10/11) Labour & Delivery - PPROM Flashcards
Incidence of PPROM
3% of pregnancies
What percentage of preterm births are associated with PPROM?
Risk of serious neonatal infection after PPROM
1% (compared to 0.5% without PPROM)
How to confirm diagnosis of PPROM?
Maternal history and sterile speculum.
If liquor not seen then IGFBP-1 or PAMG-1 test of vaginal fluid.
How often is speculum examination equivocal in PPROM?
How often should maternal observations and FHR be auscultation in PPROM?
Every 4-8 hours.
Pattern of WCC changes after steroids
Rises in 24h after steroids but settles by D3
Recurrence rate of PPROM
7-9x more likely
Median latency of labour after PPROM
7 days
Percentage of patients labouring within 24 hours of PPROM
Antibiotics in PPROM
Erythromycin 250mg QDS 10 days or until in established labour (Penicillin is an alternative if required)
Benefits of erythromycin
Reduces rates of chorioamnionitis and number of babies born within 24 hours
When to give steroids in PPROM?
Give up to 33+6 and consider up to 35+6
When to give MgSO4 in PPROM?
Give up to 29+6 and consider up to 33+6
Role of tocolysis in PPROM
Not recommended as increases risk of chorio
Rates of PTSD after PPROM
14% (compared to 2% without PPROM)
When to deliver PPROM?
If no contraindication then expectant management until 37 weeks. If GBS then consider from 34 weeks.