8. Respiratory Viruses Flashcards
Types of paramyxoviruses:
- Measles
- Mumps
- Parainfluenza, Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
- Human coronavirus
- related to measles, mumps & respiratory tract infections
Characteristics of Measles:
- airborne spread
- affect endothelial & immune cells
- symptoms: measles rash, koplik spots, fever, respiratory tract problems
- live attenuated vaccine (lowered pathogenicity)
Characteristics of Mumps:
- airborne spread
- affects pancreas, parotid glands, testes (usually harmless until testes infected)
Characteristics of Parainfluenza, Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV), Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
- mild common cold, pharyngitis
- parainfluenza: laryngotracheobronchitits (croup)
- RSV: bronchiolitis (esp in premature babies), pneumonia in immunocompromised hosts
Characteristics of Human coronavirus
- SARS: from bats
- MERS: from camels (epidemic in south korea & middle east)
- SARS-Cov-2
Live attenuated vaccine is contraindicated in…
Contraindicated in immunocompromised patients
- cuz live attenuated vaccine is a weakened form of the virus
Another name for influenza viruses:
Characteristics of orthomyxoviruses (influenza)
- enveloped, -ve ssRNA, 8 gene segments
- has antigens, (hemagglutinin & neuraminidase) on membrane, inserted into viral envelope => envelope glycoproteins
How is influenza(orthomyxovirus) spread?
- large droplets (from sneezing & coughing) & contact
- aerosols from respiratory secretions
How is paramyxovirus spread?
- usually through airborne droplets
- through exhaled air, respiratory discharges, excrement, eggs laid by sick birds
What is the difference between antigenic drift and antigenic shift?
Antigenic drift: accumulation of a series of minor genetic (RNA) MUTATIONS
- responsible for SEASONAL CHANGE of antigenicity => yrly immunisation
Antigenic shift: ‘MIXING’ of genes from influenza viruses from different species/ REASSORTMENT among 8 gene segments ( e.g. pig human bird)
- responsible for PANDEMIC
What type of virus is likely responsible for pneumonia in healthy young ppl?
We require yearly vaccinations for influenza virus because of?
Antigenic drift