10 – Fertilization and Pre-Implantation Development Flashcards
- Union of male and female gametes
- Occurs at PEAK of female fertility (in most vertebrates)
- Process of physiological alterations of sperm so they are COMPENENT to fertilize the oocyte
- Requires the female reproductive tract
Sperm undergo (capacitation)
- Removal of membrane cholesterol to improve oocyte binding
- Increase intracellular Ca2+ concentration
- Increase in intracellular pH
- Protein phosphorylation
- Hyperactivated motility (ex. asymmetrical beating)
Functional affects (capacitation)
- Penetrate cumulus cell matrix
- Adherence to zona pellucida of oocyte
- Undergo zona-stimulated acrosome reaction
Uterus and Uterotubal Junction (UTJ)
- Sperm maintained at HIGH numbers at UTJ after ejaculation
- Beyond cervix, UTJ is second major barrier with lots of FOLDS
Isthmus as a reservoir
- Sperm bind ciliated oviduct epithelial cells (OECs) that have SPECIFIC GLYCOPROTEINS
- Can be bound for 2-4 days=HIGH quality
Pre-ovulatory period
- E2 elevated in circulation and oviductal fluid
- P4 rise in circulation and oviductal fluid
- *chemotactic signal for sperm to MOVE TO AMPULLA and undergo CAPACITATION in ampulla
Fertilization ‘steps’
- Sperm contact and penetration (through cumulus cell layer)
- Zona pellucida (ZP) binding and acrosome reaction
- Zona penetration
- Sperm fusion with oocyte membrane and ooplasm
- Cortical granule release from oocyte
- Pronuclear fusion and initiation of metabolism
Sperm plasma membrane covering acrosome: 2 receptor regions
- Zona binding region (ZBR)
- Acrosome reaction promoting region (ABPR)
Zona binding region (ZBR)
- Binds zona pellucida-3 glycoproteins on oocyte zona (ZP3)
o Attaches sperm to zona
Acrosome reaction promoting region (ABPR)
- Binds ZP3 and starts acrosome reaction (ex. fusion of membranes)
Acrosome reaction
- Overlying plasma membrane FUSES with OUTER ACROSOMAL membrane
- *contents released (eg. ACROSIN) and digest zona proteins and increase sperm biding to zona
What is left after acrosomal reaction?
- Inner acrosomal membrane and equatorial portion of sperm head
- *increase binding to oocyte membrane
Post-acrosome reaction
- Sperm penetrates zona and into perivitelline space
- Oocyte produced CORITCAL GRANULES accumulate at periphery
- Oocyte and sperm fuse at equatorial region
- Sperm nuclear contents decondense
Cortical granules release contents (2 mechanism to prevent polyspermy)
- Change zona to PREVENT polyspermy (zona block/reaction)
AND/OR - Change oocyte membrane to PREVENT sperm attachment (vitelline block)
Ex. mucopolysacchardies, proteases, plasminogen activator, phosphatases
- Fuse=diploid
- DNA replication
- Male mitochondria including mtDNA are DEGRADED
- *only maternal mitochondria remain
Cleavage division during preimplantation development deviations from normal cell division
- rapid multi-cellularity
- no growth
- shape is maintained
- asynchronous in mammals (can appear as 3-5 cell under microscope)
Holoblastic (cleavage division)
- Division completely cuts through the embryo
- Occurs in embryos with moderate (ex. amphibians) to LITTLE/NO YOLK (ex. mammals)
- Equal or unequal
- *ROTATIONAL in mammals
Rotational holoblastic division in mammals
- Cleavage produces blastomeres at RIGHT ANGLES to one another
Pre-implantation/pre-attachment development in mammals
- Period of embryonic development from FERTILZATION to JUST PRIOR TO IMPLANTAION or uterine attachment
- Timing/stage varies among species
Activation of embryonic genome
- During oocyte development lots of maternal mRNA has been stored and proteins made=*important for oocyte to survive
- MUST OCCUR to survive!
- Varies in species
Morphogenic events
- Compaction
- Cavitation
- Blastocyst expansion
Morphogenetic event I: compaction
- After 3rd cleavage
- Outside cells: Individual blastomeres start to tightly attach to one another (NO fusion, future trophectoderm ->trophoblast=extraembryonic lineage)
- Cells on inside: connected by gap junctions
o Derive the embryo by forming ICM - MORULA (16-cell stage)
- *2 regions synthesize different proteins