1-A Flashcards
noun - gymnast
ورزشکار: athlete, sportsman, gymnast, gamester
معلم زورخانه: gymnast
قهرمان ژیمناستیک: gymnast
compete [kəmˈpiːt]
♦ verb
to try to beat others in a contest, fight etc : We are competing against them in the next round; Are you competing with her for the job?
رقابت کردن
competition [kompəˈtiʃən]
♦ noun
1 the act of competing; rivalry: Competition makes children try harder.
2 people competing for a prize etc : There’s a lot of competition for this job.
رقیب؛ حریف
3 a contest for a prize: Have you entered the tennis competition?
competitive [kəmˈpetətiv]
♦ adjective
1 (of a person) enjoying competition: a competitive child.
اهل رقابت
2 (of a price etc ) not expensive, therefore able to compete successfully with the prices etc of rivals.
ارزان؛ رقابت آمیز
3 (of sport etc ) organised in such a way as to produce a winner: I prefer hill-climbing to competitive sports.
competitor [kəmˈpetitə]
♦ noun
a person etc who takes part in a competition; a rival: All the competitors finished the race.
مسابقه دهنده؛ رقیب
AU noun - championship
قهرمانی: championship, heroism
مسابقه قهرمانی: championship
پهلوانی: athletics, championship
مبارزه: struggle, combat, battle, swordplay, championship
autobiography [oːtəbaiˈogrəfi]
♦ noun
the story of a person’s life written by himself.
شرح زندگی نویسنده توسط خود او
ˌautobioˈgraphic(al) [-ˈgrӕ-]
♦ adjective
مرتبط با خودزیست نامه
courage [ˈkaridʒ, (American) ˈkə:-]
♦ noun
the quality that makes a person able to meet dangers without fear; bravery: It took courage to sail the Atlantic singlehanded.
جرأت؛ شجاعت
courageous [kəˈreidʒəs]
♦ adjective
having courage: a courageous soldier.
دلیر؛ پرجرأت
♦ adverb
با شجاعت
soar [soː]
♦ verb
to fly high: Seagulls soared above the cliffs; Prices have soared recently.
بالا رفتن
adjective - treasured
محبوب: popular, beloved, favorite, loved, cherished, treasured
noun - possession
مالکیت: ownership, possession, acquisition, proprietorship
تصرف: possession, seizure, occupation, seizing, tenure, occupancy
دارایی: property, asset, wealth, finance, possession, estate
تسلط: dominance, authority, domination, hegemony, possession, predomination
ثروت: wealth, riches, fortune, worth, treasure, possession
خون سردی: coolness, sangfroid, possession, calmness, composure, cool
ید تسلط: possession
verb - embarrass
دست پاچه کردن: overwhelm, baffle, fluster, confuse, abash, incommode
براشفتن: embarrass, excite, ruffle
خجالت دادن: shame, abash, embarrass, put to shame
شرمسار شدن: embarrass
ژولیده کردن: bemuse, confuse, daze, dishevel, embarrass, ruffle
podium [ˈpəudiəm]
♦ noun
a platform on which a lecturer, musical conductor etc stands.
witch [witʃ]
♦ noun
a woman who is supposed to have powers of magic, usually through working with the devil.
♦ noun
magic practised by a witch etc .
جادو گرى
♦ noun
in some African tribes, a person whose profession is to cure illness and keep away evil magical influences.
جادو گر و طبيب
And do spells
هر چی من میگم انجام بشه
/-shǝ nǝ’l/
● الهامبخش،الهامی،فرتاب،درونانگیز
● الهام شده،فرتابیده
noun - bubbly
شامپانی: champagne, bubbly
adjective - bubbly
جوش زننده: bubbly
پرحباب: bubbly
abbey [ˈӕbi]
♦ noun
1 the building(s) in which a Christian (usually Roman Catholic) group of monks or nuns lives.
2 the church now or formerly belonging to it: Westminster Abbey.
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