What weather needs to be taken into account at dispatch for DESTINATION, TO ALT, DEST ALT, EDTO enroute alt?
60 min before and after ETA
- tempo and inter
- Prob 40
- mean wind strength
- WIND GUSTS (except for destination)
What weather conditions can be ignored for destination alternate? (
TEMPO, INTER, PROB 40 may be ignored as long as they are above the Table A or B planning minima for destination alt.
What weather can be ignored completely?
Planning minima for destination aerodromes? Vis or ceiling?
RVR and Vis (LVO may be used if available, crew capable, and aircraft equipped)
(Ceiling only for NPA, at or above MDA)
If below landing minima: require 2 alternates with fuel for farthest.
Take off Alternate required when weather at departure aero drone is below min for landing. Within how many nm?
Twin Engine: 400nm (one hour)
Four engine: 960Nm (2 hours)
There is a note, that maximum EDTO distance can be used if no airport can be found within these distances.
Ops8.5 EDTO max div dist.
Do Accel and EO accel heights need to be Temperature corrected for cold weather?
Opt uses input temperature to calculate
(MAA EO accel however, is not calc)
Does an adequate airport take into account weather?
Adequate means, RWY, equip, ATC, NAV aids, RFF
Does a suitable airport take into account weather
Wx, type of aircraft, CX ops
PCN (pavement Classification number)
-If airport is included in chart database, it is good for unlimited use.
- if on fire, go anywhere, pavement class doesn’t matter.
Cat A airports
PIC May operate with no restriction
(All in OM part C that aren’t classified as Cat B C or X)
Cat B airports
Need one or more:
Audio visual
Self brief (need more than self brief if asterisk)
Only one CAT C airport
Cannot be used as DEst or Alternate.
Pic can operate based on self brief.
Basically shemya, adak etc.
Min ARFF for destination
(Notam down to 7 ok)
Min ARFF for alternate or takeoff alternate
(Notam down to 5 ok)
Min ARFF for nominated enroute airport or EDTO alternate
ARFF category is based on what?
Length of aircraft
-800 is 250’ (cat 10)
777 is
Can flight to aerodrome without instrument approach aid be conducted?
PIC SHALL not plan a flight to aeriodome with no inst app.
(Except with permit from DFO)
With regards to minima, which category do we use?
Cat D, based on all our aircraft final approach speed.
Can we do GLS
Australia mostly.
-800, not ERF
Which minima shall be used out of all categories?
CAT D minima
(Based on all our aircraft final approach speed)
Where then RVR is not available, what becomes limiting?
The VIS will become limiting in the same manner as RVR.
CMV is what?
When RVR is different to VIS
Converted Meteo VIs (table available)
Basically, if it’s limiting and there is no RVR available.
Conversion using this table is not to be used when:
-Calc takeoff min
-Calculating RVR minima less than 800M
- when reported RVR is available
Can you takeoff with RVR below min?
No, PIC may not commence take off when RVR or cloud ceiling where required, is below.
Pic May count runway lights visible from aircraft, provided spacing is known (ICAO IS 60M spacing)
If counting, they must be able TABLE IN OPS A, not port page)
If counting runway edge lights for a take off with no RVR, how many should you see?
If edge lights and centreline: (200m)
If LVO take off, with no reported Take off min, but vis reported in TDZ is below required in Table in OPS A, can you go?
The TDZ reported vis/RVR is allowed to be replaced by a visual inspection in this case.
USA take off min, usually in port page.
If two RVR readings are available and controlling, but the Rollout or TDZ RVR are not available, can you go?
Note one, says mid zone can be used to substitute.
Australia Takeoff Min applicable when RVR’s below ?
If take off alt used, three points apply:
Must be on flight plan
Weather above planning min for take off alt.
Consideration of engine out climb for obstacles and terrain
Weather consideration for TO alt, Dest, dest alt and EDTO alt must be considered with what time frame?
Plus or minus 60 min of ETA
If weather looking tight, where to find if within limits? flight planning Min to be used
Does wind gust need to be considered for weather planning?
Yes, except for Destination
Tempo, inter, temp 40 are not good for Dest Alternate and or Isolated Dest. What to do?
As long as they are above min in Table A, can be ignored.
Just know this table is here, so you can refer to it when weather bad.
What defines an Isolated aerodrome?
Flying time to the nearest suitable alternate is more than 1.5 hours.
Can drop alternate if:
Weather above isolated airport min
Alternate fuel will be 2 hours flying time (inclusive of Reserve)
PNR indicated on OFP
We have three online ports that are considered Isolated. What are they?
What min weather must there be at the departure port if take off alternate not going to be used at planning stage?
- Landing min RVR
- if NPA, ceiling as well.
- LVO may be used. However, consider aircraft state and equipment.
Min weather required at Dest?
Consider all weather, except prob30.
Must be above landing min RVR
IF NPA, ceiling at or above MDA
If below, need two Dest alt, with enough fuel for farthest one!
Take off alternate min distance?
2 engine : 400 NM
4 engine: 960 Nm
If none within this distance, max distance may increase if EDTO flight.
Planning minima for Dest Alternate and Isolated Aerodromes are the same. Where to find?
Just know this is here, if weather close.
And know that it’s diff for USA Canada and world.
Planning minim for EDTO airports time frame?
60 min before earliest eta
And up to
60 minutes after last eat ETA
USA vs World
Non EDTO enroute alternates:
Need to stay within how many nm?
60 min of an adequate airport for twin engines (one engine speed)
180 min all engine on 4 engine of adequate airport
Adequate airport does not take into account weather!
Just open and serviceable
Where to find effect of downgraded equipment on LVO min?
JEPPS, General airway, ATC
Aerodrome operating min - EASA
When to use D-ATIS auto update function ?
- Holding at destination due adverse weather
- make sure to turn it off before leaving aircraft.
SNOWTAM decode?
Russia and world - FD Pro
(General airway manual- Tables and codes, MET)
Japan: Ops A
(Or just use NEW APP)
Reasons for a PIREP?
- unforecast weather condition
- VA observed or encountered
- security breach that threaten aircraft or passengers
- wild life (Birds etc)
- facilities and infrastructure (braking action, ILS not working)
- lasers
- unmanned drones
- ELT broadcast
- if Windshear reported for arrival or departure, PIC SHALL INFORM, asap if none was encountered.
SNOWTAM validity:
Max 8 hours
Where to find SNOWTAM info?
JEPPS and Ops A
Zero fuel weight change and you want to adjust the fuel accordingly which correction do you use?
CORR LNDG figure 
Zero fuel weight has changed, but you do not wish to change the total fuel. How do you change the trip fuel?
Multiply the difference in ramp weights by the CORR RAMP
8.1 ops A p86
Your plan is to takeoff at Max takeoff weight, then the fuel weight drops by three tons, but you want to keep the maximum amount of fuel so you top it up to takeoff weight how do you adjust the fuel?
No adjustment for trip fuel, as the ramp weight stays the same.
You use the EFF desired fuel figure in automatic how do you make sure that the trip fuel is correct? 
If changing the desired fuel off block:
Compare the two ramp weights and then adjust Trip using ramp correction.
If changing the desired fuel on landing :
Using EFF landing: can use same method as above comparing ramp weight and multiplying by ramp correction
What is the minimum MRA value shown on the OFP legs?
What has more terrain clearance digital EDG or the OFPMRA? ?
D- EDG gives 3500’ terrain clearance for terrain above 8000’.
So if d-edg is showing 10,000’, this means terrain is below 7000’.
Highest terrain clearance for OFP MRA and Grid MRA is 2000’ for terrain above 5000’.
Operating a CAT B sector, do you need to take the full amount?
8.1 page 39 note 4
PIC Should adjust the total fuel accordingly on receipt of the final ZFW.
Beware of Max takeoff and Max Landing weight
When conducting a cat B sector, why is there usually one ton of extra fuel on the OFP ?
OMA 8.1 page 39
10 minutes of extra fuels automatically included (operational hankering)
No extra fuel added for dynamic tankering.
Is standby figure required for every flight? What is used these days? page 40
Recommended for all flight.
Eff auto standby is 5.0T.
Otherwise, use something like 3.0T long haul and maybe 1.0T regional.
Based on potential 10.0T ZFW change.