It is not a question it is an exercise on how to teach downward facing dog and here it is below.
This is the written verbatim on how David taught it.
Come on your hands and knees
knees under hips
wrists under shoulders parallel to floor.
Raise your hips up ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA
Breathe there, move around if you like, do whatever you need to do.
Open your eyes, now look at your feet.
-Feet should not be wider apart than the hips.
They should not be turned out or turned in, but parallel to the sides of the mat.
-Reach your hips way up into the air,
Lift your heels up, lift your sit bones as high as you can,
Hang them up near the ceiling.
Now keep to sit bones as high as they are by extending the legs, and by lengthening the legs bring the heels closer to the floor, don’t drop the sit bones.
Both directions up and down equally!
Good…now round your back a bit, and bring your shoulder blades apart from each other.
Make space in between your shoulder blades.
Breathe into that space and then again by reaching out through the tailbone toward the sit bones, let your head hang.
Bring the shoulders in line with the arms, the wrists and the hips.