10/11) Labour & Delivery - PTB Flashcards
Prevention of PTB:
(1) History of PTB + short CL
(2) History of PTB + normal CL
(3) History of 2nd trimester miscarriage + short CL
(4) History of 2nd trimester miscarriage + normal CL
(5) No history + short CL
(6) History of PPROM + short CL
(7) History of cervical trauma + short CL
(1) OFFER Suture or progesterone
(2) CONSIDER progesterone
(3) OFFER Suture or progesterone
(4) CONSIDER Progesterone
(5) CONSIDER Progesterone
(6) CONSIDER Suture
(6) CONSIDER Suture
When to consider rescue cerclage?
16-27+6 with dilated cervix, intact membranes and no bleeding/infection/contractions
How to diagnose PTL?
If <30 weeks - Treat as TPTL
If >30 weeks
(1) Cervical length scan - if <15mm treat as PTL
(2) If cervical length scan unavailable then do fFN - if >50 treat as PTL
(3) If neither available - treat as PTL
First line tocolysis
When to offer tocolysis?
Consider 24-25+6
Offer 26+0-33+6
When to offer steroids?
Discuss 23-23+6
Consider 24-25+6
Offer 26+0-33+6
Consider 34+0-35+6
When to offer MgSO4?
Offer 24+0-29+6
Consider 30+0-33+6
Monitoring during PTB
Offer either CTG/IA
Try to avoid FSE <34 weeks and ideally <37
No FBS <34, discuss it up to 37
When to consider CS for breech PTB?
Consider 26+0 onwards
How long to delay cord clamping for?
Ideally 30s-3 minutes if mother and baby well but otherwise milk cord and clamp immediately.
Indications for trans abdominal cervical cerclage
- Grossly disrupted cervix
- Absent vaginal cervix
- Previous failed elective vaginal cerclage
Successful pregnancy rate for trans abdominal open cervical sutures
Timing of trans abdominal cerclage to improve outcomes
Fetal loss rate associated with trans abdominal cerclage
Conversion rate to laparotomy for laparoscopic abdominal cerclage
- 1st: Due to bleeding uterine vessels
- 2nd: Due to poor visualisation from obesity
Incidence of preterm birth
What is cerebral palsy the most common cause of?
Severe physical disability in childhood
What is the most common pattern of CP seen secondary to prematurity?
What percentage of cases of CP are due to preterm delivery?
What percentage of cases of CP due to preterm delivery have experienced a perinatal insult?
What are the two patterns of CNS injury underlying CP?
- Intraventricular haemorrhage
- Periventricular leucomalacia (white matter injury)
What is the main CNS injury affecting preterm infants with CP?
Periventricular leucomalacia
What percentage of infants <1500g have PVL?
What percentage of infants <1500 with PVL will later develop CP or cognitive/behavioural defects?
10% CP
50% cognitive and behavioural defects
What percentage of preterm infants show impairments in fine motor skills?
What percentage of infants have developmental coordination disorder?
What percentage of infants have visual impairment?
3% (50% if PVL)
What percentage of infants have hearing impairment?
Risk of CP at term, 32-37 weeks, 28-31 weeks and 22-27 weeks?
Term: 0.1%
32-37 weeks: 0.7%
28-32 weeks: 6.2%
22-27 weeks: 14.6%
What percentage of women receiving MgSO4 experience side effects?
What are the main side effects of MgSO4?
Hypotension + tachycardia, facial flushing, nausea + vomiting.
Benefit of MgSO4
Reduced risk of cerebral palsy and substantial gross motor dysfunction
NNT with MgSO4 at <30 weeks and 32-34 weeks
<30 weeks: NNT 46
32-34 weeks: NNT 56
How much MgSO4 aiming for before delivery?
4 hours
Which gestations are referred to by “threshold of viability”?
22+0 to 25+6
Percentage of live births at each gestation 22-26 weeks
Overall: 87% live birth rate
22 weeks: 55% 23 weeks: 80% 24 weeks: 90% 25 weeks: 95% 26 weeks: 98%
Percentage of 28 day survival at each gestation 22-26 weeks
Overall: 57%
22 weeks: 3% 23 weeks: 25% 24 weeks: 50% 25 weeks: 75% 26 weeks: 80%
What antibiotics should be given to PTB?
IV Ben Pen
Likelihood of classical CS being required at 24/28/30 weeks gestation
24 weeks: 20%
28 weeks: 10%
30 weeks: <5%
What is the threshold birthweight?
<500g only resus after very careful consideration
Monitoring in labour with extreme prematurity?
Only if you are going to act on abnormalities
Incidence of head entrapment with breech 24-27 weeks
10% Vaginal
5% CS
Delayed cord clamping in extreme prematurity?
Milking cord x 4 has similar benefits