Abdomen, peritoneum, Organs Flashcards
What are the layers of the abdominal wall Superficial to deep
Superficial to deep
● Skin
● Subcutaneous layer
● Muscles
● Transversalis fascia
● Extraperitoneal fat
● Parietal peritoneum (lines the abdominal cavity)
what is caput medusa?
swelling of superficial veins on abdomen
what nerves innervate the abdominal wall?
thoracoabdominal (T7-T11)
subcostal (T12)
ilioinguinal nerves (L1)
what does t7 dermatome supply?
tip of ziphoid process
what does the t10 dermatome innervate?
what does the l1 dermatome innervate?
pubic bone, inguinal fold
what is the job of the internal and external oblique muscles?
Compress and support abdominal visceral,
flex and rotate trunk
which muscle’s aponeurosis makes up the inguinal ligament?
external abdominal oblique
what is the function of transversus abdominus?
compress and support abdominal viscera
what is the rectus sheath made of?
Formed by the aponeuroses of the external and internal obliques, and the transversus abdominis
what arteries supply the abdominal wall?
superior/inferior epigastric arteries
what makes the superior and deep inguinal ring?
superficial: external adnominal oblique aponeurosis
Deep: transceralis fascia
what is in the inguinal canal in males?
spermatic cord, a, v, n,
in males and females what runs through the inguinal canal?
ilioinguinal nerve
what muscle makes something important in the male inguinal region?
internal oblique extends to become cremaster muscle (brings testes up and down in temperature response)
what is a direct inguinal hernia?
medial to inferior epigastric artery
what is a indirect hernia?
lateral to inferior epigastric artery (however these are more likely to get into the testicle)d
describe where the liver is
right under the right ribs, covered by diagram
“Extends inferiorly to
costal margin on right
and across midline to
left midclavicular line”
where is the gallbladder?
Fundus located at tip of
right 9th costal cartilage
on transpyloric plane
where is the spleen?
left side, 9-10 rib
parallel to 10 rib
inferior pole no further forward than midaxillary line
Locate the upper pole of
kidneys by rib levels:
* Left: ________
* Right: __________
Locate the hilum of the kidneys: __________
10th intercostal space
11th intercostal space
where is the esophageal hiatus?
what level is the pylorus?
transpyloric plane L1
where are the parts of the duodenum?
1st part:
* L1 (transpyloric plane)
3rd part:
* L3 (subcostal plane)
2nd part:
* L3
4th part:
* L2
where is the pancreas?
Head: L1-3
Neck: L1
tail heads to hilum of spleen
where is the appendix?
arises from cecum 1/3 distance from right anterior superior iliac spine to umbilicus
What is the mesentery?
double layer of peritoneum that enclose the organ and its vasculature connecting to body wall
what is the nervous innervation of the parietal peritoneum ? what does this allow?
somatic afferent
allows sensation of temp/pain with specificity (sharp localized)
what is the nervous innervation of the visceral peritoneum ? what does this allow?
visceral do not sense temperature, pain, ONLY stretch and chemical
(dull poorly localized)
what is significant about the coronary ligament of the liver?
attachment site for visceral and parietal pleura
what is the transverse mesocolon?
mesentery of the transverse colon
what is the pouch that separates the bladder and rectum in males?
rectovesical pouch
what is the pouch that separates the bladder and ovary in males?
rectouterine pouch
what is the pouch that separates the rectum and ovary in males?
rectouterine pouch
What organs are retroperitoneal?
ascending, descending, retroperitoneal, kidney, pancreas, duodenum
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Which organs are intraperitoneal?
stomach, liver, gallbladder, spleen, first part of duodenum
what quadrant is the stomach in?
upper left
what artery supplies the foregut?
celiac trunk
what are the branches of the celiac trunk?
Common hepatic
left gastric
(left hand side)
what makes up the portal triad?
common bile duct
proper hepatic artery
hepatic portal vein
what is the pringle maneuver?
you can stop all blood flow to the liver by clamping down on the portal triad
the epiploic foramen is bordered by
Anterior: portal triad
posterior: IVC
what does the portal system of veins do?
Drains GI tract (nutrient rich, oxygen poor blood), returns
it to liver
where does the gallbladder get blood from?
proper hepatic a
where does the common bile duct open to duodenum?
goes posterior to first part and drains into second part at the DUODENUM PAPILLA
what arteries supplies the duodenum?
1st part: celiac trunk
2-4: superior mesenteric
what kind of covering does the 2-4 part of duodenum have?
what lays posterior to the 1 part of duodenum?
Gastroduodenal artery, portal vein, common bile duct
what does the spleen do?
largest lymphatic organ; white
cell proliferation, immune
system function, removes
old RBCs and platelets,
recycles iron & globin,
blood volume reservoir;
NOT part of GI system
what artery supplies the pancreas?
head and uncinate: celiac and superior mesenteric
neck, body tail: splenic
what provides autonomic innervation to the foregut?
celiac ganglion
splanchnic nerve
superior/inferior mesentaric nerves
what artery supplies the midgut?
superior mesenteric a
what is the organization of the layers of the small intestine?
smooth muscle, alternating layers, visceral peritoneum
what is one anatomical difference between the jejunum and ileum?
jej ha a lot of circular folds whereas the ileum is smooth
what does the inside of the colon look like?
what are the branches off the superior mesenteric artery?
middle colic
right colic
what are the branches off the inferior mesenteric a
left colic
superior rectal
what is the marginal artery of drummond?
vessel that forms a major anastomotic network between the superior and inferior mesenteric arteries.
what nerves innervate the hindgut?
The pelvic splanchnic nerves provide parasympathetic innervation, while the sacral splanchnic nerves provide sympathetic innervation.
what nerves innervate the midgut?
The vagus nerve provides parasympathetic innervation, while the superior splanchnic nerves provide sympathetic innervation
what travels in the splenic, inferior and superior mesenteric veins?
ox poor, nutrient rich blood
the portal system drains into IVC through:
hepatic veins
right renal, gonadal and hepatic veins drain into:
left gonadal vein drains into
left renal vein (because aorta is in the way of it getting to IVC)
if there is a portal vein obstruction where can the paraumbilical vein drain?
superficial epigastric vein
if there is a portal vein obstruction where can the left gastric vein drain?
esophageal veins
if there is a portal vein obstruction where can the left and right colic vein drain?
retroperitoneal veins
The left gastric vein, which drains
the stomach and lower esophagus, forms an anastomosis with the __________ that drain into azygos vein and
superior vena cava
mid- and upper esophageal veins
The left gastric vein, which drains
the stomach and lower esophagus, forms an anastomosis with the mid and upper esophageal veins that drain into
azygos vein and
superior vena cava
___________ (which
typically drain into the left
branch of the portal vein)
course along the ligmentum
teres & form an anastomosis
around the umbilicus with
superficial epigastric veins in
the anterior abdominal wall
which drain into the superior
& inferior vena cavae
Paraumbilical veins
tributaries to inferior
mesenteric vein form an
anastomosis with
middle & inferior rectal
Superior rectal vein
__________tributaries to
internal iliac vein which
drains into the inferior
vena cava
middle & inferior rectal
Right & left colic veins
(with tributaries to
superior & inferior
mesenteric veins) form an
anastomosis in the
retroperitoneum with
lumbar veins