Adolescent Nutrition Ch 14 Flashcards
menses, Tanner stages
Sexual Maturation Rating (SMR) = Tanner Stages: scale of 2ndary sexual characterisitcs used to assess the dgree of pubertal maturation
-SMR 1: prepuburtal groth&dev
-SMR 2-5: occurrences of puberty
SMR 5: sexual maturation has conclusded
How biological age differs from chronological age?
Biological changes of puberty: -sexual maturation -↑ in ht & wt -accumulation of skeletal mass -changes in body composition Chronological age: how old
Describe biological changes during puberty
- sexual maturation
- inc in ht & wt
- accumulation of skeletal mass
- changes in body composition
MENARCHE: onset of 1st menstrual period
Discuss factors affecting eating behavior during adolescence
Peer influence parental modeling food availability, preferences, cost, convenience personal & cultural beliefs mass media body image
conceptual model for factors affecting eating behavior during adolescence
environmental & personals
1. microenvironmental & immediate social environment
2. cognitive-affective & behavioral & biologic
-Lifestyles -> indie food behavior
conceptual model for factors affecting eating behavior during adolescence
environmental & personals
1. microenvironmental & immediate social environment
2. cognitive-affective & behavioral & biologic
-Lifestyles -> indie food behavior
What factors influence energy & nutrient requirements of adolescents?
↑ in lean body mass, skeletal mass, & body fat
- energy & nutrient are ↑
- DRIs provide the best est. of nutrient req for adolescents
- profesh judgment needs to be uses
- nutrient requiem based on chronological rather than bio dev
What factors influence energy requirements of adolescents?
- Activity level
- BMR (basal meta rate)
- pubertal growth & dev
- males have > ↑ in ht, wt, & LBM-> they have a ↑ caloric need than females
- level of PA ↓ during adore = ↓ energy req
What factors influence energy requirements of adolescents?
- Activity level
- BMR (basal meta rate)
- pubertal growth & dev
- males have > ↑ in ht, wt, & LBM-> they have a ↑ caloric need than females
- level of PA ↓ during adore = ↓ energy req
What are the % range recommendations for macronutrients intake (AMDR)?
Carbs: 45-65% cals
Fat: 25-35%;
What is the protein recommendation (g/d) for adolescents?
Protein req influences by protein needed: -to maintain existing LBM -for growth of new LBM *recomm in 0.85g/kg body wt low protein intakes linked to: -↓ in linear growth -delays in sexual maturation -↓ LBM
Describe the importance of calcium during this phase and differences in calcium absorption/retention.
Adequate intake of Ca is essential to ensure peak bone mass
Ca absorption is ↑est around:
-menarche in F
-early adore in M
-~4x > Ca retained during adore compared to early adulthood
Adole who do NOT inc dairy should consume Ca-fortified foods
Sodas displace nutrient-dense drinks (milk & fortified juices)
-DRI (ages 9-18) is 1300 mg/d
Avg intake:
-948 mg F
-1260 mg M
Wt-bearing activities may lead in ↑ bone mineral density
Describe the importance of vitamin D during this phase and differences in calcium absorption/retention.
- Essential role in facilitation intestinal absorption of Ca & P
- Essenial for bone formation
- Synthesized by the body via sun exposure of UV B rays of sunlight
- Nothern latitudes may req supp
- RDA: 600IU/day
How iron deficiency differs from iron deficiency anemia?
IRON DEF: -determined by low serum iron, plasma ferritin, & tranferrin saturation -iron def more frequent -often undiagnosed bc of expense IRON-DEF ANEMIA: -determines by simple and inexpensicve hemoglobin/hematocrit levels -indicates > advances stage of iron def -
What factors are related to iron needs?
↑ iron needs related to:
- rapid rate of linear growth
- ↑ in blood vol
- menarche in F
Iron needs greatest:
- after menarche in F
- during growth spurt in M
How iron deficiency differs from iron deficiency anemia?
IRON DEF: -determined by low serum iron, plasma ferritin, & tranferrin saturation -iron def more frequent -often undiagnosed bc of expense IRON-DEF ANEMIA: -determines by simple and inexpensive hemoglobin/hematocrit levels -indicates > advances stage of iron def -
How iron deficiency differs from iron deficiency anemia?
IRON DEF: -determined by low serum iron, plasma ferritin, & tranferrin saturation -iron def more frequent -often undiagnosed bc of expense IRON-DEF ANEMIA: -determines by simple and inexpensive hemoglobin/hematocrit levels -indicates > advances stage of iron def -
What are the consequences of folate deficiency and severe folate deficiency?
Folate req for DNA, RNA, & protein synthesis
DRI 400mcg
Severe folate def -> megaloblastic anemia
-severe def is rare but inadequate folate status appears to be > common
- ↑ incidence of birth defects (spina bifida)
- if skip breakfast, no fortified foods = ↑ wish of folate def
Discuss different approaches of dietary intake assessment
- AMA recomm all adoles receive annual health screening & guidance
- wt, ht, & BMI
- disordered eating tendencies
- blood lipid levels
- BO
- iron status (demo&hema)
- food security/insecurity-dietary intake/adequacy - Nutriton screening should inc brief dietary assessment:
- food frequency ?airres
- 24hr recalls
- food diaries / food records
Describe strategies to improve nutrition counseling
- initital componensnt of session should involve:
- getting to know adores, inc personal health or nutrition-relates concerns
- providing overview of events & content of concealing session - involve adole in decision-making process
- encourage to suggest ways to change
- work toward only 1-2 goals per session
and messages to adolescents
Use tech to facilitate edu & counseling
-txt msgs
-YT, FB, Twitter
technology can serve to convey nutrition info in an engaging way
Describe strategies to improve nutrition counseling
- initital componensnt of session should involve:
- getting to know adores, inc personal health or nutrition-relates concerns
- providing overview of events & content of concealing session - involve adole in decision-making process
- encourage to suggest ways to change
- work toward only 1-2 goals per session
Describe strategies to send messages to adolescents
- Use tech to facilitate edu & counseling
- txt msgs
- podcasts
- YT, FB, Twitter - technology can serve to convey nutrition info in an engaging way
- use effective mutation msgs for youth
- teans are “present oriented”
- concerned about appearance
- achieving& maintaining a healthy wt
- having lots of energy
- optimizing sports performance
- environmental/moral aspects of food - parent involvement
- school coordinated health programs