9 – Female Reproduction IV Flashcards
Spontaneous ovulators
- Ovulation in response to hormonal changes (no stimulation required)
o Estradiol turning surge center on - Ex. human, cat, dog, horses
Induced (reflex) ovulators
- Require stimulation of the vagina and/or cervix for ovulation to occur (past finding)
o SPINAL CORD (received signal from sensory neurons) turns surge center on=pre-ovulatory GnRH surge=LH surge - Present in most mammalian orders (not primates)
What is ovulation the consequence of in both spontaneous and induced ovulators?
- LH discharged by pituitary gland (Pre-ovulatory LH peak)
- *due to surge of GnRH
Production of GnRH and estradiol
- GnRH neurons in 3rd ventricle have NO direct receptor for estradiol
- Estrogen receptors alpha and beta in hypothalamus = those bind with kisspeptin neurons=produce kisspeptin
- Kisspeptin=responsible for GnRH surge
Relationship between GnRH and LH in pulse secretion
- Frequency of GnRH pulses VARIES during the estrous cycle
- Pre-ovulatory surge=GnRH surge increased significantly =LH surge
When might induced ovulation be most value?
- Species that regularly undergo marked population fluctuations (ex. California voles)
- Solitary, nongregarious animals where encounters with members of opposite sex are infrequent and unpredictable (ex. musk shrews)
*female still needs to copulate in order to ovulate (engage depending on state of estrus)
Behavioural estrus of induced (reflex) ovulators: 2 ‘types’ of species
- Exhibit well-defined periodic cycles of receptivity lasting several days, weeks or months
- NEVER display sexual receptivity unless exposed to signals from conspecific male
Reflex ovulators that never display sexual receptivity unless exposed to signals from conspecific males
- In absence of male cues: females are permanently anestrus and remain sexually UNRECEPTIVE
- *pheromonal and tactile stimuli from male=significant increases in uterine circulation estradiol level
Exogenous stimuli for inducing LH surge: categories
- Category one
- Category two
- Category three
Category one: induced ovulators
- Require minimal copulatory stimulation
- Ovulation induced RAPIDLY (ex. minutes or less)
- Ex. rabbit, ferret, mink
Category two: induced ovulators
- Require (at minimum) a SINGLE copulatory series
o Multiple intromissions followed by ejaculation - Ex. racoons, hares, squirrels, camels
Category three: induced ovulators
- Require MULTIPLE ejaculatory series
o Consecutively on same day or over course of several days - Ex. voles, shrews, cats
Patterns of LH release in induced ovulators: species variability in
- in pattern of mating behaviour preceding a preovulatory surge in LH
- latency, duration and magnitude of this LH peak after mating
*number of ejaculation is not that important for the LH surge to happen
*CATS: more copulations they had=increased LH surge
What actually causes ovulation in induced ovulators? (research)
- Stimuli or NGF?
- Tried to do artificial vaginal-cervical stimulation but get LOWER rates of ovulation and LH than normally achieved with natural copulation
- Camelids: got LH and ovulation with AI (absence of coital stimulation)
Nerve growth factor (NGF)
- protein involved in neuronal survival
- present in abundant concentrations in CAMELID SEMEN
- thought to act on hypothalamus
Is it NGF or mating in llamas that cause ovulation?
- Can be induced to ovulate by seminal plasma in ABSENCE of copulation
- Copulation alone CANNOT elicit ovulation in absence of seminal plasma
If it is NGF in llamas, then why is estradiol inducing ovulation in them?
- Endogenous production of ovarian estradiol does NOT reach threshold necessary to trigger ‘spontaneous’ ovulatory response
o But if give estradiol=goes over threshold= ovulation - *rely on NGF to ovulate
Is it NGF or mating in cats to cause ovulation?
- Natural mating: 100% ovulation
- Seminal plasma treatment(cats): 67% effect
- Beta-NGF treatment(llamas): 17%
*maybe mechanical stimulus is a critical factor for ovulation
Potential ovulatory pathways (3) in mammalian species:
- Sensory
- Estradiol