Abdominal Examination Flashcards
GI causes of clubbing
Coeliac disease
Liver cirrhosis
Iron deficiency
Palmar erythema
Hyper dynamic circulation due to increased oestrogen levels in liver disease/ pregnancy
Iron deficiency
B12 deficiency
Hepatomegaly causes
Metastatic cancer HCC Hepatitis RVF Fatty liver Alcoholic liver disease
Causes of splenomegaly
Lymphoma Leukaemia Portal hypertension Malaria EBV Extravascular haemolysis
Drugs that cause gynaecomastia
DISCO Digoxin Isoniazid Spironolactone Cimetidine Oestrogens
Murphy’s sign
Pain on deep inspiration on palpating in the right upper quadrant (cholecystitis)
Tinkling/ high pitched bowel sounds
Partial or total obstruction
Loud low pitch (borborygmus) bowel sounds
Diarrhoea or abnormal peristalsis
Absent bowel sounds
Paralytic ileus, peritonitis
Focused examination- liver disease
Palmar erythema, dupuytrens contracture, xanthalasma, leukocnhyia, clubbing, flapping tremor, loss of body hair, jaundice (sclera), spider naevi, ascites, Capit medusae, gynaecomastia, hepatomeglay, splenomegaly, peripheral oedema, fever of viral hepatitis
Focused examination- IBD
Clubbing, decreased body habitus, aphthous ulcers, stomas, joint problems, conjunctivitis, pain on palpation
Generalised oedema, conjunctival pallor, leukocnhyia, uraemia flap, periporbital oedema ( one for kids in nephrotic syndrome), scars and fistulas, central lines, JVP, enlarged kidneys (ADPKD) or renal bruits
Focused examination- gallstones
Jaundice (sclera), Pruritis, RUQ on palpation, murphy’s sign
Focused examination- Cushings
Central obesity and muscle wasting, fullness of face, virolacoues striae, hypertension, pigmentation, gynaecomastia, acne, dorsal fat pad, bruising
Focused examination- anaemia
Koilonychia, conjunctival pallor, glossitis (Fe deficiency)stomatitis (Fe or B12 deficiency), hepatosplenomegaly
Focused examination- diabetes
Weight loss or gain (type 1 or 2), amputations, hypertension, peripheral neuropathy, ulcers, strophic changes to feet, deformities, vascular insufficiency, decreased sweating (very dry feet), finger prick marks (having BM tested)