1-A Flashcards
noun - gymnast
ورزشکار: athlete, sportsman, gymnast, gamester
معلم زورخانه: gymnast
قهرمان ژیمناستیک: gymnast
compete [kəmˈpiːt]
♦ verb
to try to beat others in a contest, fight etc : We are competing against them in the next round; Are you competing with her for the job?
رقابت کردن
competition [kompəˈtiʃən]
♦ noun
1 the act of competing; rivalry: Competition makes children try harder.
2 people competing for a prize etc : There’s a lot of competition for this job.
رقیب؛ حریف
3 a contest for a prize: Have you entered the tennis competition?
competitive [kəmˈpetətiv]
♦ adjective
1 (of a person) enjoying competition: a competitive child.
اهل رقابت
2 (of a price etc ) not expensive, therefore able to compete successfully with the prices etc of rivals.
ارزان؛ رقابت آمیز
3 (of sport etc ) organised in such a way as to produce a winner: I prefer hill-climbing to competitive sports.
competitor [kəmˈpetitə]
♦ noun
a person etc who takes part in a competition; a rival: All the competitors finished the race.
مسابقه دهنده؛ رقیب
AU noun - championship
قهرمانی: championship, heroism
مسابقه قهرمانی: championship
پهلوانی: athletics, championship
مبارزه: struggle, combat, battle, swordplay, championship
autobiography [oːtəbaiˈogrəfi]
♦ noun
the story of a person’s life written by himself.
شرح زندگی نویسنده توسط خود او
ˌautobioˈgraphic(al) [-ˈgrӕ-]
♦ adjective
مرتبط با خودزیست نامه
courage [ˈkaridʒ, (American) ˈkə:-]
♦ noun
the quality that makes a person able to meet dangers without fear; bravery: It took courage to sail the Atlantic singlehanded.
جرأت؛ شجاعت
courageous [kəˈreidʒəs]
♦ adjective
having courage: a courageous soldier.
دلیر؛ پرجرأت
♦ adverb
با شجاعت
soar [soː]
♦ verb
to fly high: Seagulls soared above the cliffs; Prices have soared recently.
بالا رفتن
adjective - treasured
محبوب: popular, beloved, favorite, loved, cherished, treasured
noun - possession
مالکیت: ownership, possession, acquisition, proprietorship
تصرف: possession, seizure, occupation, seizing, tenure, occupancy
دارایی: property, asset, wealth, finance, possession, estate
تسلط: dominance, authority, domination, hegemony, possession, predomination
ثروت: wealth, riches, fortune, worth, treasure, possession
خون سردی: coolness, sangfroid, possession, calmness, composure, cool
ید تسلط: possession
verb - embarrass
دست پاچه کردن: overwhelm, baffle, fluster, confuse, abash, incommode
براشفتن: embarrass, excite, ruffle
خجالت دادن: shame, abash, embarrass, put to shame
شرمسار شدن: embarrass
ژولیده کردن: bemuse, confuse, daze, dishevel, embarrass, ruffle
podium [ˈpəudiəm]
♦ noun
a platform on which a lecturer, musical conductor etc stands.
witch [witʃ]
♦ noun
a woman who is supposed to have powers of magic, usually through working with the devil.
♦ noun
magic practised by a witch etc .
جادو گرى
♦ noun
in some African tribes, a person whose profession is to cure illness and keep away evil magical influences.
جادو گر و طبيب
And do spells
هر چی من میگم انجام بشه
/-shǝ nǝ’l/
● الهامبخش،الهامی،فرتاب،درونانگیز
● الهام شده،فرتابیده
noun - bubbly
شامپانی: champagne, bubbly
adjective - bubbly
جوش زننده: bubbly
پرحباب: bubbly
abbey [ˈӕbi]
♦ noun
1 the building(s) in which a Christian (usually Roman Catholic) group of monks or nuns lives.
2 the church now or formerly belonging to it: Westminster Abbey.
کلیسای صومعه
beast [biːst]
1 a four-footed (especially large) animal: beasts of the jungle.
حیوان؛ جانور چهارپا
2 a cruel, brutal person.
انسان حیوان صفت
3 an unpleasant person: Arthur is a beast for refusing to come!
آدم مزخرف
♦ adjective
1 like a beast.
جانور خوی؛ وحشی
2 disagreeable: What a beastly thing to do!
ناخوشایند؛ زننده
♦ noun
وحشی گری؛ ددمنشی
legion [ˈliːdʒən]
♦ noun
1 in ancient Rome, a body of from three to six thousand soldiers.
2 a great many or a very large number.
owe [əu]
♦ verb
to be in debt to: I owe (him) $10.
بدهکار بودن
♦ adjective
still to be paid: There is some money still owing (to us).
پرداخت نشده
owing to
because of: Owing to the rain, the football has been cancelled.
به دلیل
owing to is used to mean because of': The shop is closed owing to (not due to ) the manager's illness .
due to is used to mean
caused by’: The accident was believed to be due to his negligenc
pleasure [ˈpleʒə]
♦ noun
something that gives one enjoyment; joy or delight: the pleasures of country life; I get a lot of pleasure from listening to music.
♦ adjective
giving pleasure; agreeable: a pleasurable pastime.
لذت بخش
♦ adverb
بطور لذت بخش
ˈpleasure-boat / ˈpleasure-craft
♦ nouns
a boat used for pleasure.
قایق تفریحی
take pleasure in
to get enjoyment from: He takes great pleasure in annoying me.
لذت بردن از
• A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
یک وجدان گناهکار به سرزنش دیگران محتاج نیست. همهکاره و هیچکاره.
• In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so.
در حقوق، انسان زمانی مجرم است که حقوق دیگران را نقض می کند. در اخلاق، حتی زمانی که انسان به انجام چنین کاری می اندیشد نیز گناهکار شمرد می شود.
• A grand jury found him not guilty of any crime.
هیئت منصفهی عالی او را از هر جرمی بیگناه دانست.
• He felt a little guilty.
یکمی احساس گناه می کنه
seek [siːk]– past tense, past participle sought [soːt] –
♦ verb
1 (sometimes with for ) to try to find, get or achieve: He is seeking (for) an answer; You should seek your lawyer’s advice; She’s seeking fame in the world of television.
جستجو كردن
2 to try: These men are seeking to destroy the government.
سعي كردن
sought after
wanted; asked for: This book is much sought after; a much sought-after book.
طلب كردن
tough [taf]
♦ adjective
1 strong; not easily broken, worn out etc : Plastic is a tough material.
2 (of food etc ) difficult to chew.
3 (of people) strong; able to bear hardship, illness etc : She must be tough to have survived such a serious illness.
سرسخت؛ قوی
4 rough and violent: It’s a tough neighbourhood.
پر خشونت
5 difficult to deal with or overcome: a tough problem; The competition was really tough.
♦ noun
a rough, violent person; a bully.
آدم کله شق
♦ noun
دشواری؛ طاقت
♦ verb
to make or become tough.
محکم کردن؛ خشن کردن
tough luck
bad luck: That was tough luck.
بدشانسی؛ بخت بد
get tough with (someone)
to deal forcefully with or refuse to yield to (a person): When he started to argue, I got tough with him.
قاطعانه برخورد کردن با
élite [eiˈliːt, (American) i-]
♦ noun
(with the ) the best or most important people especially within society.
نخبه؛ سرآمد
adjective - defensive
دفاعی: defensive, apologetic, vindicative
پدافندی: defensive
تدافی: defensive
حالت تدافع: defensive
noun - defensive
مقام تدافع: defensive
innocent [ˈinəsnt]
♦ adjective
1 not guilty (of a crime, misdeed etc ): A man should be presumed innocent of a crime until he is proved guilty; They hanged an innocent man.
بی گناه
2 (of an action etc ) harmless or without harmful or hidden intentions: innocent games and amusements; an innocent remark.
بی ضرر
3 free from, or knowing nothing about, evil etc : an innocent child; You can’t be so innocent as to believe what advertisements say!
ساده دل
♦ adverb
♦ noun
He at last managed to prove his innocence; the innocence of a child.
بی گناهی؛ معصومیت
noun - exaggeration
اغراق: exaggeration, hyperbole, extravaganza, overstatement
مبالغه: exaggeration, hyperbole, pretentiousness, bombast, grandiloquence, tympany
غلو: exaggeration, hyperbole, overstatement
گزافه گویی: exaggeration, overstatement, tympany
noun - rivalry
رقابت: competition, rivalry, contest, racing, contestation
هم چشمی: rivalry, competition, emulation, rival
هم اوری: antagonism, competition, reproduction
adjective - competitive
رقابتی: competitive
قابل رقابت: competitive
مسابقهای: contesting, competitive
occasion [əˈkeiʒən]
♦ noun
1 a particular time: I’ve heard him speak on several occasions.
زمان؛ وقت بخصوص
2 a special event: The wedding was a great occasion.
♦ adjective
happening, done etc now and then: I take an occasional trip to London.
گهگاهی؛ چند وقت یکبار
♦ adverb
now and then: I occasionally go to the theatre.
adjective - foolproof
محفوظ ازخطا وشکست: foolproof
محفوظ از حماقت وکارهای احمقانه: foolproof
noun - foolproof
ادم ساده لوح و رک و راست: foolproof
decent [ˈdiːsnt]
♦ adjective
1 fairly good; of fairly good quality: a decent standard of living.
مناسب؛ شایسته
2 kindly, tolerant or likeable: He’s a decent enough fellow.
آراسته؛ محجوب
3 not vulgar or immoral; modest: Keep your language decent!
♦ noun
(the general idea of) what is proper, fitting, moral etc ; the quality or act of being decent: In the interests of decency, we have banned nude bathing; He had the decency to admit that it was his fault.
شایستگی؛ بزرگواری
♦ adverb
in a manner acceptable to the general idea of what is proper or suitable: You’re not going out unless you’re decently dressed.
بطور شایسته؛ بطور مناسب
Gut feeling
• My gut feeling is that Tom won’t show up tomorrow.
به دلم افتاده که فردا تام سروکلهاش پیدا نمیشه.