8.9 Passenger Handling Flashcards
PIC PA must make reference to safety briefing by ISM.
ISM may do safety briefing without consult of PIC, if these three things satisfied:
1) doors are closed
2) PIC has made welcome PA
3) all passengers seated
If you intend to make PA after push back, you should inform ISM.
What is the latest she will wait before playing Safety video?
If PIC commences pushback without making PA, the ISM will start the safety briefing.
Should you say “ladies and gentlemen” during PA?
Doesn’t specifically say no, but it says that gender inclusive language should be used in PA’s.
In the event of technical or extended delays, when should the first PA be made and when to update?
The first PA should be within 30 minutes of delay start.
Updates no more than 30 min apart.
More likely:
Asap, with updates every 20 min
Ground delays require PA updates. How many minutes after engine start ?
If AC delayed more than 5 min after engine start, PA update.
Updates should be no more than 20 minutes apart.
USA and canada flights require an extra portion of PA…
It is a FAA requirement for me to tell you that all passengers shall not congregate in groups in any area of the cabin, especially around toilets or aisles.
What is EMI and what to do if encounter?
Electro magnetic interference.
Affects comm and nav systems.
If have confirmed or suspected EMI event, normally need all pax to turn it PED.
Comm with ism and PA
Requires ASR
What to do if passenger loses phone under seat?
-Do not move seat electronically or manually.
-Might crush and cause fire.
-May be necessary to move passenger.
-Inform flight deck.
Are small
Powered self balancing scooters allowed in cargo hold?
Not allowed in cabin or checked bag.
Medical scenario on ground, can PIC refuse?
Pic May refuse any person for reasons of safety or security without necessarily giving a reason.
Explanation may be required after.
Drugs or alcohol involved, company employee shall attempt to get written statement from independent witness.
If do a medical diversion for a specific passenger, but then they are ok, can they continue onwards?
Complete a MEDA clearance before allowed to continue on CPA
Who should you contact in the air if passenger sick, or flight crew sick?
Pax: MEDLINK (satcom)
Flight crew:
Duty Doctor through IOC
Can passengers travel with peanut allergy?
Required to contact cx for MEDA clearance at least 72 hours before.
Upgrading not an option as doesn’t solve issue.
Passengers with strange medical requests or issues, can ask if they have filed for a?
Allows cx to check with physician if passenger fit to fly.
If suspected infectious decease, what should you do?
On ground and in flight, message MEDLINK.
38 degrees or greater AND one or more of many symptoms
If suspected infectious disease confirmed by MEDLINK, what is pilot next action?
Inform IOC and request they inform destination.
Pull out for info required.
Near TOD and no time to call MEDLINK, what to do if suspect infect disease?
Worst case scenario, inform ATC “suspected case of infectious disease”
Medical emergencies, who should the cockpit crew contact?
MEDLINK, usually as phone patch through IOC.
Cabin crew will do by themselves through their air phone. If all attempts fail, they will request flight crew to do it.
Does the ism need to inform flight crew in case of medical emergency?
ISM shall inform flight crew and give regular updates.
Should you listen to medical practitioner on board, or MEDLINK?
If medical diversion may be needed, what should pilots do?
Flight crew:
Give IOC our preferred diversion ports, time to get there and current position.
Best medical facilities.
(Suitability of airport rests on PIC)
Who should you contact in case of crew incapacitation?
IOC patch to:
CPA aviation medical doctor
Diversion due to illness, requirement to send IOC what info?
Passenger details, destination, ETA
How many government appointed doctors are there at HKIA?
Therefore, if medical emergency, request ambulance via IOC or ATC.
MEDLINK insists on a diversion airport; who has full responsibility of final airport chosen for diversion.
PIC sole responsibility of suitability of diversion airport.
When should you contact MEDLINK?
Pax or crew:
Med problem, allergic reaction, epilepsy, burns to infants or children, which require further medical assist.
Crew member removed from duty due medical
Cabin crew had called for a doctor on board.
Following first aid
Suspected infectious disease
Should the ism inform pic if any crew or passenger have been burned?
Prior to using the medical kit, what should be done?
Inform PIC
If med kit given to suitable person, and they want Indemnity form,
It can be signed by PIC at
Does the apparent death of a passenger in flight warrant a diversion?
Life saving purpose only.
Drop off dead body could mean huge problems with local police and investigation.
Who should you inform if you have an apparent death in flight?
Arriving ATC with ambulance, in order to pronounce dead.
Should a passenger be pronounced dead in flight?
Request ambulance on arrival.
Can passengers disembark if you have an apparent death in flight?
Passenger or crew not allowed to leave until authorised by Port Medical Officer.
Are passengers allowed to bring their own oxygen bottles?
Only cx supplied O2 allowed.
Considered Dangerous Good.
Just know this is hear.
UM or unaccompanied Minors is for what age?
Different rules for
12-18 (can choose to be treated as adult)
Know it’s here.
Who is responsible for passengers requiring special assistance?
Airport staff will ensure regulations are complied with prior to accepting pax for carriage.
What is CJR?
Customer Journey Recovery team.
(Within IOC)
Ism with call of:
Question about disability pax
Airport staff and cabin crew disagree
Pic has overriding decision over CJR but they should take all info into account.
Wheelchair passengers and the type of wheelchair they have will be listed where?
ISM has the PIL (pax info list)
Section 9 Ops manual (DG)
What to do if scenario where wheelchair passenger has battery powered wheelchair or mobility aid?
Should be on load sheet and SI
Make it ISM and Ground staff problem.
Know there is section in
ops A for definitions.
What is the max battery power for lithium ION battery powered wheel chair?
Who cares!
Look it up.
What should flight crew do if pax complaint directly about disability or mobility aids?
Refer them to ISM or station manager
Can a flight crew decide to refuse a disable passenger?
- should avoid getting involved. Listen and direct to appropriate person.
CAN refuse if safety or security a concern.
If so, submit CAR line operations with details.
How will we know if we are carrying f a VIP?
ISM will most likely tell you.
ACARS report
Can PIC upgrade someone?
AOM/MOD or PIC may upgrade before passenger boarding if:
Commercially important person
Director of civil aviation of a country we fly to.
If the PIC decides an upgrade is operationally necessary. delay or diversion
Delay apparent after passenger boarding, how long of a delay would warrant deplaning?
Expected to exceed 2 hours
(Consider deplaning)
Arrival or departure on ground, delay expected to exceed 4 hours, what to do.
Consult IOC
Consider deplaning.
In case of big ground delays, who should be involved in coordination?
Ground staff
Service providers
Im event of diversion, should Pax get off.
No. Not at offline port delay or diversion.
Pic and ISM should developed a plan.
Consult IOC
PA based on delay should be made when?
Within 30 min of start of delay.
Updates no more than 30 min.
Offline diversion, can ask for provisions, like?
Turn around less than 5 hours
Greater than 5 hours
Meal phone IFE amenities
Holding lounge
See chapter
Who has overall authority during diversion to offline port?
Liaise with IOC
Is the ism required to inform PIC when passenger boarding commencing?
Pic should inform ism asap if passenger boarding is to be delayed.
Report of lost or stolen goods onboard? Should pic report?
But yes, can report, send ACARS with relevant details.
If passenger loses something and wants local authorities to get involved?
Many points, but make announcement saying nobody can get off and this is not the choice of CX.
Can passenger use seat whose back seat cannot be locked?
Cannot be locked upright for take off and landing, passenger to be reseated.
Even if this means upgrade or downgrade.