Additional General Medical Concerns Flashcards
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Rhinovirus (Common Cold)
- Scratchy throat, watery discharge from nose, Sneezing
- In some instances a secondary bacterial infection occurs, can produce yellowish nasal discharge, mild fever, malais, myalgia
- Treat symptomatically, lasts 5-10 days
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Influenza
- Fever, cough, headache, malaise, inflamed respiratory mucous membranes with coryza (profuse nasal discharge), general aches and photophobia
- If uncomplicated treatment consists of bedrest and supportive care.
- Avoid symptomatic care such as aspirin for those under 18 because of Reyes syndrome
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Infectious Mononucleosis
- Severe fatigue and may raise the risk of spleen rupture
- Starts with a 3-5 day prodrome of headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, and myalgia.
- Days 5-15, fever, swollen lymph glands, sore throat
- May also have jaundice, skin rash, pinkish flush to cheeks, and puffy eyelids
- Blood test to diagnose
- Complications include ruptured spleen, meningitis, encephalitis, hepatitis, and anemia
- Treat supportive and symptomatic
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Rubella
- Red spots on the palate, sore throat, slight temperature, drowsiness, swollen lymph glands from 1-5 days
- Rash then begins on the face and spreads down the extremities and lasts for about 3 days
- Treated symptomatically for comfort, can be vaccinated for in childhood
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Rubeola (Measles)
- Spots in the mouth, conjunctivitis, fever up to 104 deg, sneezing, nasal congestion, coughing, malaise, and photophobia at about 4 days
- When fever high, rash appears, first on face as small red spots then increases in size and spreads to trunks, lasts for about 5 days
- Bed rest, dark room, anti-itch cream
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Parotitis (mumps)
- Virus
- Pain in neck below and in front of the ear, which progresses to marked swelling on one or both sides.
- Malaise, Headache, chills, moderate fever
- Painful to move jaw, swallowing difficult
- Immunization to prevent, treat for comfort
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Varicella (chicken pox)
- Begins with a temperature followed by rash
- Rash first appears as individual red crops or spots, they evolved from macules, papules, vesicles, and crusts over several days
- Begins on back and chest, rarely on extremities
- Can medicate with immune globulin medication and acyclovir
- Otherwise, Anti itch cream for comfort
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Sinusitis
- Skin over sinuses swollen, and painful
- May have purulent Nasal discharge
- If purulent, antibiotics
- Steam therapy to prevent vasoconstriction
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Pharyngitis (Sore throat)
- Sore Throat
- Topical Gargles
- Antibiotics given for streptococcal infection to prevent scarlet and rheumatic fever
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Tonsillitis
- Tonsils inflamed, red, swollen, with yellowish exudate in the pits
- Difficulty swallowing, fever with chills, headache and pain in neck
- Culture for strep and if positive, antibiotics
- If not, warm saline gargling, liquid diet
- frequent bouts of this may need surgery
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Seasonal Atopic Pollinosis (Hay Fever)
- Allergies
- eyes, throat, etc itches
- Sinus headache, red swollen eyes
- More serious allergic reactions sometimes occur
- Antihistamines
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Acute Bronchitis
- Cough, slight fever, sore throat, nasal inflammation and discharge
- Eventually dry cough turns to clear mucous and then yellowish if infection present
- Patient may wheeze or rales may be present
- Rest, drink fluids, cough suppressant, and antibiotic if lung infection present
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Pneumonia
- Infection of the alveoli and bronchioles
- High fever with chills, pain on inspiration, decreased breath sounds, and rhonchi on auscultation
- Coughing up of purulent, yellowish sputum
- Could be bacterial or viral
- Antibiotics for bacterial, rest and get lots of fluids for viral
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Bronchial Asthma
- Spasm of the bronchial wall smooth muscles Causing narrowing of airway, edema, inflammation of mucous membrane, producing copious amounts of mucus
- Attack begins with chest tightness, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and fatigue
- Regular exercise can benefit asthmatics, gradual warm ups and cool downs
- Avoid exercising in areas of high air pollution or pollen count
- Treat attack prophylactically or during the attack with bronchodilator such as albuterol
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Cystic Fibrosis
- Genetic disorder, major cause of chronic lung disease in children
- Abnormally high production of mucous in the lungs and susceptibility of heat illnesses
- Can also present with bronchitis, pneumonia, respiratory failure
- Drug therapy, postural drainage with cupping hands, high fluid intake
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
- as child begins to walk, frequent falls and difficulty standing up
- Progressive degeneration affects hips, then legs, then abdominal and spinal muscles
- As they atrophy muscles shorten causing postural abnormalities
- Cannot be cured, Exercise can slow progress, death occurs before 20 years of age
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Mysasthenia Gravis
- Occurs most in females between 20 and 40
- Drooping of upper eyelid, double vision d/t weakness of extraocular muscles
- May be difficulty chewing and swallowing, weakness of extremities, and general decrease in muscular endurance
- Treated with drugs that inhibit breakdown of acetylcholine and corticosteroids
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Meningitis
- Caused by group of viruses known as enteroviruses or by bacteria
- Viral sometimes serious, bacterial very serious and may be fatal
- Stiff neck, high fever, intense headache, sensitivity to light and sound, and progress to vomiting, convulsions and coma
- CSF must be analyzed
- If bacterial treated with IV antibiotics, If viral bed rest, fluids, etc
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
- Difficulty speaking, swallowing and using hands
- Rapid production of muscle atrophy, maintains sensory and intellectual function
- No cure, most die within 3-5 years
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
- Progressive extreme hypersensitivity to touch, redness, sweating, burning/ aching pain, swelling with palpable tightness and shining of the skin, and atrophy.
- Sympathetic ganglion nerve block, Active range of motion, antidepressants if patients become depressed
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia
- Burning thighs and nausea when exercising
- Craving Ice
- Performance decrease and performing serum ferritin test
- Eat proper diet, eat more red and dark poultry, avoid coffee and tea, take vitamin C, take iron supplement
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Runners Anemia
- Impact forces destroy erythrocytes; Running causes hemolysis which is the destruction of red blood cells
- Characterized by mildly enlarge red blood cells
- Decrease running distance
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia
- Can be brought on by overheating of the skin, as with fever, and high altitudes. Flying on plane
- Crisis symptoms include skin palor, muscle weakness, severe pain in limbs and abdomen, fever and fatigue. May have headache and convulsions
- Abdominal pain in the right upper quadrant may indicate a splenic condition in which there is an infarct
- Treatment is symptomatic, anticoagulants
What are the signs/ symptoms and treatment of Lymphangitis
- Usually caused by streptococcal bacteremia
- Inflammation of lymph vessels
- Deep reddening of the skin, warmth, lymphandentitis, and a raised border over the affected area, especially if infection is cause
- May have fever and chills
- Patient should be hospitalized