Adaptations of Bacteria Flashcards
What is the function of Flagella ?
flagellum is a whip-like structure that allows a cell to move.
What is the role of Capsule?
The outer layer of of prokaryotic cells is a gummy or slimy covering (it is sometimes labelled as the “slime capsule”) that may help bacteria stay together in colonies and/or provide some protection to the cell.
What is the role of Cell wall ?
Prokaryotic cell walls have a rigid framework of murein, which is a polysaccharide cross-linked by peptide chains. (Compare with plant cell walls which are made mainly of cellulose and animal cells which do not have have cell walls.)
What is the Plasma Membrane ?
The plasma membrane (sometimes also called the “cell membrane”) is phospholipid bilayer. Note that it is flexible i.e. non-rigid. See also functions of the plasma membrane.
Function of plasma membrane
to maintain the physical integrity of the cell - that is to mechanically enclose the contents of the cell, and also
to control the movement of particles e.g. ions or molecules, into and out of the cell.
What is the role of Cytoplasm ?
Cytoplasm is a gel-like substance that consists mainly of water. In general cytoplasm may also contain enzymes, salts, cell components (e.g. ribosomes, plasmids, food stores etc.), and various organic molecules.
where the functions for cell growth, metabolism, and replication are carried out.
What are the three typesof Motlilty in bacteria ? (Flagella)
Representative cell morphologies of prokaryotes.
- Perirtrochous - Distributed over the entire surface
- Monotrichous - 1 at one pole of the cell
( 3 of them) - Lophotrichous - Clustered at one or both cell poles
How is the motility in bacteria achieved ?
Running swimming in one direction and tumbling random change of direction .
If the change of direction is random, how come the bacteria all end up near the food source, not the toxin?
The change of direction is random, the length of the ‘run’ time is not.
The bacterium senses the attractant (food source) and if the signal gets stronger,
it keeps on going, if not, it tumbles.
What are the types of energy source Prokaryotes use ?
Organotrophic ( organic molecules as a source of energy
carbon/energy sugar, amino acid and hydrocarbons and methan e.g coli)
Lithrtrophobic ( C02 as a carbon source, energy non inorganic compounds as energy source
Phototrophic (
C02 carbon source, capture light energy with or without 02 production )
E.g blue green algae
Difference between PLant cells , bacteria cells , yeast cells and animal cells
Plant cells :
Ribosome - Larger
Mitochondira/Choroloplast - PRESENT
Diameter (order of magnitude )
50 um
Energy Source
Photosynthesis /Respiration
Genome size :
60MBP -150 GBP
Difference between PLant cells , bacteria cells , yeast cells and animal cells
Yeast cell
Ribosome -Large
Mitochondria/Cholorpalst - M pRESENT
Diamter - 7 um
Energy source - Respiration and glycolosis
Genome size - 12 MBP
Difference between Plant cells , bacteria cells , yeast cells and animal cells
Animal Cell
Ribosome - Large
Mitochondria -Present only
Diameter of magnitude - 20 um
Energy source Respiration and glycolysis
Genome size - 20MBP - 130 GbP
What is the Function of Endomembrane system ?
The endomembrane system is a series of compartments that work together to package, label, and ship proteins and molecules. In your cells, the endomembrane system is made up of both the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. These compartments are folds of membranes that form tubes and sacs in your cells.
What is the function of the lumen in endomembrane ?
Communicates with some other compartments and with outside world
What is the Phagocytosis ?
Shown is phagocytosis of a red blood cell by a human white blood cell
This is important in the normal disposal of cells in the body of animals and in immune defence against bacteria
Ancient origin in predatory behaviour of single-celled organisms
Some bacteria can survive and even thrive after being engulfed
What is Endosymbiosis
Mitochondria and chloroplasts have striking similarities to bacteria cells. They have their own DNA, which is separate from the DNA found in the nucleus of the cell. And both organelles use their DNA to produce many proteins and enzymes required for their function.
The hypothesized process by which prokaryotes gave rise to the first eukaryotic cells is known as endosymbiosis, and certainly ranks among the most important evolutionary events. … Mitochondria are one of the many different types of organelles in the cells of all eukaryotes