12) Postnatal Care - Sepsis in pregnancy and postpartum Flashcards
Definition of sepsis
Infection + SIRS
Definition of severe sepsis
Sepsis + organ dysfunction/hypoperfusion
Mortality rate associated with severe sepsis
Definition of septic shock
Hypoperfusion despite fluid resuscitation
Mortality rate associated with septic shock
Risk factors for sepsis in pregnancy
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Immunosuppression
- Anaemia
- Vaginal discharge
- Pelvic infection
- GBS infection
- GAS in close contacts
- Amniocentesis/other invasive procedures
- Cervical cerclage
- Prolonged SROM
Postnatal: Vaginal trauma Caesarean section Wound haematoma RPOC
When should Abx given?
Broad spectrum within 1 hour of recognition of severe sepsis.
What fluid resuscitation?
If hypotension/lactate >4 then an initial minimum 20mL/kg crystalloid.
Target MAP if using vasopressors
Target central venous pressure
Target central venous O2 sats and target mixed venous O2 sats
Central venous >70%
Mixed venous 65%
When should lactate be done?
Within 6 hours of suspected severe sepsis
When should blood cultures be done?
Prior to Abx (but don’t delay waiting for results)
What lactate value indicates tissue hypoperfusion?
Most common organisms in pregnant women dying of sepsis
E. Coil
Group A Strep
What organisms does co-amoxiclav not cover?
MRSA and pseudomonas
What organisms does metronidazole cover?
Anaerobes only
What does Clindamycin do?
Covers most Gram +vets and also anaerobes. Switches off exotoxins production.
What does tazocin/meropenem not cover?
What does gentamicin not cover?
Strep & Anaerobes.
When can intravenous immunoglobulin be used?
Severe invasive strep or staph infection if other therapies have failed.
What constitutes maternal pyrexia in labour?
Temp >38 or >37.5 on 2 occasions 2 hours apart
When to do continuous CTG in labour?
Presence of maternal pyrexia or sepsis
Notification/contacts for GAS
Invasive GAS notifiable. Household contacts should seek medical attention if symptoms develop - may warrant antibiotic prophylaxis. Healthcare workers exposed to respiratory secretions should be considered for Abx prophylaxis.
What percentage of pharyngitis is caused by GAS?
What are the Centor criteria for antibiotics in pharyngitis?
Tonsillitis exudate
No cough
Tender anterior cervical lymphadenopathy
Red flag triggers for sepsis
Pyrexia > 38 HR > 90 RR > 20 Abdo/chest pain Diarrhoea/vomiting Uterine/renal angle pain + tenderness Generally unwell/unduly anxious/upset
Diagnostic criteria for staphylococcal toxic shock
(Probable = 4/5 criteria met, Confirmed=all 5 criteria met)
- Fever >= 39.9
- Diffuse macular erythroderma
- Desquamation (10-14d after onset of illness)
- Hypotension (systolic < 90mmHg)
- Three or more of the following systems involved:
- GI - vomiting/diarrhoea
- Muscular - myalgia or elevated CK
- Mucous membranes - vaginal/oropharyngeal/conjunctival hyperaemia
- Renal - Cr 2 x ULN
- Hepatic - Bilirubin 2 x ULN
- Haematological - Platelets <100
- CNS - disorientation or altered consciousness
Criteria for diagnosis of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome
Probable - meets clinical case definition plus isolation from no-sterile site (throat, vagina, sputum)
Definite - meets clinical case definition plus isolation from sterile site (blood, CSF, peritoneal fluid, tissue biopsy)
- Hypotension
- Two or more of:
- Renal impairment Cr >176
- Coagulopathy platelets <100 or DIC
- Liver (ALT/AST/Bili 2 x ULN)
- Generalised erythematous macular rash (10%) - may desquamate
- Soft tissue necrosis (nec fas, myositis, gangrene)
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Temperature.
> 38
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: HR
> 100
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: RR
> 20
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Fluid balance
Positive fluid balance >20ml/kg over 24 hours
Oliguria <0.5ml/kg/hr for at least 2 hours
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Glucose
Plasma glucose >7.7 (in the absence of diabetes)
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: WCC
> 12
Normal but with >10% immature forms
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: CRP
> 7
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Blood pressure
Systolic <90
MAP <70
Systolic pressure decrease >40
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Lactate
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Arterial oxygen
PaO2/FiO2<40kPa (severe if <33.3 in absence of pneumonia or 26.7 in presence of pneumonia)
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Creatinine
Rise of >44.2
overall >176 (Severe)
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Coagulation
INR >1.5, APTT >60s
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Platelets
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Bilirubin
> 70
Guideline diagnostic criteria for sepsis: Bowels