9-A:Truth And Lies Flashcards
Hard to believe, but there was a time when soft drink companies actually tried to make us believe soda was good for babies
گمراه کننده
Make us believe soda was good
نمایش دادن
The thinner the better
خرده فروش
person or business that sells goods to final consumers, person or company that sells merchandise to end users
verb - criticize
انتقاد کردن: criticize, blame, fustigate, review
نکوهش کردن: criticize, dispraise, reprove
نقد ادبی کردن: criticize
عیب جویی کردن: cavil, carp, find faults, criticize, impeach, nag
شکایت کردن
take court action against, institute court proceedings against; earnestly request, plead, petition, entreat; woo, court
deformed, twisted out of its normal shape or appearance; falsified, misrepresented
[dis·tort || dɪ’stɔːt]
deform; falsify; twist; contort
Pharmaceutical companies
adjective - pharmaceutical
دارویی: pharmaceutical, medicinal, pharmaceutic, medical, medic
دارو: pharmaceutical, pharmaceutic
وابسته به داروسازی: pharmaceutic, pharmaceutical
noun - supplement
مکمل: supplement
ضمیمه: attachment, annex, appendix, supplement, addendum, addition
متمم: complement, complement, supplement, complementarity
الحاق: interpolation, incorporation, concatenation, insertion, inset, supplement
لاحقه: apposition, supplement
زاویه مکمل: supplement
پس اورد: supplement
هم اورد: adversary, antagonist, competitor, corrival, supplement
verb - supplement
تکمیل کردن: complete, supplement, fulfill, perfect, augment, fill out
ضمیمه شدن به: supplement, tag
Claiming that vitamins can cure cancer
Claiming:مدعی شدن
Radio Commercial
[com·mer·cial || kə’mɜːʃl]
pertaining to buying and selling, pertaining to business
[com·mer·cial || kə’mɜːʃl]
television or radio advertisement
Promote two diet supplements
verb - promote
ترویج کردن: promulgate, promote, cultivate
ترقی دادن: promote, boost, advance, meliorate, raise
ترفیع دادن: elevate, pedestal, increase, promote
● فرضا،حدسا،ظاهرا،از قرار معلوم
she is supposedly ill
از قرار معلوم بیمار است.
Absorption of fat
Absorption جذب
noun - battle
نبرد: battle, fight, combat, conflict, action, fray
جنگ: war, battle, warfare, fight, anthology, belligerence
مبارزه: struggle, combat, battle, swordplay, championship
مصاف: battle, combat, battlefield, rencounter, ranks of warriors
نزاع: strife, quarrel, dispute, fray, battle, contention
جدال: battle, controversy
پیکار: fight, battle, combat, action, quarrel
رزم: combat, battle, war
محاربه: war, combat, battle, belligerence, warfare
زد و خورد: skirmish, medley, fracas, fight, battle, warfare
verb - battle
جنگ کردن: war, fight, fray, battle
● بالاخره،سرانجام،در پایان
ultimately he succeeded
سرانجام کامیاب شد.
● دست آخر،نهایتا
noun - regulation
تنظیم: regulation, adjustment, arrangement, alignment, alinement, set-out
مقرره: regulation, requirement
قانون: law, legislation, rule, code, statute, regulation
قاعده: rule, formula, principle, norm, law, regulation
تعدیل: adjustment, modification, regulation, balancing, damping, settlement
ایین نامه: bylaw, regulation
دستور: order, rule, behest, injunction, direction, regulation
Digitally change details in a photograph
noun - bagel
نان شیرینی حلقوی: bagel
Once upon a time
یکی بود یکی نبود،یک وقتی، اورده اند که وقتی
one time a very long time ago (opening of many popular fairy tales)
Agricultural economics
اقتصاد کشاورزی
Word hunger
noun - expenditure
هزینه: cost, expense, expenditure, charge, outlay, toll
مصرف: consumption, use, expenditure, utilization, waster, expenditures
صرف: conjugation, sheer, expenditure, etymology, accident, accident
خرج: cost, expense, charge, expenditure, outlay, input
پرداخت: payment, pay, fee, disbursement, finish, expenditure
بر امد: consequence, expenditure, expense, issue, outcome, result
Bring in
verb - bring in
وارد کردن: import, involve, initiate, bring in, induct, intern
اوردن: bring, fetch, bring in, immigrate
Recoup his costs
verb - recoup
دوباره بدست اوردن: regain, recoup, recover, resume, retrieve
جبران کردن: compensate, atone, offset, gratify, make up, recoup
تلافی کردن: retaliate, reprise, avenge, compensate, pay, recoup
He has lost his mind
وسوسه کردن
noun - circumstances
موقعیت: position, situation, location, status, circumstances, place
Most of its clothes are Manufactured in Asia.
produced in extensive large industrial quantities; artificial, synthetic
[man·u·fac·ture || mænə’fæktʃer /’mænjʊ’fæktʃe]
act or process of making a product by hand or by machine (especially on a large scale); specific branch of industry (i.e. linen manufacture); product made by hand or by machine
[man·u·fac·ture || mænə’fæktʃer /’mænjʊ’fæktʃe]
make by machine (especially on a large scale); create, make, produce; mass-produce; fabricate, invent
Launched a new product
They market their products
noun - market
بازار: market, marketplace, bazaar, mart, agora, plaza
مرکز تجارت: market
محل داد وستد: market
verb - market
به بازار عرضه کردن: market
فروختن: sell, undercut, vent, undersell, sell up, market
در بازار داد و ستد کردن: market
در معرض فروش قرار دادن: market
During a recession, many companies close down and standards of living drop
noun - recession
بحران اقتصادی: recession
کسادی: slack, depression, recession, stagnation, stringency
باز گشت: comeback, return, reflexion, recidivism, recession, recess
اعاده: restoration, restitution, return, recourse, rebound, recession
پس رفت: retrogression, recession
هرس: pruning, recession
A chain
A group of stores,hotels,etc. owned by the same person or company
The staff
The group of people who work for an organization
The CEO(chief executive officer)
The person with the highest rank in a company
adjective - executive
اجرایی: executive, administrative
مجری: executive, executing, carrying out, administrative
جامع: comprehensive, general, universal, plenary, encyclopaedic, executive
noun - executive
مجری: executive, enforcer, executer, pyxidium
هيئت رئيسه: presidium, executive
In charge of
in command, responsible over
• A captain is in charge of his ship and its crew.
یک کاپیتان مسئول کشتی و خدمه آن است.
• She was acting as if she was in charge.
یک طوری رفتار می کرد انگار که مسئولیتش با اون بود.