4-A Flashcards
Running out
being finished, decreasing in amount; exhaustion, being used up; moving outdoors quickly
process of removing salt (usually from sea water)
noun - hurricane
طوفان: storm, flood, hurricane, typhoon, deluge, gale
گردباد: whirlwind, tornado, cyclone, typhoon, hurricane, twister
تندباد: hurricane, tempest
طوفان شدید: hurricane
noun - flood
سیل: flood, sill, deluge, spate, torrent, flux
طوفان: storm, flood, hurricane, typhoon, deluge, gale
رود: river, stream, flood
دریا: sea, holm, mare, flood, channel, mere
verb - flood
غرق کردن: drown, flood, drown, deluge, whelm
سیل گرفتن: flood
طغیان کردن: flood, mutiny, overflow, rebel, rise, uprise
noun - occurrence
وقوع: incidence, occurrence, outbreak, rede
رخداد: occurrence
اتفاق: happening, event, accident, occurrence, case, fluke
واقعه: event, incident, occurrence, rede
تصادف: accident, chance, coincidence, hit, incident, occasion
پیش امد: happening, accidence, accident, circumstance, event, exigence
روی داد: happening, event, circumstance, incident, occasion, occurrence
adjective - frequent
مکرر: frequent, repeated, repetitious, reiterated, endless, frequentative
تکرار شونده: frequent
زود زود: frequent
بسیار رخ دهنده: frequent
verb - frequent
تکرار کردن: repeat, replicate, iterate, frequent, ingeminate, reduplicate
رفت و آمد زیاد کردن در: frequent
• A cold wind is blowing.
باد سردی می وزد
noun - itch
خارش: itching, pruritus, itch, scabies, prurience, pruriency
جرب: itch, scab, scabies, mange
خارشک: itch, itching, prurience, pruriency, restlessness, scabies
خراش سوزن: itch
خنش: itch, itching, prurigo
verb - itch
خارش کردن: itch, scratch, tickle
خاریدن: itch, tickle
adjective - nuts
دیوانه: crazy, mad, insane, lunatic, nuts, nut
خل: crackpot, mad, nuts, dotty, flighty, queer
مجنون: insane, demented, lunatic, loco, crazy, nuts
adjective - unfavorable
نامساعد: unfavorable, bad, inimical, inadequate, uneven, unfair
بد: bad, evil, ill, icky, unfavorable, amiss
نا مطلوب: undesirable, unfavorable, unpleasant, unwanted, indign, noisome
بد قیافه: gaunt, unfavorable, forbidding, plain, unfavourable
نامیمون: ominous, inauspicious, unfavorable, sinister, unblessed, unfavourable
برعکس: unlike, inverse, unfavorable, unfavourable
زشت: ugly, hideous, bad, obscene, bawdy, unfavorable
adjective - irritable
تحریک پذیر: irritable
زود رنج: irritable, fractious, touchy, peevish, petulant, techy
کج خلق: sullen, testy, irritable, crabbed, peevish, querulous
تند مزاج: irritable, crabbed, peevish, touchy, hot, quick-tempered
noun - forecast
پیش بینی: forecast, anticipation, foresight, prognosis, prospect, prognoses
پیش بینی وضع وا یا حوادی: forecast
verb - forecast
پیش بینی کردن: foretaste, dope, anticipate, prognosticate, augur, forecast
طالع دیدن: forecast, foretell, soothsay, fortune-tell
از پیش اگاهی دادن یا حدی زدن: forecast
• The forecast calls for rain.
هواشناسی پیش بینی بارندگی کرده
verb - prolong
طولانی کردن: lengthen, prolong, extend, stretch out, draw out, elongate
امتداد دادن: prolong, stretch, eke out, elongate, prolongate, protract
دراز کردن: lengthen, extend, elongate, protract, porrect, prolong
امتداد یافتن: prolong, prolongate
بتاخیر انداختن: delay, hinder, prolong, prolongate, put over
بطول انجامیدن: prolong, prolongate
ممتد کردن: prolong
طول دادن: draw out, extend, prolong, protract
noun - exposure
ارائه: offer, presentation, offering, representation, exposure, showing
افشاء: disclosure, revelation, exposure, overture, divulgence, transpiration
در معرض گذاری: exposure, disposal
نمایش: display, presentation, show, exhibition, representation, exposure
اشکاری: lucidity, exposure, flagrance, flagrancy
noun - confinement
تحدید: limitation, restriction, confinement
بستری: hospitalization, confinement
زندان بودن: confinement
زایمان: childbirth, parturition, litter, confinement, accouchement, throe
Very likely to be influenced, harmed, or affected by someone or something
noun - exhibit
اثر نمایشی: exhibit
عمده دلالت کننده: exhibit
verb - exhibit
نمایش دادن: display, represent, exhibit, depict, perform, expose
ارائه دادن: give, present, render, bring forward, exhibit, hold forth
ابراز کردن: express, display, exhibit, show
در معرض نمایش قرار دادن: exhibit
noun - anxiety
اضطراب: anxiety, anguish, worry, ferment, unrest, commotion
نگرانی: worry, anxiety, solicitude, stew, pine, pother
تشویش: anxiety, perturbation, disquietude, inquietude, phobia
دلواپسی: anxiety, worry, inquietude, turpitude
اشتیاق: enthusiasm, thirst, longing, appetite, hunger, anxiety
اندیشه: thought, idea, notion, reflection, opinion, anxiety
غم: sorrow, grief, heartache, heartache, care, anxiety
ارنگ: anxiety
تمایل: tendency, sentiment, inclination, trend, would, anxiety
خوف: fear, dread, terror, awe, windup, anxiety
noun - lawn
چمن: grass, lawn, turf, sod, meadow, arbor
علفزار: meadow, lawn, pasture, veldt, lea, veld
مرغزار: meadow, grassland, lawn, callow, hayfield, mead
میدان گلف: lawn
noun - assault
حمله: attack, assault, offensive, offense, onslaught, rush
تجاوز: violation, assault, infringement, encroachment, transgression, attack
یورش: raid, assault, attack, onslaught, rush, offensive
حمله به مقدسات: assault
اظهار عشق: courtship, court, assault
verb - assault
تجاوز یا حمله کردن: assault
noun - annoyance
دلخوری: annoyance, offense, offence
رنجش: acrimony, resentment, pique, offense, annoyance, irritation
اذیت: harassment, harm, persecution, tease, annoyance, nuisance
ازار: hurt, harassment, persecution, nuisance, vexation, annoyance
ازردگی: annoyance, chagrin, irritation, vexation
سوزش: burning, irritation, sting, inflammation, smart pain, annoyance
verb - provoke
دامن زدن: provoke
تحریک کردن: stimulate, annoy, arouse, incense, agitate, provoke
بر انگیختن: prod, arouse, infuse, roust, excite, provoke
خشمگین کردن: anger, infuriate, vex, aggravate, make angry, provoke
بر افروختن: overheat, kindle, glow, enflame, enkindle, provoke
noun - burglary
دزدی: theft, stealing, robbery, burglary, thievery, embezzlement
noun - incentive
انگیزه: motivation, stimulant, motive, incentive, impetus, stimulus
adjective - incentive
مشوق: incentive, encouraging, challenging, exhorting, impellent
اتش افروز: incendiary, incentive, inflammatory, tindery
verb - boost
بالا بردن: raise, enhance, boost, boost, elevate, uplift
ترقی دادن: promote, boost, advance, meliorate, raise
زیاد کردن: increase, augment, raise, propagate, add, boost
بالا رفتن: climb, rise, up, lift, boost, ascend
جلو بردن: advance, feed, boost, further
کمک کردن: help, assist, aid, facilitate, boost, bestead
noun - boost
ترقی: progress, rise, development, promotion, advancement, boost
verb - broaden
وسیع کردن: broaden, enlarge, gum
پهن کردن: flatten, widen, muck, spread, broaden, dung
منبسط کردن: expand, stretch, amplify, broaden, dilate, distend
عریض کردن: widen, broaden
The process by which knowledge and understanding is developed in the mind
ادراک: perception, understanding, savvy, conception, cognition, realization
Drive sometime nuts
To make someone very angry or crazy
Below zero
زیر صفر
It’s below zero.(-10)
Degree of cold
⭕️ a little cold: cool
⭕️unpleasantly cold : chilly
⭕️very cold: freezing
⭕️(-10) : below zero
Degree of hot
⭕️ pleasant and not cold: mild
⭕️a pleasantly high temperature: warm
⭕️unpleasantly hot: boiling/scorching
Degree of raining/wet
⭕️warm and damp: humid
⭕️a little bit wet but not raining: damp
⭕️drizzling: raining lightly
⭕️raining intermittently: showers
⭕️raining a lot: pouring
به طور متناوب
Degree of windy
⭕️ a light wind: breeze
It is ticker
And can be found in towns and in the country
It is caused by pollution and usually occurs in big cities
It is’nt usually very thick
And often occurs in the mountains or near the ocean
Heat wave
A period of usually hot weather
A long,usually hot,dry period when there is little or no rain
Noun and verb
Small balls of ice that fill like rain
A flash of very bright light in the sky caused by electricity
آسمان غرش
Noun and verb
The loud noise that you hear during a storm
A snow storm with very strong winds
Noun and verb
When everything becomes covered with water
A violent storm with very strong winds
The season when it rains a lot in Southern Asia
noun - midday
ظهر: noon, midday, noonday, dinnertime, dinner hour, meridian
نیم روز: midday, noontime, noon, meridian, noontide, south
⭕️midday rest
استراحت وسط روز
● گهگاه،گاه گدار،نه همیشه،گاه و بیگاه،چند وقت یک بار،گهگاهی،سببی
their visits were occasional and brief
ملاقاتهای آنها چند وقت یک بار و مختصر بود.
there were occasional rains too
گاه و گداری باران هم میآمد.
he is an occasional smoker
او گهگاهی سیگار میکشد.
● به ندرت،کم
he takes an occasional leave of absence
او به ندرت از مرخصی بدون حقوق استفاده میکند.
● وابسته به یا در مواقع بخصوص،به مناسبت خاص،خاص
occasional verse
شعر ویژهی مواقع بخصوص
an occasional fisherman
کسی که گاهگاهی ماهیگیری میکند.
an occasional table
میزی که در مواقع بخصوص به کار میرود.
Associate with
مرتبط با
connect to, ally with, join or unite with
دیدار مناظر جالب: sightseeing
adjective - convenient
راحت: comfortable, convenient, well, comfy, straight, cozy
مناسب: suitable, appropriate, proper, convenient, adequate, fit
راه دست: convenient
Then toward the end of the September
به سمت اخرای سپتامبر میرفتیم
noun - creek
نهر: creek, stream, raceway, dyke, arroyo, dike
verb - roar
خروشیدن: cry, rage, roar, shout, bubble
غرش کردن: boom, roar, thunder
غریدن: rave, boom, fulminate, peal, roar, rumble
noun - boulder
تخته سنگ: slate, boulder, rock, crag, slab, bowlder
سنگ: stone, rock, boulder, calculus, flagstone
گرداله: boulder
n., adj.
● اطراف،مجاور،گرداگرد،سویها،پیرامن
Kashan and its surrounding villages
کاشان و دهات گرداگرد آن
● شدید،سخت،ستهم
severe difficulties
مشکلات شدید
severe cold
سرمای سخت
severe criticism
انتقاد شدید
a severe pain
درد شدید
adjective - intense
شدید: severe, intense, violent, drastic, intensive, vigorous
قوی: strong, powerful, potent, heavy, bouncing, intense
سخت: hard, difficult, tough, strict, rigid, intense
adjective - massive
عظیم: massive, great, enormous, tremendous, vast, immense
بزرگ: great, large, big, major, mighty, massive
کلان: huge, massive, immense, elephantine, galactic
حجیم: massive, voluminous, large, huge
گنده: unwieldy, huge, massive, lumpish
noun - blackout
خاموشی: silence, extinction, blackout, quiescence, reticence, still
خاموش شدن چراغ ها: blackout
قطع کامل برق: blackout
خاموشی شهر: blackout
خمود: pacification, assuagement, blackout, decrement, dying, extinction
adjective - blackout
متبادل: alternative, alternate, alternate, blackout, interchangeable, variant
adjective - fond
مایل: willing, oblique, wanting, inclined, wishing, fond
علاقمند: interested, concerned, fond, attached
عاشق: loving, fond, amorous, lovesome, lovey-dovey
شیفته: fond, preoccupied, gaga, mad, amorous, captive
مشتاق: eager, keen, enthusiastic, aspiring, avid, fond
خاطرخواه: fond, loving, keen
انس گرفته: fond
خواهان: demanding, asking, willing, wishing, requesting, fond
noun - sidewalk
پیاده رو: sidewalk, pavement, pedestrian, footpath, footer, walk
noun - upstate
شمال ایالت نیویورک: upstate
adjective - upstate
وابسته به بخش شمالی ایالت: upstate
I didn’t mind
• Do you mind if I smoke?
ناراحت نمی شوی اگر که سیگار بکشم؟
adjective - uneventful
بی حادثه: uneventful
بدون رویداد مهم: uneventful
Bent over
خم شدن
crouched, stooped, bowed, leaning over
adjective - slippery
لغزنده: slippery, lubricous, rattletrap, slippy, slithery
لیز: slippery, slick, slippy, glib, slithery, lubricious
لغزان: slippery, slippy, tumble-down
بی ثبات: unstable, instable, fickle, impermanent, slippery, shifting
دشوار: difficult, hard, tough, arduous, formidable, slippery
Drive up my driveway
verb - trudge
با خستگی راه رفتن: trudge
noun - wire
سیم: cord, wire, string, bream, line, silver
مفتول: wire
تلگراف: telegraph, dispenser, telegram, wire, telegraphy, cablegram
سیم تلگراف: wire, cable
verb - wire
مخابره کردن: transmit, dispatch, wire
مفتول کردن: wire
سیم کشی کردن: cable, wire
adjective - northeast
شمال شرقی: northeastern, northeast, northeastward
noun - northeast
شمال شرق: northeast
شمال خاوری: northeast
verb - postpone
عقب انداختن: postpone, delay, defer, put off
موکول کردن: adjourn, postpone
تاخیر کردن: delay, blench, dally, defer, lag, postpone
بتعویق انداختن: retard, postpone, defer, prorogate, prorogue
پست تر دانستن: postpone
موکول ببعد کردن: postpone
معوق کردن: postpone
معوق گذاردن: delay, postpone, put off, suspend
noun - shovel
بیل: shovel, spade
پارو: oar, shovel, paddle, snow shovel
بیلچه: shovel, spade, shim, dibber, dibble, paddle
خاک انداز: dustpan, shovel, scoop
کج بیل: hoe, scoop, scuttle, shovel, spud
verb - shovel
بیل زدن: spade, shovel, hack
با بیل کندن: spud, spade, shovel
انداختن: drop, throw, cast, put, launch, shovel