AAW - Behavioral Flashcards
berkson bias
a study looking at only inpatients
example of measurement bias
Hawthorne effect — groups
who know they’re being
studied behave differently
than they would otherwise
example of observer-expectancy bias
aka self-fulfilling prophecy
confounding bias
Pulmonary disease is more common in coal workers than the general population; however, people who work in coal mines also smoke more frequently than the general population
lead time bias
Early detection makes it seem as
though survival has increased,
but the natural history of the
disease has not changed
type 1 vs type two error
1 - you saw a difference that did not exist
2 - you were blind to a difference that exists
involuntary obscene speech seen in 10-20% of tourettes patiets
what is it called if a kid uses his anger towards his father to do well is sports
rett disorder
X-linked disorder seen almost exclusively in girls (affected males die in utero or shortly after birth).
Symptoms usually become apparent around ages 1–4, including regression characterized by
loss of development, loss of verbal abilities, intellectual disability, ataxia, and stereotyped handwringing.
less dopamine,
more 5-HT,
more ACh
more norepinephrine,
less GABA, less 5-HT
less GABA,
less ACh,
more dopamine
what neurotransmitter changes are seen in alzheimers
decrease in ACh
what neurotransmitter changes are seen in schizophrenia
increased dopamine
schizophreniform disorder
only lasting 1-6 months
schizoaffective disorder
at least 2 weeks of stable mood with psychotic symptoms, plus a major depressive, manic, or mixed episode
2 subtypes: bipolar or depressive
new name for multile personality disorder
dissociative identity disorder
hypomanic episode
not the lack of mania,
the mania just is less severe and doesn’t have any psychotic features
three treatments for bipolar disorder
lituim, valproic acid, carbamazepine
mood stabilizers
if a clinician is asking a patient if they have repeated nighttime awakenings, and early morning awakenings what psychiatric disorder may they be screening for
exaggerated fear of open or enclosed places, using public transportation, being in
line or in crowds, or leaving home alone.
somatoform disorders i.e. somatic symptom disorder
unexplained symptoms or complaints with no conscious attempt to deceive
factitious disorders
unexplained symptoms or complaints with a conscious attempt to deceive. Chief goal is psychological gain
e.g. munchausen, munchausen by proxy
unexplained symptoms or complaints with a conscious attempt to attain a secondary gain (avoiding work, etc.)
personality disorders A, B, and C
paraphilia, not gener dysphoria
wearing cloths (like a VEST) of the opposite sex
hormone changes in narcolepsy
decreased orexin production in lateral hypothalamus
loss of all muscle tone following a strong emotional stimulus
seen in some narcoleptic patients
wakefulness promoting agent used for narcolepsy
depressant drug that can cause cardiovascular collapse in withdrawl
a treatment for nicotine dependancy
one of the most useful conclusions from a randomized control study is
the number of patients that must be gives a new therapy to achieve the desired outcome in one patient
aka NNT
bipolar I vs II
I - presence of depression with mixed or manic episodes (can be only one episode) characterized by grandiosity, decreased sleep, increased rate of speech, etc.
II - at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode with a Hx of depression NO MIXED OR MANIC EPISODES
how do you decrease type II error in studies
increase the statistical power
(power = 1-beta)
increase by increasing sample size, increase expected effect size, increase precision of measurement
if a bunch of people drop out half way through a trial and the researcher does not include them in the data, what kind of bias is this?
selection bias
normal aging is associated with decrease in this neurotransmitter
causes less deep wave and REM sleep
equation for calculating odds ratio
SE of TCAs
3Cs: Coma, Convulsions, Cardiotox
mech is inhibiting he reuptake of norepi and serotonin
name for an involuntary loss of function (can’t move legs) in response to an unconcious conflict
conversion disorder
patient presents with agitation, fever, and horizontal and vertical nystagmus
what drug?
PCP, phencyclidine
first line Tx for PTSD
name for a milder form of bipolar II that lasts at least two years and have have multiple fluctuating episodes
Cyclothymic disorder
schizophrenia is assc with theses neurotransmitter changes
increased dopamine
use antipsychotics to treat (block D2 receptors)
Tx for tourette’s
tuberous sclerosis is assc with what common behavioral disorder
how long does adjustment disorder usually last?
~3 months
when do kids usually start to babble
6 months
sampling vs selection bias
sampling bias: when you take a group of people not representative of the population of interest. occurs before the trial
selection: when people that are brought into the trial are assigned to different groups non-randomly (e.g. they can choose their own group). Occurs after sampling
what is it called when feelings toward someone formative or important in a doctor’s life are projected onto a patient
measuring relative risk
what study
measuring odds ratio
what study