7-A:Dont Argue! Flashcards
بررسی کردن، تحقیق کردن، پژوهش
Fell through a hole
Rotten floor
adjective - rotten
فاسد: corrupt, rotten, evil, perverse, vicious, decayed
پوسیده: rotten, carious, corroded, rusty, frowsty, frowsy
خراب: spoiled, ruined, bad, devastated, impaired, rotten
زنگ زده: rusty, rotten
چروک: puckery, rotten, wizen
روبفساد: rotten
ضایع: spoiled, addle, damaged, decayed, rotten
She blamed her husband
مقصر دونستن، شرمنده کردن
Sugar cane
She threatened to attack him
verb - threaten
تهدید کردن: threaten, threaten, bullyrag, menace, overhang
ترساندن: scare, frighten, intimidate, terrorize, deter, threaten
تشر زدن: browbeat, threaten
کارد بزرگ و سنگین
سخنرانی دراز وشدیداللحن
Insults and swear words
noun - insult
توهین: insult, offense, abuse, libel, disparagement, flout
سب: curse, insult, abuse, blame, reproach, reproof
خواری: ignominy, abasement, poverty, insult, abjection, abuse
خون ریزی: bleeding, bloodshed, hemorrhage, haemorrhage, carnage, bloodbath
verb - insult
توهین کردن به: insult, abuse
بی احترامی کردن به: dishonor, insult, wrong, dishonour
خوار کردن: humiliate, debase, disgrace, blemish, reproach, affront
فحش دادن: cuss, swear, curse, abuse
noun - swear
سوگند: oath, swear, dick, vow, davy
ناسزا: profanity, swear, swearword, malison, blasphemy
عهد: covenant, era, promise, age, vow, swear
verb - swear
فحش دادن: cuss, swear, curse, abuse, insult
سوگند خوردن: oath, swear, adjure, vow
ناسزا گفتن: revile, curse, swear, vituperate
قسم دادن: adjure, swear
عهد کردن: engage, guarantee, oath, pledge, promise, swear
noun - intention
قصد: intention, intent, purpose, attempt, will, determination
مقصود: purpose, intention, goal, aim, meaning, object
منظور: purpose, end, intention, aim, objective, meaning
تصمیم: decision, intention, resolution, determination, resolve, ruling
عزم: determination, intention, resolution, decision, purpose, impetus
غرض: purpose, intention, motive, prejudice, grudge, partiality
مراد: meaning, purpose, intention, wish, aim, desire
عمد: purpose, intent, intention, premeditation, animus, aforethought
مفهوم: concept, sense, notion, meaning, implication, intention
خیال: imagination, phantom, illusion, thought, fiction, intention
فکر: thought, idea, opinion, notion, concept, intention
عزیمت: departure, going, flight,
noun - fury
خشم: anger, rage, wrath, fury, resentment, indignation
غضب: wrath, anger, fury, rage, exasperation, bate
شدت: intensity, severity, force, gravity, violence, fury
اضطراب: anxiety, anguish, worry, ferment, unrest, fury
غیظ: wrath, anger, fury, indignation, rage, dudgeon
هیجان شدید و تند: fury
درنده خویی: ferocity, rapacity, fury
روح انتقام: fury
اشوب: riot, tumult, unrest, turbulence, revolution, fury
adjective - explosive
منفجر شونده: explosive, eruptive
محترق: burning, combustible, explosive, inflammable, torrid
noun - confrontation
مواجهه: encounter, confrontation, meeting face to face
Retire into caves
Retire:منزوی شدن،کناره گیری کردن
Bring up relationship matters
verb - bring up
مطرح کردن: bring up, discuss, consider, moot, table, propound
پرورش دادن: foster, develop, bring up, breed
فرهیختن: bring up, educate, train
رشد دادن: bring up
پروردن: nurture, foster, breed, bring up, cherish, encourage
به طور متقاعد کننده
persuasively, in a convincing manner
noun - evidence
مدرک: evidence, evidence, proof, document, record, clue
گواه: witness, evidence, proof, voucher, testifier, warranter
گواهی: witness, evidence, certification, testimony, attestation, deposition
سند: document, instrument, deed, evidence, title deed, script
شهادت: testimony, martyrdom, witness, certification, evidence, attestation
سراغ: scouting, seeking, search, data, evidence, inquiry
verb - evidence
شهادت دادن: testify, witness, evidence, attest, affirm, testate
ثابت کردن: prove, demonstrate, evidence, freeze, ascertain, clinch
On the whole