A Elements Revision Questions Flashcards
What piece of legislation covers the requirement for diversity and inclusion for people with certain characteristics?
The Equality Act 2010
Who is responsible for obtaining a DBS check for work?
The employer
What is the name for the legal parts of an employment contract?
Terms (of employment).
Your employer has a disciplinary policy that includes informal and formal written warnings.
You have been found stealing and dismissed.
You feel that you have been treated unfairly because you weren’t given any warnings or notice period. Are you correct?
No, In the case of gross misconduct an employer can immediately dismiss an employee
Give 2 reasons why an organisation needs and equality, diversity and inclusion policy
To ensure equality and to comply with legislation
Explain, using an example, what is meant by safeguarding
To ensure everyone is treated equally and to comply with legislation.
Give 2 reasons why organisations adhere to quality standards
- Ensuring individuals are protected from harm, such as a vulnerable child
- Adult being abused by a carer or relative
During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were serious concerns that NHS hospitals would be overwhelmed and unable to treat patients.
Therefore, hospitals were instructed by the government to discharge any patients who could be transferred back to their care homes.
In many cases this lead to the induction of COVID-19 into many care homes from hospitals because patients were not tested for or known to be infected.
Evaluate this instruction, considering the key principles of ethical practice. Your response should demonstrate: reasoned judgements and informed consent.
Two from: ensuring consistency; maintaining health
and safety; monitoring processes and procedures;
facilitating continuous improvement; facilitating
objective independent review.
Briefly explain three roles within the NHS
Give 3 examples of private healthcare services
Explain what is meant by a non-profit organisation. Give an example
Other than hospitals, list 3 examples of healthcare working environments
State 2 environments where judicial care is provided
Define the term primary care
Give 4 examples where primary care would be provided
What does the term ‘public participation’ in primary care mean?
Explain the features of secondary care
List 3 features of tertiary care
Identify 4 personal factors that would require access to healthcare services
Give an example for each of the following barriers to healthcare services: -socioeconomic -psychological -physical -cultural and language -geographical
Describe how 2 different personal factors would influence the services required by an individual
State 2 benefits for an individual using a health app
State 2 benefits for healthcare services of individuals using a health app
List 4 functions of the NHS app
Identify 4 potential main application for 3D printing in healthcare
Explain the benefits for patients of having a robotic surgery rather than conventional surgery
State the 3 essential principles of the NHS
When were prescription charges where introduced?
Describe 2 ways the role of a nurse has changes since the NHS was introduced
List 3 ways the NHS long term plan is helping prepare the NHS to meet future deadlines
State 2 features of the private sector
Name 4 examples of policies that would be used in a healthcare setting
Give 3 reasons why staff should adhere to policies in the workplace
Describe 2 possible consequences for service users of a health and safety policy not being adhered to
State 3 actions that the CQC can take if the services of a healthcare provider are found to be below the required standard
Explain what is meant by ‘deregistration’ for a care practitioner
Write a definition of evidence based practice
List 3 benefits of evidence based practice for the populations as a whole
Identify 2 benefits of evidence based practice for the healthcare sector
List the 5 pieces of key information that job description should include
A person specification lists ‘essential and desirable skills’. What does this mean?
A person specification states ‘attributes required’. What does this mean?
Identify 3 external factors that can potentially impact the activities of the healthcare sector
Describe 2 examples of the long term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the NHS that have already become evident
What is the purpose of a disaster recovery plan?
Give 3 examples of what a disaster recovery plan should cover
What do the initials WHO stand for?
Describe the role of WHO
What does UKHAS stand for?
List 4 responsibilities of the UKHAS
State 2 benefits of using a ‘public health’ approach to national health
Describe the role of community health services
Give an example for each of the following barriers to seeking healthcare services and explain why they are a barrier. Socioeconomic, Psychological and Geographical
Evaluate the use of public health and disease orientated approaches to national health. Your answer should demonstrate: a comparison of the 2 approaches and a reasoned conclusion
Explain how charity organisation play an important role within the healthcare sector
Identify whether each of the following care services are primary, secondary or tertiary care: GP surgery, hospice, hospital maternity department, optician, physiotherapy clinic and residential nursing home.
Discuss the benefits of remotely monitored health implants (e.g. pacemaker) for the individual sand for the NHS.
Identify 2 policies that would be followed in a healthcare setting.
Explain why it is important to adhere to organisational policies
Give a definition of evidence based practice
Explain why it is necessary for healthcare settings to have a disaster recovery plan
Which act (rather than regulations) controls the disposal of waste in the workplace?
Name 2 sets of regulations that cover accidents in the workplace
Name 2 sets of regulations that cover hazardous substances
How does RIDDOR define a work related accident
What is a reportable injury under RIDDOR?
Who is responsible for safety within the workplace- the employer or the employee?
What is meant by a hazard?
What are the 5 steps in a risk assessment?
Identify 3 ways that management can promote health and safety at work?
Identify 3 ways that employees can promote health and safety at work?
Why is it important that equipment is properly maintained?
Why is it important that the workplace is kept clean and tidy?
A delivery of boxes has just arrived. You have been given the task of moving them to the storeroom and putting them onto shelves. Name 3 things you would have to consider to ensure safe handling
Give 3 situations where the management of health and safety at work regulations 1999 says that the training is particularly important.
There is a chemical spillage in a school lab. Describe 3 actions that you should take to deal with it.
Under what circumstances should you evacuate an area?
Following a small fire in a chemical store, a debriefing is held for all employees involved.
What is the main purpose of this?
Who does the health and safety at work act 1974 make responsible for the health and safety of everyone at work?
To what extent does the health an safety at work act 1974 compel employers to remove all risk from the workplace?
Which should come first, writing the SOP’s or preparing the risk assessment?
A company is reviewing its training policy. All new employees undergo a half-day induction processes that includes health and safety training. Half-day refresher courses are offered to all staff every 5 years. Evaluate this policy and suggest how it could be improved and why.
A new company has developed an approach to health and safety that includes the following:
- the human resources department has the responsibility for carrying out all risk assessments.
- the production department has the responsibility for preparing and SOP’s
- risk assessments and SOP’s are made available on the company intranet
Asses what might be missing from the company’s approach to risk assessment and SOP’s.
Explain why the use of PPE should be considered only when all other steps have been taken to reduce risk.
You have been asked to dispose of large drums of solid and liquid chemical waste. Describe what the flowing legislation would require the process to include:
- environmental protection act 1990
- control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002
- manual handling operations regulations 1992
A company kept an accident book that was used to record all accidents that led to an employee being f=off work for more than 7 days. Describe what the reporting if injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations (RIDDOR) requires in terms of recording and reporting incidents.
A technician has been given the task of producing SOP’s for maintenance and disposal of specific equipment.
Outline the legislation and regulations that they would need to consider in producing the SOP’s.
Outline the purpose of the health and safety (first aid) regulations 1981
Outline the purpose of the care act 2014
A friend says that they do not want to be vaccinated because ‘vaccines aren’t properly tested’.
What arguments would you use to persuade them?
A colleague is a trained first aider. They are facing disciplinary action because there are several items missing from their fist aid box.
In their defence, they say that other members of staff are taking them without their knowledge or consent and they cannot afford to keep replacing the items that are taken.
Evaluate your colleagues defence.
What is the purpose if the guidelines concerning the provision and use of external defibrillators?
You are working on a night shift in a care home and you are the only staff member on your wing.
An alarm sounds and you discover that an elderly patient with dementia has fallen out of bed.
How do the manual handling regulations determine the action you should take?
Describe the difference between qualitative and quantitative data
Give 2 advantages of automated data capture
How would you present and process or analyse the following data?
a- Raw data from an investigation into blood glucose concentration in diabetics. Each patient had their blood glucose concentration measured every day for a week
b- Measurement of mean blood glucose concentration and body mass index in a group of type 2 diabetic patients
Which would be the most appropriate method to present information about the incidence of the top 20 causes of death in young people to:
- The general public
- Group of health professionals
Give 2 advantages and one disadvantage of using results of experiments or investigations in healthcare
Give one advantage of using data or information from published research
What is the difference between objective and subjective observations
Define artificial intelligence
Define cloud based systems
Give one advantage of the use of mobile technology in healthcare data capsule
Give one advantage of using the digital information management systems