus is to empower the person with diabetes to self-manage
Diabetes: medical nutrition therapy: Diet flexibility and individualization (Pt 2/3) (5)
Diet flexibility and individualization
- ADA Exchange Lists
- CHO Counting
- Self-Monitored Blood Glucose
- PA in Diabetes Management
- Pharmacological Therapy for Type 2 diabetes
Diabetes: medical nutrition therapy: Diets consist of (Pt 3/3) (6)
Diet should consist of:
- Whole grains & other fibrous foods
- Unsaturated fats
- Regular meals & snacks
- CHO counting
- May also need to add anBhyperglycemic drugs such as Metformin
- Use herbal remedies with caution
Cancer: risk factors
Smoking—linked to 30% of cancers Nutrition-related risks -Obesity & insulin resistance - ↑alcohol consumption -↓intakes of fruits, veggies, & Ca
Cancer: nutrition intervention (6)
To minimize nutritional risk:
-Maintain or reach healthy wt
-Base diet on fruit, veg & whole grain
-Limit processed & red meat
-Alcohol in moderation, if at all
Health care professionals provide guidance on diet/food- related side-effects of treatment
Cancer: discuss risk factors
Smoking—linked to 30% of cancers Nutrition-related risks -Obesity & insulin resistance - ↑alcohol consumption -↓intakes of fruits, vegs, & calcium
Cancer: nutrition intervention (6)
To minimize nutritional risk:
-Maintain or reach healthy wt
-Base diet on fruit, veg & whole grain
-Limit processed and red meat
-Alcohol in moderation, if at all
Health care professionals provide guidance on diet/food- related side-effects of treatment
Discuss nutrition intervention for HIV (Pt 1/2)
- Maintain wt & nutritional status
- Consume adequate protein & other nutrients
- During early phase, adequate nutrient intakes to ↑ immune function & ↓ susceptibility to infection
- Choose Ca-rich foods and vitamin D to prevent progressive bone loss
- Dietary strategies to manage symptoms of drug therapies
Discuss nutrition intervention for HIV (Pt 2/2)
Nutritionally adequate diets can
Even the best nutritional advice & self care cannot restore immune function
Nutritionally adequate diets can:
-Help wt maintenance
-Avoid depletion of nutrient stores
-↑ level of control & sense of well-being