2 – Puberty Flashcards
Female/male hypothalamic development
- Alpha fetoprotein (alpha-FP)
Female/male hypothalamic development: Female
o Alpha-FP binds E2 -> prevents it from passing the BBB and entering the brain ->hypothalamus is ‘feminized’ and GnRH surge center develops
Female/male hypothalamic development: male
o T freely enters brain (alpha-FP does NOT bind it) -> T in brain is aromatized into E2 -> hypothalamus if ‘defeminized’ and GnRH surge center does NOT develop
Female/male hypothalamic development: before puberty
o Male and female
GnRH neurons in tonic and surge centers release LOW amplitude and low frequency pulses of GnRH
Female/male hypothalamic development: pubertal females
o High amplitude surges of LH every several weeks
Pulsatile releases between surges
o Tonic center controls basal levels of GnRH
higher than prepubertal as pulse frequency increases
o surge center controls PREOVULATORY surge of GnRH
Female/male hypothalamic development: pubertal males
o Small LH pulses every 2-6hr throughout
T immediately follows each LH pulse
o Do NOT develop a surge center
Periods of reproductive system
- Fetal
- Prepubertal
- Reproductive
- Senescence
prepubertal period
a. In second half, rate of growth for reproductive tract increases over general body growth
b. Somatic and behaviour SECONDARY sexual characteristics appear
c. Culminates with onset of puberty
Puberty vs. maturity
- Sexual and physical maturation and fertility potential CONTINUE beyond onset of puberty
Onset of puberty : females
o Age at first estrus: most practical (most first ovulations are silent)
o Age at first ovulation: more accurate, less practical
o Age at first attainment of ability to support pregnancy
Can be a while after 1st estrus or 1st ovulation
Onset of puberty: males
o Harder to define timeline
o *age when ejaculate contains a threshold number of spermatozoa
Bulls: minimum of 50 million sperm with at least 10% motility
Factors affecting rate of sexual maturation
-genetics (contributes to up to 50% of variation)
-sexual/social associations
-environmental influence
-general health
-endocrine disruptors
o Dairy heifers: at parturition should be 24mo and 1200lb
Earlier puberty if nutrition is betterf
o Overweight kids reach puberty sooner
o *each decade for over 100 years, age at puberty has dropped by 4 months
o Spring born ewe lambs reach puberty at a younger age (2 month period to get pregnant)
o Fall born ewe lambs took longer but more synchronous (1 month period to get pregnant)
o Genetic selection and geographical locations
o Ex. African-American reach puberty earlier compared to Caucasians
o Ex. high altitude Asia: 18 years old
- Sexual/social associations
o If have bull exposure=decrease age at puberty
High growth rate + bull exposure=youngest age
Can be visual or olfactory cues
o Larger groups=decrease age at puberty
o *male exposure is stronger than group size
Effect of glucose on GnRH release (ovariectomized ewes, used 2-DG=glucose oxidation inhibitor)
- Before treatment: low amplitude LH pulses occurred hourly
- After treatment: LH frequency and amplitude dropped
o LH could still respond to exogenous GnRH - *moment to moment regulation of GnRH happens when enough GLUCOSE is available
Stimulants of GnRH neurons
- Kisspeptin neurons that are stimulated by indicators of nutritional and metabolic status
o Blood glucose
o FAs
o Leptin
What is the key to endocrine regulation of puberty?
- Lack of high FREQUENCY and amplitude GnRH pulses
o Puberty depends on reactivation of GnRH secretion
Gonadostat theory: before puberty
o Hypothalamus is highly SENSITIVE to negative feedback of E2
GnRH will not be released even with low levels of E2
o High levels of hypothalamic estrogen receptors are presentG
Gonadostat theory: during transition to puberty
o NEGATIVE sensitivity of hypothalamus to E2 is reduced
Allows higher release of GnRH
o Reduced levels of hypothalamic estrogen receptors
gonadostat theory: extra
- *removal of other central inhibitors (Ex. opioids, GABA)
- *activation of a central driver (Ex. NE, excitatory AA, kisspeptin)
Hypothalamus is sensitive to estradiol before puberty
- OVX causes LH pulses to be present at a similar frequency as in adults
- Replace E2 to OVX PREVENTS LH pulses during the first part of prepubertal period