Adrenergic Antagonists Flashcards
Nonselective alpha blockers
Selective Alpha 1 blockers
Prazosin Doxazosin Terazosin Alfuzosin Tamsulosin (alpha1-A)
Selective alpha 2 blockers
- Nonselective irreversible noncompetitive alpha antagonist
- (a1)Prevents vasoconstriction -> DEC PVR -> DEC BP
- (a2) INC HR + CO
- NOT successful in maintaining lower BP
- Clinical: Pheochromosytoma
- AE: Orthostatic hypotension; Inhibits erection; Reflex Tachy
- Reversible Nonselective antagonist
- Very similar to phenoxybenzamine
- Clinical: ST PCCytoma; Hypertesive crisis; clonidine withdrawal; Tyramine OD; Dermal necrosis; Reversal of anesthesia
- Same AE as Phenoxybenzamine
- Selective a1 blocker
- Clinical: Hypertension; BPH
- AE: Orthostatic hypotension
- NO reflex Tachy
Terazosin/ Doxazosin
- Selective a1 antagonist
- Longer T1/2
- Clinical: Hypertension + BPH
- AE: Intraoperative floppy Iris Syndrome; Priapism
- Selective alpha1A antagonist
- Less affect on Hypertension
- Clincal: BPH
- AE: Retinal detachment; Priapism; Abnml Ejaculation
- Selective a2 blocker
- Obsolete clinical use; Research
- OTC fat burning
Alpha antagonist Contra/Interactions
- Tricyclics (Hypotension)
- Concurrent use w/ strong 3A4 inhibitors
- Contra: Hypersensitivity; Hepatic impairment; Renal impairment; QT prolongation
Cardioselective Beta Blockers (B1)
New Exclusive Beta Blockers Are Acting Mainly Cardioselectively
Nebivolol Esmolol Bisoprolol Betaxolol Acebutolol Atenolol Metoprolol Celiprolol
Partial agonist Beta Blockers
Contain Partial Agonist Like Property
Carteolol Pindolol Acebutolol Labetalol Penbutolol
Local anesthetic B blockers
Possess Local Anesthetic Membrane-stabilizing Property
Propanalol Labetalol Acebutolol Metoprolol Pindolol
- Nonselective B Blocker; Crosses BBB
- Pharm: Depress SA/AV Node; DEC CO + BP; Blocks Vasodilation (reflex constriction) mediated by B2; DEC PVR; DEC Renin
- Bronchoconstriction (Asthma)
- DEC glycogenolysis
- Clinical: HT; Angina; MI; Migraine; HyperThy; HF; Variceal bleeding; Arrhythmias; tremors; Glaucoma
Other non-selective B antagonists (besides Prop)
Nadolol: More potent; Less CNS; Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
Timolol: DEC aqueous humour-> Glaucoma + heart conditions
Penbutolol: Partial agonist w/ sympathomimetic activity; More potent
Acebutolol: Same as Pen
Pindolol: Same as Pen; Safer in asthma
- Additional alpha 1 blocking
- Clinical: Hypertensive crisis
- AE: Hepatotoxicity, Orthostatic hypotension
- Also has a1 blocking
- Clinical: HF; Hypertension
- AE: IFIS; Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- Take w/ food for absorption + Orthostatic hypertension
Nonselective B antagonist interactions/contra
Interactions: drugs which inhibit metabolism potential employers affects (Cimetidine, fluoxetine); Prevent rescue affects of EP; NSAIDS attenuate antihypertensive action;
Contra: Asthma/COPD; Bradycardia; AV Block; CHF; Diabetes + Hyperthyroidism; CNS depression
- Competitive B1 blocker
- Clinical: HyperT; Angina; AMI; HF; SupraV Tachy
- AE: CNS less likely; Hypotension;
other B1 selective antagonist
Esmolol: IV; Thyroid storm; HT emergency;
Betazolol: Glaucoma
Nebivolol: ONCE DAILY; Vasodilation via NO release to delay atherosclerosis; Contra Severe Liver impairment