8-A:Beat The Robbers And The Burglars Flashcards
The general word for someone who steals from a person
noun - violence
خشونت: violence, cruelty, roughness, severity, harshness, rudeness
شدت: intensity, severity, force, gravity, violence, vehemence
زور: force, power, violence, strength, might, strain
ستم: oppression, injustice, tyranny, cruelty, violence, despotism
بی حرمتی: disrespect, desecration, affront, profanation, violence, irreverence
تندی: speed, velocity, rigor, pungency, celerity, violence
سختی: hardness, hardship, difficulty, adversity, trouble, violence
چیرگی: domination, victory, boldness, proficiency, courage, violence
جبر: algebra, inertia, inertia, force, violence
ستیز: contention, antagonism, hatred, affray, contest, violence
فشار: pressure, compression, press, push, stress, violence
بیدادگری: violence
اشتلم: violence
Who breaks into a building illegally in order to steal
Many people are living illegally in the country.
افراد زیادی بطور غیرقانونی در کشور زندگی می کنند.
Who steals from a person or place using or threatening violence
Who steals something from a store
Who steals from you on the street,usually without you noticing
Who uses violence to steal from you on the street
Crime and punishment
noun - punishment
مجازات: punishment, penalty, retribution, reprimand
تنبیه: punishment, chastisement, talking to, gruelling
تادیب: discipline, correction, punishment, crackdown
گوشمالی: rebuke, punishment, scourge
سزا: reward, punishment, retribution, remuneration, requital
اجر: reward, wage, remuneration, award, defrayal, punishment
adjective - criminal
جنایی: criminal
کیفری: criminal, penal, retributive
گناهکار: sinful, guilty, wicked, criminal, unregenerate, blameworthy
noun - criminal
بزهکار: criminal, felon, sinner
جانی: criminal, felon, convict, bane, highbinder, malefactor
جنایت کار: criminal, felon, desperado, jailbird, malefactor
خاطی: delinquent, trespasser, criminal
مقصر: culprit, delinquent, criminal
They took a rich man’s son and then asked for money for his safe return
[mur·der || ‘mɜrdər /’mɜːdə]
illegal killing of human being by another person with hostile intent
[mur·der || ‘mɜrdər /’mɜːdə]
illegally kill another person; destroy, ruin
Fatal accident
adjective - fatal
کشنده: fatal, deadly, mortal, murderous, attractive, pernicious
مهلک: deadly, fatal, lethal, mortal, pernicious, noxious
وخیم: serious, dire, critical, crucial, tense, fatal
مقدر: predestined, fatal
مصیبت امیز: disastrous, afflictive, fatal
stop and rob a vehicle; seize an airplane or other vehicle by force
noun - forgery
جعل اسناد: forgery
سند جعلی: forgery
ساختگی: fake, sham, falsification, forgery, imitation, pastiche
سند: document, instrument, deed, evidence, title deed, forgery
امضاء سازی: forgery
act of importing or exporting illegally; act of bringing in or taking out secretly
noun - vandalism
وحشیگری: brutality, savagery, barbarism, barbarity, vandalism, ferocity
خرابگری: vandalism
دشمنی با علم و هنر: vandalism
Black mail
باج گیری
He said he’d send the photos to a newspaper if the actress didn’t pay him a lot of money
The company accountant was transferring money into his own bank account
رشوه دادن
Somebody stole my car last night from outside my house
تعقیب کردن
A woman followed a pop singer everywhere he went,watching him and sending him constant message on the internet
Committed a crime
Commit: مرتکب شدن
verb - arrest
توقیف کردن: arrest, apprehend, book, confiscate, detain, distrain
باز داشتن: deter, encumber, prevent, debar, dissuade, arrest
محبوس کردن: jail, arrest, coop
حبس کردن: tie up, arrest, incarcerate, embay, grate, jail
ناگهان توقیف کردن: arrest
جلو گیری کردن: intercept, pull up, arrest, keep, prevent, rebuff
They were accused of armed robbery and car theft
noun - witness
شاهد: witness, testator, testimonial, testifier, instance, affiant
گواه: witness, evidence, proof, voucher, testifier, warranter
شهادت: testimony, martyrdom, witness, certification, evidence, attestation
گواهی: witness, evidence, certification, testimony, attestation, deposition
مدرک: evidence, evidence, proof, document, record, witness
verb - witness
شهادت دادن: testify, witness, evidence, attest, affirm, testate
دیدن: see, view, sight, vision, look, witness
گواه بودن بر: witness
noun - jury
هيئت منصفه: jury, trial jury
ژوری: jury
داورگان: jury
noun - evidence
مدرک: evidence, evidence, proof, document, record, clue
گواه: witness, evidence, proof, voucher, testifier, warranter
گواهی: witness, evidence, certification, testimony, attestation, deposition
سند: document, instrument, deed, evidence, title deed, script
شهادت: testimony, martyrdom, witness, certification, evidence, attestation
سراغ: scouting, seeking, search, data, evidence, inquiry
verb - evidence
شهادت دادن: testify, witness, evidence, attest, affirm, testate
ثابت کردن: prove, demonstrate, evidence, freeze, ascertain, clinch
adjective - guilty
گناهکار: sinful, guilty, wicked, criminal, unregenerate, blameworthy
مجرم: guilty, culpable, blameworthy
مقصر: guilty, culpable, faulty, blameworthy, blamable, blameful
بزهکار: guilty
مرتکب جنایت یا جنحه: perjured, delinquent, committing, culpable, guilty, perpetrating
noun - judge
قاضی: judge, arbiter, magistracy, praetor, bencher, praetorian
دادرس: magistrate, judge
کارشناس: expert, judge, critic
verb - judge
قضاوت کردن: judge, advise
داوری کردن: arbitrage, judge, umpire, adjudge, adjudicate, referee
حکم دادن: determine, doom, judge
تشخیص دادن: distinguish, recognize, diagnose, discern, assess, judge
محاکمه کردن: judge, try
محکوم شدن
noun - prison
زندان: prison, jail, dungeon, gaol, quod, hothouse
حبس: imprisonment, prison, detention, jail, custody, lockout
محبس: prison, jail, gaol, calaboose, dungeon, Gehenna
verb - prison
زندان کردن: prison, lock up, can
noun - proof
اثبات: proof, proving, demonstration, show, affirmation, substantiation
مدرک: evidence, evidence, proof, document, record, clue
دلیل: reason, proof, sake, testimony, symptom
گواه: witness, evidence, proof, voucher, testifier, warranter
برهان: argument, proof, logic
نشانه: sign, indication, symptom, mark, token, proof
ملاک: criterion, landowner, landlord, proof, ground, pattern
محک: benchmark, test, criterion, touchstone, proof, examination
عیار: cutie, carat, shifter, assay, karat, proof
مقیاس خلوص الکل: proof
چرک نویس: draft, scratch, scratchpad, proof
verb - acquit
تبرئه کردن: exonerate, exculpate, acquit, assoil, clear, excuse
روسفید کردن: acquit, assoil, exculpate, exonerate
برطرف کردن: dispel, remove, eliminate, rectify, surmount, acquit
ادا کردن: utter, acquit, discourse, enounce, execute, express
از عهده برامدن: cope, tackle, acquit, afford, answer
انجام وظیفه کردن: acquit
پرداختن و تصفیه کردن: acquit
ادای نمودن: acquit
برائت کردن: acquit
noun - bush
بوته: bush, underbrush, shrub, heath, herb, brushwood
بته: bush, test, bosk
شاخ و برگ: foliage, herbage, tod, bush
verb - hesitate
تامل کردن: boggle, reflect, hesitate
مردد بودن: be uncertain, be unsure, hesitate, linger, oscillate, vacillate
بی میل بودن: irk, hesitate
درنگ کردن: tarry, demur, stick around, hesitate, let, linger
بالکنت گفتن: hotter, falter, hesitate, stammer
پابپا کردن: dribble, hesitate
noun - justification
توجیه: justification, explanation, rationalization, vindication
دلیل اوری: justification
مدافعه: apology, justification, defence
مطرح کردن
suggested, recommended, submitted
[pro·pose || prə’pəʊz]
suggest, recommend; tender; make an offer of marriage
adjective - civil
مدنی: civil, civic, urban
کشوری: state, civil, vernacular
غیر نظامی: civilian, civil
حقوقی: legal, juridical, civil
متمدن: civilized, civil, cultivated
عرفی: common, secular, civil, traditional, laic, temporal
با ادب: courteous, polite, complaisant, respectful, civil
مودب: polite, courteous, nice, suave, respectful, civil
noun - liberty
ازادی: freedom, release, liberty, independence, emancipation, freeness
اختیار: authority, option, mandate, authorization, adoption, liberty
اجازه: permission, permit, authorization, leave, authority, license
فاعل مختاری: liberty
noun - necessity
ضرورت: necessity, urgency, exigency, exigence
لزوم: need, necessity, indigence, requisiteness, incumbency, supply
نیاز: need, requirement, demand, necessity, want
احتیاج: need, requirement, necessity, lack, penury, requisite
نیازمندی: need, requirement, necessity, indigence
بایستگی: necessity, need
excitement, sensation, stimulation
excite, stimulate, electrify
noun - idol
بت: idol, fetish, juju, eidolon
معبود: idol
صنم: fetish, ephod, idol
خدای دروغی: idol
لافزن: boaster, gabber, assuming, bouncer, braggart, bragger
دغل باز: impostor, imposter, idol, kite
Everlasting love
adjective - everlasting
ابدی: eternal, everlasting, permanent, perpetual, immortal, perennial
جاودان: eternal, everlasting, living, sempiternal, self-perpetuating
ازلی: eternal, everlasting, increate, prevenient
سرمد: eternal, everlasting, infinite
noun - everlasting
همیشگی دائمی: everlasting
verb - shrink
کوچک شدن: shrink
منقبض شدن: contract, shrink, get constricted
خرد شدن: relent, pass off, shrink, crush, abate, dwindle
جمع شدن: gather, backlog, snuggle, retract, congregate, shrink
شانه خالی کردن از: shirk, shrink
منقبض کردن: condense, constrict, contract, compress, jam, shrink
فشردن: push, press, squeeze, crush, shrink, tighten
چروک کردن: ruff, shrink, pucker, ruffle
چروک شدن: pucker, shrivel, crease, constringe, shrink, tousle
اب رفتن: shrink
خزیدن: crawl, creep, slither, grovel, couch, shrink
noun - shrink
پزشک دیوانگان: shrink
verb - drown
غرق شدن: sink, drown, go down, merge
غرق کردن: drown, flood, drown, deluge, whelm
verb - complain
شکایت کردن: complain, bitch, repine
غرولند کردن: squawk, mutter, complain, murmur, snarl
نالیدن: whine, complain, grizzle, groan, grunt, snuffle
ناله و شکایت کردن: whine, whimper, complain, pule