Accounting principles & procedures Flashcards
What are the three types of financial statement you may come across relating to a company?
Balance sheet
Cash flow statement
Income statement/ Profit & Loss
What is an asset / liability?
Can you give me an example of each?
Asset: Item that a company owns with the expectation that it will yield future financial benefit. e.g. Cash, patents, buildings, inventory
Liability: What you owe to other people/businesses.
e.g. wages owed, bank or mortgage debt
What is the difference between financial and management accounts?
Managerial accounting focuses on an organisations internal financial processes but Financial accounting focuses on the companies external financial processes.
What do you understand by the term Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)?
In UK. UK GAAP is the body of accounting standards published by FRC (UKs Financial Reporting Council)
aims to regulate and standardise to ensure companies are transparent and honest in their reporting.
How do companies know which reporting framework to comply with?
FRS 100 Application of Financial Reporting Requirements:
sets out 5 framework options.
Depending on size of the business -turnover/assets/number of employees
Which reporting framework do public limited companies have to comply with?
How would you assess the financial strength of an entity, e.g. for a valuation?
Analyse: Balance sheet
Income statement
Cash Flow Statement
Financial Ratio Analysis
Can you tell me about a common financial measure?
What is the acid test / ROCE / working capital ratio / gearing ratio / net assets per share?
Acid test ration: compares a companies quick assets (cash and accounts receivable) to its current liabilities
ROCE: Return on capital employed= Earning before interest & TAX / Capital employed
Working capital ratio = current assets/ current liabilities
Gearing Ratio = Long-term liabilities / capital employed
Net Asset per share: Indicates the value of a mutual fund or exchange traded fund. Net asset value / number of outstanding shares.
Can you tell me what the role of an auditor is?
After accountants have been in to verify their work:
Examine the financial statements prepared by the accountants to ensure that they represent the companies financial position accurately following the UK GAAP principles.
When are audited accounts needed and why?
For any companies that are not small or micro businesses.
Provides credibility to a set of financial statements and gives the shareholders confidence that the accounts are true and fair
How do public limited company accounts differ?
The shares of a PLC can be transferred freely on the stock exchange to anyone so accounts must be made available for public viewing.
Tell me something you understand from the Companies Act 2006.
Primary source of UK Company law which aimed to modernise and simplify corporate law and to improve shareholders rights - can take action against the directors for alleged breach of their duties to the company.
Companies are required to prepare and publish a business review as part of their annual accounts and report.
Tell me what it means to prepare accounts in accordance with IFRS.
Set of accounting rules for the financial statements of public companies that are intended to make them consistent, transparent and easily comparable around the world.
What is the difference between UK GAAP and IFRS?
GAAP is rules-based and IFRS is principles-based.
Companies Act 2006 requires UK businesses to prepare statements either to standards set by UK GAAP or the IFRS. UK GAAP FRS 102 is less complex and therefore quicker however if in a wider group may chose to use IFRS so can compare to other business strands.
What is the basis of valuation under IFRS 13?
Market approach, cost approach and income approach
What is fair value?
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date (an exit price)
What has changed in relation to lease accounting / IFRS 16?
The new Standard eliminates a lessee’s classification of leases as either operating leases or finance leases. Instead, almost all leases are ‘capitalised’ by recognising a lease liability and right-of-use asset on the balance sheet
When did the change come into effect?
Issued in January 2016 and effective for annual reporting starting on 1 January 2016
What is FRS 102?
What changes have been made to it?
How has this impacted upon investment property?
The new UK GAAP standard is FRS 102. It is based on the IFRS for SMEs
Changes that they apply to rent concessions for which any reduction in lease payments affects only payments originally due on or before 30 June 2022
Investment property: must be remeasured to fair value at each balance sheet date with fair value gains and losses going through profit and loss
What are statutory accounts?
Drawn up by the Directors or Members of an entity to report various financial measures and related disclosures for filing with Companies House.
including: balance sheet, income/P&L statement, cashflow statement, notes to the accounts & directors report.
Why is good financial record keeping important to you?
Maintaining accurate financial records is imperative for all firms, but especially for those that are just starting out. Not only does it make budgeting so much easier, but it is also vital for tax purposes. Failure to keep on top of the financial records can quickly lead to disaster for many firms.
Tell me three ways you ensure that clients’ money is handled properly.
What RICS guidance or Schemes do you adhere to in doing so?
RICS Client money handling Professional statement (1st Ed. 2019)
RICS Clients money Protection Scheme: as a last resort which Regulated firms are unable to repay a clients money.
Explain your understanding of the VAT domestic reverse charge for building and construction services.
When do changes to the reverse charge apply from?
What is the impact of the reverse charge on VAT accounting?
1st March 2021:
VAT-registered business supplies construction services to another VAT-registered construction business, they will be required to issue a VAT invoice saying that the service is subject to the domestic reverse charge, but no VAT will be added to the invoice. The reverse charge is intended to cover labour and not building materials
Missing trader fraud is where a subcontractor charges VAT to its customers but disappears after a few months of trading. As a result HMRC lose out on the VAT it is owed from the subcontractor.