8A) Antenatal Care: Breech and ECV Flashcards
Incidence of breech presentation at term
Proportion of breech presentations at term which are undetected until labour
Proportion of breech presentations which will spontaneously vert after 36 weeks
Perinatal mortality associated with breech, CS, cephalic and VBAC
CS breech 0.5/1000
Cephalic NVD 1/1000
Breech VD 2/1000
VBAC 1.4/1000
Factors contributing to reduced risk of perinatal mortality in breech CS
- Delivery at 39 weeks (reduces perinatal mortality by 1/1000)
- Avoidance of intrapartum events
- Avoidance of vaginal breech delivery
Risk factors for breech presentation
Nulliparity Previous breech (recurrence rate 10%) Uterine anomalies Preterm Congenital anomalies
Factors that mean CS should be recommended
- Hyperextended neck
- EFW >3.8kg or <10th centile
- Footling breech
- Antenatal compromise
Management of breech presenting in labour
If at or close to second stage, CS should not routinely be recommended.
If time allows then scan and counsel as for antenatal breech presentation.
Management of labour in breech presentation
- Not for IOL
- Augmentation only if <4:10 contractions in presence of epidural
- Slow progress —> offer CS
- Passive second stage until buttocks on perineum and then can start active pushing
- Hands off approach
- Intervention if: fetal compromise, delay >5min from buttocks to head or >3min from umbilicus to head
Techniques for breech delivery
Lovett Maneouvre for delivery of unchallenged arms once scapula visible.
Mauriceau-Smelie-Veit manoeuvre for delivery of head.
Bracht manoeuvre - once umbilicus delivered, keep fetal legs flexed on to abdomen and without traction bring baby up against symphysis pubis with suprapubic pressure.
Risk of head entrapment in preterm vaginal breech liveries
In what percentage of twin pregnancies is the second twin non-vertex at the time of delivery
Success rate for ECV
40% primip, 60% multip
Percentage of babies that revert to breech after successful ECV
Percentage of babies that spontaneously vert after unsuccessful ECV
Benefits of ECV
- Reduces risk of CS
- Labour after ECV may be associated with slightly increased rate of CS or instrumental delivery
Factors which improve chance of success of ECV
Multiparity Complete breech AFI >10 Tocolysis Posterior placenta Breech not engaged and head palpable Maternal weight < 65kg
Timing of ECV
From 36 primip and 37 multip
Contraindications to ECV
Placental abruption Severe PET Abnormal CTG CS otherwise indicated Ruptured membranes Vaginal bleeding last 7 days Multiple pregnancy (except after delivery first twin)
Caution with oligohydramnios or hypertension.
Risk of CS within 24 hours of ECV
Sensitivity of abdominal palpating for detecting breech presentation
May promote spontaneous version 33-35 weeks.