A6 - Facial and tongue muscles Flashcards
What is the action of the obicularis oculi?
Closes eyelids - outer orbital part closes them forcefully and the inner palpebral part closes them gently
(round eyes)
What is the action of levator labii superioris alaeque nasi?
Raises upper lip, opens nostrils
(strap like muscle going down side of nose)
What is the action of the nasalis?
Transverse part (over nose) - compresses nasal aperture
Alar part (under nostrils) - draws cartilage down and opens nostrils laterally
(main nose muscle)
What is the action of levator anguli oris?
Elevates the corner of mouth, deepens nasolibial furrow
(extends up from corner of mouth/ top lip into cheek)
What is the action of the buccinator?
Presses cheeks against teeth, prevents food accumulating here
(deep and main muscle in the cheek)
What is the action of risorious?
Pulls corner of mouth laterally and upwards
(strap muscle from corner of mouth to cheekbone)
What is the action of obicularis oris?
Closes and portrudes lips (purses)
(ring like muscle around the mouth)
What is the action of mentalis?
Raises and portrudes lower lip
(from lower lip to chin)
What is the action of platysma?
Tenses the skin
(muscle from lower mandible to neck)
What is the action of depressor labi inferioris?
Draws lower lip down and laterally
(extends down from middle of lower lip to either side of chin)
What is the action of depressor anguli oris?
Draws corner of mouth down and laterally
(extends down to chin from corner of mouth)
What is the action of depressor nasal septi?
Pulls nose inferiorly
(found right under nostrils)
What is the action of zygomaticus minor and major?
Draw corner of mouth up and laterally, and draws upper lip upwards
(strap like muscles from corner of mouth to in front of ear; minor is superior to major)
What is the action of levator labi superioris?
raises upper lip, forms nasolibial furrow
(from obicularis oris ring to where obicularis oculi ring is, sort of diagnoally)
What is the action of frontalis?
Moves the scalp, wrinkles the forehead
(forehead muscle)
What is the action of procerus?
Draws eyebrows down
(muscle right in middle of your eyebrows, goes onto nose)
What is the action of corrugator supercilli?
Draws eyebrows in and down
(small muscle medial to eyebrows and deep to obicularis oculi)
What muscle might be contracted when making a face of sadness?
Depressor anguli oris - corner of mouth down
Levator labi superioris - deepens furrow
Levator anguli oris - deepens furrow
Depressor labi inferioris - lower lip down and laterally
Mentalis - protrudes lower lip
What muscle might be contracted when making a face of disgust?
Levator labi superioris alaeque nasi - raises upper lip and opens nostrils
What muscle might be contracted when grinning?
Risorius - corner of mouth up and out
Depressor labi inferioris - pulls lower lip down to show teeth
What muscle might be contracted when angry?
Procerus - draws eyebrows down
Corrugator supercili - draws eyebrows down
Depressor anguli oris - corner of mouth down
Name the muscles of mastication
Lateral pterygoid
Medial pterygoid
Which muscle of mastication may aid with depression of the mandible?
Lateral pterygoid - inferior head
For temporalis muscle, give its:
O: temporal fossa (temporalis line)
I: coronoid process of mandible
A: elevates and retracts mandible