1 Flashcards
noun - director
کارگردان: director
مدیر: manager, director, administrator, principal, moderator, foreman
رئيس: head, director, chairman, president, boss, superior
هدایتکننده: director
متصدی: operator, manager, director, foreman, chief, head
اداره کننده: director, regent
فرنشین: chairman, director
I don’t care
برام مهم نیست
غیر قابل بخشش
adjective - forgivable
قابل بخشایش: forgivable
بخشیدنی: forgivable, excusable, venial
بخشش پذیر: forgivable
قابل عفو: forgivable, venial
noun - punctuation
نقطه گذاری: punctuation
تاکید: emphasis, underscore, stress, affirmation, assertion, punctuation
نشان گذاری: notation, impression, mark sensing, punctuation
demonstrate [ˈdemənstreit]
♦ verb
1 to show clearly: This demonstrates his ignorance of the situation.
نشان دادن؛ آشکار کردن
2 to show how something works or is done: He demonstrated how the new vacuum cleaner worked.
نشان دادن
3 to express an opinion (usually political) by marching, showing banners etc in public: A crowd collected to demonstrate against the new taxes.
تظاهرات کردن
♦ noun
1 a display or exhibition (of how something works etc ): I’d like a demonstration of this dishwasher.
نمایش طرز کار
2 (also ˈdemo [ˈdemou] – plural ˈdemos ) a public expression of opinion by holding meetings and processions, showing placards etc .
♦ noun
1 a person who takes part in a public demonstration.
تظاهر کننده
2 a teacher or assistant who helps students with practical work.
♦ adjective,
♦ pronounany one of the words this, *that, *these or those
طورمقتضی، بمناسبت، به اقتضا، بطوردرخورمناسب
Appropriately for an interview
Grab a cup of coffee
یک فنجان قهوه بالا کشیدن
eliminate [iˈlimineit]
♦ verb
to get rid of; to omit or exclude: He was eliminated from the tennis match in the first round.
حذف کردن؛ دفع کردن
♦ noun
حذف؛ نابودی
Slouched back
slouch [slautʃ]
♦ verb
to sit, move or walk with shoulders rounded and head hanging: He slouched sulkily out of the room; He was slouching in an armchair.
قوز كردن
• The leaning tower of Pisa is taller than the church.
برج خمیده پیزا از کلیسا بلندتر است
Tend to
تمایل به
محکم،قابل اعتماد
bloom [bluːm]
♦ noun
1 a flower: These blooms are withering now.
شکوفه؛ غنچه
2 the state of flowering: The flowers are in bloom.
شکفتن؛ غنچه کردن
3 freshness: in the bloom of youth.
عنفوان؛ اوج
♦ verb
to flower or flourish: Daffodils bloom in the spring.
شکفتن؛ گل دادن
adjective - persistent
مداوم: continuous, ongoing, continuing, steady, persistent, unremitting
مقاوم: resistant, resisting, refractory, persistent, insistent, opposing
ماندگار: persistent, indelible, immanent, continuous, constant, perdurable
مزمن: chronic, persistent
مصر: insistent, persistent, unrepentant, demanding, urging, exacting
سمج: stubborn, persistent, importunate, insisting, pertinacious
پایا: lasting, stable, perennial, persistent, durable, permanent
لجوج: stubborn, obstinate, dour, opinionated, dogged, persistent
ایستادگی کننده: persistent
survive [səˈvaiv]
♦ verb
1 to remain alive in spite of (a disaster etc ): Few birds managed to survive the bad winter; He didn’t survive long after the accident.
زنده ماندن
2 to live longer than: He died in 1940 but his wife survived him by another twenty years; He is survived by his wife and two sons.
بيشتر عمر كردن
♦ noun
the state of surviving: the problem of survival in sub-zero temperatures; (also adjective ) survival equipment.
♦ adjective
remaining alive: She has no surviving relatives.
زنده ماندن
♦ noun
a person who survives a disaster etc : There were no survivors of the air crash.
كسيكه خطر مرگ از سر گذرانده
♦ verb
to get or take out of a dangerous situation, captivity etc : The lifeboat was sent out to rescue the sailors from the sinking ship.
نجات دادن
♦ noun
(an) act of rescuing or state of being rescued: The lifeboat crew performed four rescues last week; After his rescue, the climber was taken to hospital; They came quickly to our rescue.
♦ noun
نجات دهنده
remedy [ˈremədi]– plural ˈremedies –
♦ noun
a cure for an illness or something bad: I know a good remedy for toothache.
درمان؛ علاج
♦ verb
to put right: These mistakes can be remedied.
جبران کردن
remedial [rəˈmiːdiəl]
♦ adjective
able to, or intended to, put right or to correct or cure: She does remedial work with the less clever children; remedial exercises.
درمانی؛ اصلاحی؛ ترمیمی
Rescue remedy
♦ verb
1 to estimate or judge the quality or quantity of: Can you assess my chances of winning?
برآورد کردن؛ ارزیابی کردن
2 to estimate in order to calculate tax due on: My income has been assessed wrongly.
مالیات بستن
♦ noun
♦ noun
Follow up
verb - follow up
پی گیری کردن: follow up, pursue
تعقیب کردن: pursue, chase, follow, chevy, sue, follow up
دنباله داستان را شرح دادن: follow up