Acute Respiratory Diseases Flashcards
What acute disease in known as an intra-alveolar bacterial infection?
Bacterial pneumonia
Where is gram-positive bacteria typically acquired and what is the most common type of gram-positive bacteria?
Acquired in the community
List pertinent findings of bacterial pneumonia.
- Blood streaked or rusty sputum
- Increased WBC count
- Hypoxemia initially progressed to hyper cap early with increased severity
How is bacterial pneumonia confirmed ?
This is an interstitial or intra-alveolar inflammatory process caused by viral agents (i.e. influenza).
Viral Pneumonia
List some pertinent findings in viral pneumonia.
- Normal WBC count
- Dry cough
- Headache
- Recent history of upper respiratory infection
Aspirated material causes an acute inflammatory reaction within the lungs. This is known as ?
Aspiration pneumonia
Aspiration pneumonia is found in what kind of patients?
- Patients with dysphagia
- Fixed in neck extension
- Intoxication
- Impaired consciousness
- Recent anesthesia
List pertinent findings with aspiration pneumonia.
- Dry cough that progresses to putrid secretions
- Cyanosis
- Wheezes and crackles
- WBC count shows varying degrees of leukocytosis
What is the incubation period for TB?
2-10 weeks
How long does TB last?
10 days to 2 weeks
What precautions must be followed with TB?
Universal Precautions
During the infectious stage of TB, how is the patient medically managed?
Put in negative-pressure room, if they leave the room they have to wear specialized mask to keep from infecting others
How long is Tb medication taken for?
3-12 months
What are some pertinent findings of TB?
- Hemoptysis: Blood streaked sputum
- ^ lymphocytes
- Hilarious adenopathy: enlargement in lymph nodes surrounding hilum
- Weight loss
What is Pott’s disease (Tb spondylitis)?
Form of spinal T that primarily affects the thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae
Often result in kyphosis
Multi system inflammatory disease consisting of granulomas in multiple organs, most often the lungs, skin , lymph nodes, eyes and liver
How is the progression of sarcoidosis monitored?
PFTs and 6MWT
List the Chronic Obstructive Diseases. (CCRABB)
- Asthma
- Cystic Firosis
- Bronchiectasis
- RDS (respiratory distress syndrome)
- Bronchopoulmonary dysplasia
Name That Respiratory pathology: Alveolar ollapse in a premature infant resulting from lung immaturity, inadequate level of pulmonary surfactant
Respiratory distress Syndrome (RDS)
List restrictive disease (difficulty expanding the lungs: causing reduction in lung volumes; blowing thru straw)