A&P of Cardiovascular System Flashcards
The cardiovascular/circulatory system is responsible for the movement of ______ and _____ around the body.
blood and lymph
Blood and lymph permits _______ distribution, ______ removal, and ________.
nutrient distribution, waste removal, and protection
The heart is a large muscular organ comprised of _______ tissue called ________ and is surrounded by a sac called the ___________.
cardiac tissue called myocardium, surrounded by pericardium sac.
The atria and ventricle are separated by the ____________ valves.
The right side of the heart pumps _____ blood from the heart toward the lungs and is called the _________ system.
pulmonary system
The left side of the heart received ______ blood from the lungs and pumps it toward the rest of the body parts and is known as the _______ system.
systemic system
________ are microscopic blood vessels that’s walls are only one cell thick.
Exchange of gases and nutrients occurs between the _____ of the lungs and the _______ beds of the cardiovascular system.
alveoli and capillary beds
Veins are connected to capillary beds via smaller branches called _________.
Blood is composed of ______ and ______.
plasma and formed elements
______ is a straw-colored liquid that contains war, immune proteins, and other nutrients.
The ________ are the erythrocytes (rbc’s), leukocytes (wbc’s), and platelets.
formed elements
RBC’s are a major component of blood and contain the protein _________.
________ function in the immune response and defend the body against disease.
leukocytes (wbc’s)
________ are responsible for the clotting mechanism.
Lymphatic vessels are linked to ________ and _________.
lymph nodes and lymphatic capillaries.
____________ are entwined with cardiovascular capillaries and absorb excess tissue fluid and blood plasma that leaks from the capillaries.
Lymphatic capillaries
_______ are concentrated in the neck, armpit, and groin, and contain __________, which seek out pathogens in the fluid.
Lymph nodes, contain lymphocytes
The cardiac cycle begins with the triggering of an impulse within the ________, known as the pacemaker, which is located in the upper wall of the right atrium. Impulse spreading to the right and left atria causes them to contract and force blood into the ventricles.
The impulse then reaches the ____________, also in the right atrial wall, and travels along the atrioventricular bundle down the right and left branches of the septum and finally along the purkinje fibers in the wall of the ventricle, causing the filled ventricles to contract.
sinoatrial (SA) node
atrioventricular (AV) node
Contraction of the atria followed by the ventricles is called _________,
which is followed by _________, a rest phase, when the chambers relax and refill.
External control of the heart is managed in the cardiac center of the brain and modulated by the hormones ________ and _________.
epinephrine and norepinephrine
Closing of the AV valves makes the “___” sound (1st heart sound), and the closing of the semilunar valves makes the “__” sound.
AV “lub”
semilunar “dub”
________ is a buildup of plaque in blood vessels that reduce the flow of blood through the vessels.
_______ can cause future of the smaller arterioles and capillaries possibly leading to a stroke.
high BP
Explain the flow of blood in the pulmonary system.
pulmonary system receives O2 poor blood into the right atrium from the body via the superior/inferior vena cava. Contraction of the right atrium pumps blood through the right AV (tricuspid) valve into the right ventricle. Contraction of the right ventricle pumps O2 poor blood up into the pulmonary artery through the pulmonary semilunar valve and to the lungs. O2 rich blood from the lungs travels via the pulmonary veins into the left atrium.
Explain the flow of blood in the systemic system.
systemic system carries O2 rich blood when the left atrium contracts forcing blood through the left AV bicuspid, mitral) valve into the left ventricle. Contraction of the left ventricle pumps blood through the aortic semilunar valve through the aorta towards the rest of the body.