9. Picornaviruses Flashcards
What kind of genetic material is enterovirus made of?
+ve ssRNA
About how many types of serotypes of enterovirus exist?
> 70 serotypes of enterovirus
How is enterovirus transmitted?
Orofaecal & respiratory transmission
-test for polio in sewage
Picornaviridae is a..
An important family of RNA viruses that include several genera - enterovirus, parechovirus and hepatovirus
Coxsackie viruses lies under which family of viruses?
- a few related enteroviruses, under family of picornaviridae
- +ve ssRNA virus
Some examples of Coxsackieviruses:
E.g. hand, foot & mouth disease (HFMD)(coxsackie A16 or A6), aseptic meningitis, acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis (coxsackie A24) & herpangina
What are some genera of viruses under picornaviridae?
- Enterovirus
- Parechovirus
- Hepatovirus
What is parechovirus?
- type of picornavirus, +ve ssRNA virus
- viral infection dangerous in infants younger than 3 months old
- common symptoms: fever, respiratory infection & rash
- formerly known as echovirus 22 & echovirus 23
How many species of human parechovirus (HPeV) are there?
4 species; Parechovirus (A,B,C,D)
Parechovirus A causes human infections, w diseases similar to those caused by enteroviruses
What is HPV? What kind of virus?
Human papillomaviruses
- non-enveloped dsDNA genome
How does HPV affect a patient?
- HPV infects surface epithelia n produces warts at site of multiplication (skin or mucus membrane)
- etiological agent of benign tumours such as cutaneous and genital warts, respiratory papillomas & cancer of cervix
- can also be responsible for tonsillar cancers
Most common cancers from HPV:
Tonsillar and cervical cancer
What HPV genotypes responsible for cervical cancer?
HPV 16 & 18 (for majority of cervical cancer
Tgt w other high risk genotypes (HPV31,33,45,52, 58)
- responsible for 90% of cervical cancers
How is a HPV infection acquired thru?
- Skin abrasions (skin warts)
- Sexual intercourse (genital warts)
- Through the birth canal (juvenile onset laryngeal papilloma)
- Oral sex (papillomas of the oral cavity)
Pathogenesis of HPV:
- HPVs infect the cells of the basal layer of the epithelium, undergo proliferation n forms warts
- All layers of epithelium represented in the wart
- Virus particles found in the nuclei of cells in the superficial layer of the wart