A9 - Health and Wellbeing Flashcards
What changes have occurred in the NHS to support a person’s health, comfort and wellbeing?
- Policy changes to focus on promotion of health and wellbeing and prevention of illness.
- Change in approach from treating illness to promoting wellbeing.
How can you support a person’s health, comfort and wellbeing?
- Collaborative approach across the healthcare sector.
- Encourage active involvement of individuals to self-manage.
- Adopting a person-centred approach
What are the physical signs of pain?
- Physical ticks
- Altered baseline observations
- Skin condition
- Repeatedly touching or guarding part of the body
- Moving slowly
- Wringing or clenching
What are the verbal signs of pain?
- Self-report
- Crying out
- Grunts
What are the non-verbal signs of pain?
- Facial expressions
- Body language
What are the behavioural signs of pain?
- Altered energy levels
- Altered character
- Changes in usual eating/sleeping pattern.
How can you work in a person-centred way?
- Ensure effective nutrition and hydration
- Providing food and drink that meets individual needs
- Ensuring food and drink does not contraindicate with any medications.
What is the prevention agenda?
The prevention agenda is a policy set out by the department of health and social care to help people to stay healthy and independent.
What is a preventative approach?
Help people stay healthy and independent for as long as possible, is about stopping any problems from arising in the first place, focusing on keeping people healthy, not just treating them when they become ill.
Provide people with knowledge and skills to make life choices that support them to stay healthy.
How is health promotion used to support the prevention agenda?
- National campaigns from government.
- Opportunistic delivery of health promotion by all healthcare professionals.
- Campaigns by specific groups and charities.
- Sharing examples of health promotion activities.
What does MECC stand for?
Making Every Contact Count
What does the MECC do?
Approach preventative behavioural change which uses the day-to-day interactions that individuals have with any healthcare professional.
How does diet impact good health and wellbeing?
Obesity increases the risk of developing a range of diseases including type 2 diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.
Malnutrition: risks of vitamin deficiency
How does smoking impact good health and wellbeing?
- One of the biggest causes of death and illness in the UK.
- Increases the risk of lung cancer, as well as other cancers.
- Increased risk of heart disease.
How does the low physical activity impact good health and wellbeing?
- Risk factors for a range of long-term conditions, including heart disease.
- Greater risk of developing hypertension.
- Has been linked to increased anxiety and depression.
- Older adults who are physically active can reduce their risks of falls.
How does the consumption of alcohol impact good health and wellbeing?
- Long term effects include organ damage: Heart, liver and pancreas.
- Increased risk of hypertension and heart disease
- Weakens immune system, including risk of infections
- Weakens bones, including risk of fractures/breaks
- Effects on the brain, including cognitive function, neurotransmitters and brain tissue.
How can you take a holistic approach to healthcare?
- Treating the person not just the condition.
- Bespoke treatment plans that meet personal needs and choices.
- Understanding the individual’s lifestyle.
- Understanding the individual’s mental health needs.
- Integrated working.
- Health and wellbeing boards.
What does the term holistic mean?
Treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.
What is the purpose of signposting individuals?
To determine the most appropriate service for the individual including considerations given to the most cost-effective approach.
How can signposting support an individual’s health and wellbeing?
- Provide awareness on a wider range of services available and provide alternative options.
- Gives opportunities to discuss specific complaints or experiences with specialists or peers.
What is the impact of ageing on physical health?
- Cellular level
- Body systems
- Senses
- Age associated disease
What is the impact of ageing on cognitive health?
- Memory
- Attention
- Reasoning
- Problem solving
- Information processing
What is the impact of ageing on emotional wellbeing?
- Transitions and significant life events
- Own morality
- Loneliness/social isolation
How do aspects of care requirements change throughout the life stages?
- 0-2: Immunisation
- 3-8: Paediatric care
- 9-18: Sexual health services
- 19-45: Maternity and paternity care
- 46-65: Healthcare screening
- 65+: Frailty
How can you support young people to look after themselves?
Promoting self care and self awareness
How can you support healthy adults to look after themselves?
Promoting self-esteem
How can you support adults who have health or wellbeing concerns to look after themselves?
Dispelling stereotypes
How can you support adults aged 65+ to look after themselves?
Regular check-ups
How can you support someone on end of life care to look after themselves?
Creating an end of life plan