9/26 Flashcards
causes of high output heart failure
anemia, hyperthyroidism, beriberi, Pagets, AV fistulas
screening for bladder cancer
dont do it, not recommended
preventricular beats and syncope
not associated
cyclical fever classic for
charcot-Brouchard aneurysms
lenticulostriate vessels of internal capsule caused by hypertension
triad in gonococcal arthritis
tenosynovitis, dermatitis, and asymmetric migratory polyarthritis
long term survival in COPD
oxygen therapy
reduction of calcium in pt w/ metastatic bone cancer
most common cause of stent thrombus post MI
medication noncompliance
de quervian tenosinovitis
pain in new mothers from holding babies with oustrtched thumb
single vs multiple ring enhancing lesions
multiple = toxo single = absecess
pain with light touch, can be seen in thalmic stroke
writhing movements like in CP
painless jaundice
pancreatic cancer
suspect in young person with 2/3 AV block
CT in cholangitis
common bile duct dialation
requirement in hypothyroid with estrogen therapy
increase thyroid meds, more TBG
blistering in untreated hep C
porphyria cutanea tarda
heart failure symptoms with nondilated LV, with LV hypertrophy and no HTN, suspect
gray mucosal patches
causes of thyroid storm
thyroid surgery, iodine load, illness, childbirth
crepitus with knee movement
back pain worse with lying down
spinal cord compression